Not to rub it in or anything, but as this post is going live I’m in route heading to Cancun, Mexico for a week of:

A.  Vitamin D intoxication
B.   Poolside reading
C.   Crushing fresh guacamole and chips. And tacos. And nachos.*
D.  Tequila**
E.   Reacting scenes from the movie Desperado. FYI:  any guy who was a teenager when this movie came out, knows EXACTLY why this movie rules. Hint:  Salma Hayek

Suffice it to say, it’s going to be hoooooooooooot, and Lisa, a Florida girl, is going to be soaking up every last second while I’ll probably be underneath an umbrella the entire time, wearing 10,000 SPF sunblock.

I’ll still be updating the blog this week.  Don’t worry, you can’t get rid of me that easily.

Connecting With Cressey – Ashley Crosby

This was a really nice write-up by Cape Cod Baseball on what the “Cressey Experience” is like.

Everything I F***** Up While Trying to Eat Like Gwyneth for a Week – Lindy West

Busting on Gwyneth is almost too easy at times. Everything from her and her husband’s (Coldplay lead vocalist, Chris Martin) uppity way of “uncoupling” to her assertion that water has “feelings,” provides ample ammunition.

Far worse is the notion that people deem her an “expert” and are willing to take nutritional advice from her.

It’s akin to me writing a book on knitting or paper mache or how to fly an F-15 fighter jet.

But back to Gwyneth. All of this “street cred” despite the fact she’s been diagnosed with osteopenia (a precursor to osteoporosis), in no small part due to her dietary decisions.

Anyways, I thought this was a hilarious commentary which ended up taking a turn I didn’t expect.  Kudos to the author for an honest and heartfelt review in the end.

On a quick aside, since we’re on the topic of Gwyneth, we might as well toss her BFF, Tracy Anderson into the fire as well.  This.  Was. Precious.

10 Mistakes Women Make With Diets – Dani Shugart

Slow clap to Dani for writing this.  Please share with your friends.

And that’s it for today.  Excuse me while I go hyperventilate into a brown paper bag (god, I hate flying!!!)


* And quesadillas.  Doesn’t matter….it’s all Paleo, right?

** (hahahahahahahahaha.  Yeah, right. The second I drink some tequila I’ll turn into the “is this real life?” kid.)