BIG weekend this weekend. My twelve year old nephew is coming to visit Lisa and I for a few days here in Boston and we’ve been spending a few minutes the past couple of nights figuring out a suitable itinerary that A) would keep the attention span of a kid his age and not make him hate life (I.e., no trips to the art museum!) and more importantly B) maintain my position as the coolest, hippest, most rad uncle this side of the Charles River.

Note to self: Omitting the word “rad” from my vocabulary would be a nice start.

A trip to Fenway?  Check.

A trip to go see the Body Worlds exhibit?  Check.

A trip to the North End for dinner and a cannoli?  Check.

Showing him his first R-rated movie? GoodFellas perhaps?  Maybe Show Girls????   Hahahahahahaha.  Just kidding Cheri (my sister, and my nephew’s Mom).

Or am I?

It’s going to be a fun weekend nevertheless. And with that, here’ this week’s list of stuff to check out.

Training Jane From Joe:  Do Women Need to Train Differently Than Men?The Green Ranger Tony Gentilcore

This is a presentation that I filmed for Mike Reinold’s which covers my general approach to training women.

It’s 75 minutes long and I try my best to debunk as many fallacies and misconceptions as possible. I also touch on training women through pregnancy as well as discuss programming strategies such as how to improve chin-up and push-up prowess.

The cost is $19.95, but you’re NOT just purchasing my webinar.  You’re also gaining access to the ENTIRE site which includes 100+ webinars from some of the top people in rehab, sports performance, and coaching/personal training.

Not too shabby if you ask me!

For more information and to gain access to the presentation you can click HERE.


If you’re looking for something to actually READ, I did write a guest post over on Mike’s site earlier this week titled 3 Mistakes Coaches Make When Training Women.  In it I discuss 3 mistakes coaches make when training women……;o)

You can check that out HERE.

The Sensitive Sensible Gluten Truth – Ramsey Nijem

I felt this was one of the most fair, balanced, and understandable articles I’ve read on this topic in a while.

Celiac Disease is real.  Gluten intolerance is real.  The chances you have either of two (and by extension, absolutely NEED to avoid gluten) is really, really low.

How to Get Published – Mike Samuels

I’m routinely asked for advice by other fitness professionals on how they can go about getting published.

This 40 minute presentation by Mike pretty much hammers all the points I’d want to cover, and then some.

It’s free, and well worth anyone’s time looking to get their work published at some point.

And last but not least

Mine and Dean Somerset’s Excellent Workshop High-Five is SOLD OUT for London in September.

However the same workshop we’re holding in Washington, DC  in October still has some spots left.

You can find out more about the event – including location, topics covered, accommodations, and Dean’s favorite color – HERE.