Well, if you’re reading this post you know I landed safely in the UK!!

I purposely didn’t program this post to go up automatically because 1) I’m superstitious and 2) due to my proclivity for superstition, I somehow convinced myself that if I pre-programmed this post to go up – due to travel – something bad would happen, because, you know, I’m logical like that.

In any case I made it (!!!), and I’m so stoked to be here and this is pretty much what I looked like when I stepped off the plane and went through customs at Heathrow:

By now, after this post goes live, I’m either aimlessly walking the streets of London doing my best impersonation of Austin Powers or asking around for directions to where they’re filming Star Wars.

Or on a quest for some Cadbury chocolate (per the request of Lisa).

Before Dean and I melt people’s brains with strength and conditioning knowledge this weekend, I have a day and a half to be a tourist here in London, so if anyone has any recommendations (that aren’t too “touristy”) I’d love to hear them and take any suggestions in the comments section below!

And now this week’s list of stuff to read…..

How Prolonged Sitting Impacts Your Body – Michael Mullin (via EricCressey.com)

In other news, water is wet; you need to breath oxygen in order to live; and Justin Bieber is a douche to the douchiest degree.

9 Ways to Use Mechanical Advantage Drop Sets For Strength – John Romaniello

Looking to add a little variety to your training repertoire? Or, maybe you’re looking to bring up a lagging or weak body part?  Try adding in some mechanical advantage drop sets!

Back Pain? Here Are the Best Positions for Sex – Dr. Stuart McGill

I don’t care if we’re talking about getting out of a chair, lifting weights, sex, or back friendly twerking moves, if Dr. McGill chimes in I’m going to listen.

You know you’re going to click.  Do it! Do it. Do it!  Pun totally intended.