Before I get to the real reason you clicked on today’s post, I have two tidbits of exciting news.

1. It’s been announced that (director) Paul Greengrass and (star) Matt Damon are going to be making another Jason Bourne movie, slated for release sometime in 2016. So, ladies, you can have the limelight and enjoy your 50 Shades of of Grey movies….for now. But soon Bourne is coming to kick some sadomasochistic movie going ass!

2. It’s official: the flights are booked, Lisa and I are going to Australia!!!!

I’ve alluded to this trip sporadically the past few months, and final details are still a few days away, but here’s what I can tell you:

Tw0-Day Because Heavy Things Won’t Lift Themselves Workshop in Ballina, NSW located at Raw Fitness and Sports Training, March 7-8.

One-Day Because Heavy Things Won’t Lift Themselves Workshop in Sydney on Friday, March 13…location still to be determined.

I’ll be sure to let everyone know – soon! – all the nitty gritty details (costs, itinerary, final locations, whether or not I’ll try some kangaroo?) within the next week.

Barbell Bent Over Row Tutorial

I’m a huge fan of the barbell bent over row. Not only for the obvious reason(s) – it helps build a yoked up upper back! – but also because as an accessory movement I feel it’s a superb movement which compliments the deadlift.

You see, I think a lot of trainees have it wrong when it comes to their accessory movements.

Many (not all) kind of haphazardly toss some random exercises into their program because they’re hard or because they make them hate life. Which is fine! I like to see people working hard in the gym.

For me, however, the accessory movements you place into a program should serve a deeper purpose. For instance I’m a strength guy. And as such I place a premium on movements like the squat, bench press, and deadlift. You know, movements that get people strong.

Accessory movements, then, shouldn’t be placed into a program just cause. If that’s the case why not place a bunch of names of exercises onto a dart board and leave your programming to chance?

Instead accessory movements should address some form of technique flaw or weakness you have with one of the major lifts. That’s training with purpose!

Today I’d like to share some insights on the bent over barbell row. In the video below I’ll discuss some of the major reasons why I like this exercise as well as delve into more of the nuances of how to perform it correctly.

Look for the video-bomb by Effie the dog towards the tail-end. I was scared things were going to turn into a some sort of viral video”dog gets killed because strength coach drops weights on it” scenario.

WHEW – that was close.