“Just when I thought I was out…..they pull me back in!!”

So said Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in The Godfather III.

For those unfamiliar with the film (I’ll give you pass for not watching III, it sucks. But you should throw your face into a wall, HARD, for ignoring The Godfather I and II. That’s like movie blasphemy!), Michael tries to change his ways and attempts to turn new leaf and legitimatize his businesses and restore his good name. As the story goes, the people around him don’t seem to agree with his thought process and pull him back into the crime family.

Poor Michael.

And it’s with that I want to highlight I’m coming back to my roots….State University of New York (SUNY) Cortland for the 2nd Annual Strength & Conditioning Symposium this March.

They’re pulling me back in!

I don’t mean to imply an FML mentality that I’m heading back to Cortland. I’m always ecstatic (and more importantly, honored) to be invited back to my Alma mater to speak to the student body and general public.

I mean, what’s cooler than that….save for a double rainbow, 2 for 1 burrito giveaways at Chipotle, or having your own hovercraft?

The whole “pull me back in” comment was more so for the abysmal weather I’ll inevitably be battling when I return. Winters in Boston aren’t a cake walk by any stretch; winters in central NY suck donkey balls.

Adding to that, the symposium is a week after I come back from Australia.

NOTE TO ANY AUSSIES READING: Stay tuned for information (s00n) on two workshops I’ll be conducting in March – in Ballina and Sydney, respectively.

Nevertheless, I couldn’t be more excited to come back. Last year’s event was amazing (speakers included myself, Dr. Mike Roussell, John Gaglione, Lou Schuler, and Dr. Cassandra Forsythe), and this year’s event is no less amazinglier (<—- I just made up a word).

Time and Location: Saturday, March 28th, 2015 in Park Center on the campus of SUNY Cortland.

Presenters and Topics:

8:30 – 9:30 am: Registration & introductory remarks

10 – 11:00 am: Mark Fisher, You Can’t Have a Culture Withoyt a Cult (Just Kidding…Sort Of…)

In this talk, Mark will discuss the strategies used to catapult MFF’s growth in under three years. Attendees will learn the importance of having a clear mission and vision in the creation of a business. The art of cultivating and leading a growing team of engaged employees will be addressed. And lastly, there will be a thorough discussion of actionable takeaways on how to create thriving culture in any sized fitness business. From a personal trainer without a space to a multi-million dollar organization with a dedicated facility in the competitive NYC market, MFF’s unconventional approach to fitness and business will be enlightening to trainers of all backgrounds and career aspirations.

11-12:00 pm: Nick Tumminello, Secrets of Single Leg Training.

Go beyond basic single leg squats and single leg deadlifts to discover the best single leg exercises for building a stronger, well-balanced, better-looking, high-performance lower-body!! From this workshop, you’ll learn how to improve the exercises you’re currently using along with plenty of new, innovative single leg exercises. Plus, this workshop will also reveal the truth about Pistol squats and discuss knee friendly training option for building a stronger legs with bad knees!

12 – 2 pm: Lunch (<—- copious amounts of dead animal flesh will be consumed).

2 – 3 pm: John Gaglione, Hands On Weight Training Session.

John’s a strong mofo, we should all listen to him.

3 – 4 pm: Joy Victoria, I’m not sure what Joy’s going to discuss, but I have to assume 1) it will deal with something pertaining to female fitness and how the mainstream media sucks and 2) every person in attendance will have a crush on her.

4 – 5 pm, Tony Gentilcore, Assessing and Programming for the Athletic Population.

In his presentation Tony Gentilcore will discuss program design and some of the umbrella themes to consider when working with athletes. Specifically he’ll discuss the crucial role of assessment and then show some universal “rules” to follow with regards to designing a well balanced, efficient, and more importantly safe program that produces results.

5 – 6 pm, Roundtable discussion with speakers.

Cost: Are you sitting down? Are you ready for this?  This whole shebang only costs $40 for students and $60 for fitness professionals and the general public. That’s it.

You can click HERE for sign up information (scroll all the way to the bottom of the document), or email Justin Kompf at justin.kompf90@gmail.com for additional details.

Students (or anyone for that matter)

I don’t want to hear any whining or complaining that $40-$60 is too much to pay for a day long seminar.

First off: shut up. You spend more in one night at The Dark Horse (<— local Cortland bar) or whatever watering hole you hang out at, so don’t play that card. It’s dumb.

Secondly: Any other seminar with this many high-quality speakers would normally cost 4x the amount (if not more). This is an incredible opportunity to come listen to world renowned strength coaches and fitness professionals share their knowledge, expertise, and insights…in freakin CORTLAND, NY!!!!!!  This doesn’t happen all too often. So whether you’re in Cortland, Ithaca, NYC, Toronto, Buffalo, Syracuse, or anywhere within 50-300 miles make it happen!

It’s going to be awesome.