Hey everyone. Hope you had a safe a lovely New Year.

I told myself I wouldn’t do it, I tried to hold off, but dammit, amidst everyone else tossing in their “Reflecting on 2015/Year in Review messages” I figured I’d join the parade.

“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in”

It’s hard not to come across 100% cliched here and not say 2015 was an amazingly baller year.

Because, it was!

During our annual New Year’s dinner in the North End last night, Lisa and I reminisced and attempted to list our respective high points from the past twelve months. Mine were, in no particular order:

1) Making a Pumpkin Chili using our CrockPot and not setting out apartment complex on fire.

2) I went a full-year without getting a traffic ticket from the city. Hahahahahaha….FU Boston.

And well, that’s pretty much it.

I win.

Okay, kidding.

I think it goes without saying that the highlight of 2015 for me was getting married.

Being able to marry my best friend and most vehement supporter of me couldn’t have made me happier.

Not coincidentally getting married was also the hardest thing.

I’ll spare the particulars, but lets just say anyone who’s married and reading this will be able to commiserate.

HINT: Seating charts aren’t as easy as one would think.

However, having your closest friends and family around to help celebrate arguably the biggest day of your life (and opening all the envelopes the next day) completely erases any animosity…..;o)

Also, a SICK 8-day honeymoon to Nassua doesn’t hurt either.

Coming in at a close second (and also equally as arduous) was making the hard decision to leave Cressey Sports Performance after eight years to venture out, spread my wings, and pursue a few of my own opportunities in Boston.

I miss my the other staff & coaches (Eric, Pete, Stacie, Chris, Greg, Tony, Miguel, Andrew, George, and CSP’s latest newcomer, Nancy[footnote] And even Tank and Effie, Eric and Stacie’s dogs (and CSP’s dual mascots)[/footnote] as well as the innumerable athletes and clients, but I have to say…I’m pretty darn happy with how things have turned out thus far.

I’m coaching 15-20 hours at a small studio space I sub-lease in Brookline, MA (more info HERE), still keeping up with my writing responsibilities, traveling for workshops, and, you know, when time permits, fighting crime on the side.

Speaking of workshops, 2015 saw me speak all across the U.S. – NYC, Boston, Providence, RI, Cortland, NY, Edmonton (<– that’s in Canada), St. Louis, Los Angeles – in addition to having the honor of being invited to freakin Australia to perform two separate workshops (one in Ballina at RAW F.A.S.T Fitness as well as a weekend in Sydney.)

NOTE: for those interested, my wife, Lisa, kept a 10-day journal covering our exploits and shenanigans while in Australia – including driving on not only the opposite side of the road, but the opposite side of the car.

She did an amazing job. You can start HERE.

It’s still surreal to me that people want to listen to what I have to say, but it’s always a wonderful experience no one has asked for a refund yet, so that’s cool.

Heading into 2016 I have a few things up my sleeve.

1) Dean Somerset and I already have two confirmed Complete Hip & Shoulder Workshops scheduled for Toronto the weekend of March 19th, Seattle the weekend of April 9th, as well as Vail, CO later in this Fall.

2) We’re also thiiiiiiis close to confirming a few dates over in Europe in May.

3) I’ll also be doing a few cameos in Cortland, Elmira (NY), Philadelphia, Austin, and Jakku, to name a few.

4) I also have some plans to possibly sink my teeth into producing my very first fitness product. It’s a bit nerve racking, and something I’m still a little hesitant to do…but if personal trainer Steve who’s deadlifted once or twice and has been training people for four months feels he’s ready to write an ebook, I figure I may be able to muster up a little sumthin, sumthin as well. Stay tuned……

5) Annnnnnd, you should also keep your attention on Lisa. She and Artemis Scantalides will be teaming up again for a handful of I Am Not Afraid to Lift Workshops in 2016

Above All Else

I just want to say THANK YOU, to everyone, for their continued support for not only me, but for this site. 2015 saw, yet again, exponential growth in the number of people who visited and I sincerely hope everyone sticks around so that trend can continue.

If not, no worries, I won’t cry.[footnote]Too much.[/footnote]

Here’s to a stellar 2016. Thanks again everyone. I’ll be back next week with some new content.