I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend at home. Maybe do a little writing, take anywhere from 1 to 17 power naps, read a book perhaps. Just, chill.
We ALL know what’s really going down this weekend……….
Batman vs. Superman is going down this weekend.
Yeah, yeah…I agree that the trailers gave away way too much of the plot. And, much like what happened in Man of Steel when Superman and General Zod exchanged fistacuffs, I have a feeling I’m going to be super annoyed at the notion that punching Superman in the face actually means anything.
But whatever.
There’s going to be fighting, there’s going to be a bunch of explosions, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that maybe, just maybe, we’ll see zombie ninjas.1
Despite some of the early negative buzz, I’m optimistic that the movie will be two and a half hours of nerd Viagra. My boy, Lee Boyce, had this to say about it on Twitter:
BATMAN V SUPERMAN: I want to give Snyder a hug for HUGE effort. GOOD,but a rushed 1st act &a few too many characters for clear plot focus. B
— Lee Boyce (@coachleeboyce) March 25, 2016
Real Quick: Stuff to Check Out and Call to Action
1) Mysseuse
I had the chance a few weeks ago to get an early trial run with a new self-massage tool called the Mysseuse.
Now, I get it: nothing will trump the skilled hands of a professional massage therapist, and there are a million and one “self-massage” tools out there…so what makes this one so special?
Well, what if I told you that it’s two things in one?
Yeah, that’s right: it’s basically a Transformer.2
Check out the KickStarter page HERE.
2) Upcoming Workshops
I’ll be in Cortland and Elmira, NY next weekend.
- Cortland for the SUNY Cortland Personal Training Conference (along with Mark Fisher, Dr. Cassandra Forsythe, Dr. Spencer Nadolsky, and Dr. John Brand). It’s a kick-ass line-up of speakers and it’s $60 for professionals and $20 for students. You can’t use price as an excuse not to come. Nice try.
- On Sunday, April 3rd I’ll be at NY Sport & Fitness in Elmira, NY for a 1-day workshop titled The Athletic Shoulder. For more information you can contact Jim “Smitty” Smith: smitty.diesel@gmail.com
SEATTLE (April 9-10th) – Complete Hip and Shoulder Workshop w/ Dean Somerset
PHILADELPHIA (April 24th) – The Athletic Shoulder: From Assessment to Badass, at War Horse Barbell Club.
3) TG Apparel
You can now purchase TG t-shirts, hoodies, and sweatpants and make all your friends, colleagues, and family members jealous of how jacked you look.
Go HERE for more details.
(And if you do purchase something, I’d LOVE to see you bossing it on social media” #becauseheavythingswontliftthemselves)
Lessons Learned – Lori Lindsey
I met Lori a few years ago at Cressey Sports Performance while she was still an active member of the USA Women’s National Soccer team.
In the years since she and have interacted sporadically via social media, and it’s been cool to see her take the role of fitness ambassador, helping to spread other’s (and hers!) knowledge on Twitter, IG, and Facebook.
This article describes her transition from professional athlete to bonafide fitness professional.
Dear Tracy Anderson: STOP – Adam Bornstein
The only reaction possible to this article:
3 Reasons to Focus on the Weight You Lifted Instead of the Weight on the Scale – Maja Vojnovic
This was an excellent article written by a regular follower of mine on the site and Twitter. I always see her sharing my stuff, and figured it was high-time I reciprocate.
World meet Maja.