Happy House of Cards Day!

Earlier this week I reminded my wife that season 4 of House of Cards came out on Netflix on Friday (today), and to say she was a wee bit excited would be an understatement.

On Wednesday she was like, “I can not WAIT for House of Cards weekend.”

That’s more or less going to be our weekend this weekend. Binge watching the shit out of HoC.

I picked out which pair of sweatpants I’m going to wear and Lisa picked out her bottle of wine. Who says romance is dead?

On that note, lets jump into this week’s list of stuff to read.

Quick Reminder: SEATTLE – there are spots still available for mine and Dean Somerset’s Complete Hip and Shoulder Workshop at Vigor Ground & Fitness Performance on April 9-10th. Go HERE for more details.

The Importance of Hip Internal Rotation for Acceleration and Deceleration in Athletes – Trevor Rappa

I’ll just quote myself from the Tweet I made the other day:

“This article made me sexually excited.”

Haiti: Hope and a History of Suffering – Bryan Krahn

This article is why Bryan is one of my favorite writers. Not just fitness writers…I mean, WRITERS.

There’s no talk of drop sets, biceps, or how everyone should eat Paleo in this article. Just some damn fine writing on a heart-wrenching topic.

Complete Jumps Training – Adam Feit


TODAY (3/4) is the last day to take advantage of the initial sale price (50% off) on Complete Jumps Training by strength coach, and guy I hate because I can’t jump as high as him, Adam Feit

Simply put…

If you are looking for a blueprint for jump training that you can add immediately to your own sports training program to make your athletes more explosive, then I recommend you check out Complete Jumps Training.

No BS and no stupid ankle weights.  Just smart, intelligent, well-thought out progressions to make you and your athletes beasts. Go HERE for more info.