I had an awesome time in Philadelphia this past weekend. I was invited into town by Chris and Jaclyn of War Horse Barbell (<– if you’re in the area you should check them out) to present my The Shoulder: From Assessment to Badass workshop.

25+ fitness pros from Philly, New Jersey, and DC made the trek in to listen to me speak on shoulder assessment and performance. And, too, apparently listen to my potty mouth.

I wanted to say thank you to everyone who made it, as well as a special thank you the one and only Jen Sinkler for being the most baller live-Tweeter and SnapChatter in the history of ever.

Suffice it to say, I’m wiped out.

I’ve been good for nothing today[footnote]Accept for taking an epic nap.[/footnote], and had zero intentions of posting anything. But then I had a new article go up on MensHealth.com and I figured I’d share it (along with another one from a few weeks ago that I totally neglected to show some love for).

The Circuit Every Fit Man Should Do on “Rest” Days

Rest days DO NOT mean going to the track and performing 400m tempo runs while dragging a bulldozer on the sled.

Rest day also DO NOT mean you have to be couch potato and watch Netflix.

Give this circuit a try and I guarantee you’ll feel like a champion.

Also….here’s an article I had go up on the MH.com site a few weeks ago on the efficacy of PAUSED squats.

Do More Pause Squats

Cute blue plates optional.