First things first: I received a shipment of freshly minted TG “Because Heavy Things Won’t Lift Themselves” t-shirts this week.

My cat looooves them.

Don’t worry, I’ll knock $5 off any shirts with cat hair on them….;o)

The first round resulted in some high-praise, and I’m pretty sure will be featured in NYC Fashion Week later this year. Or, I don’t know, maybe not,

Either way, they’re badass and you should totally get one.

How to Order

**Note: t-shirts are Next Level brand made with tri-blend material.[footnote]For optimal pec and bicep showiness.[/footnote] Women’s sizes are available (M, L)

1) You can go HERE and order directly from me.

  • The advantage here is you get to see my remarkable penmanship (I hand-write each address). And that’s pretty much it.
  • The disadvantage is that there’s no international orders.


2) You can go HERE and order via

  • Here you get more options of the material you’d prefer (cotton, tri-blend, t-shirts made from the belly-button lint of Ryan Gosling), sizes, as well as varying apparel options (sweatpants, sweatshirts, tank tops, etc).
  • And international orders are TOTALLY acceptable here.

Staying In Your Lane – Luke Worthington

I applaud any fitness professional who goes out of his or her’s way to broaden their expertise repertoire. However, there’s a dangerous precedent that many teeter on where now we have personal trainers providing “shitty physical therapy” (<– to quote Nick Tumminello) and not staying in their lane.

This article by London-based trainer, Luke Worthington, hits the nail on the head.

“Bad” Exercises Made Good – Michael Mullin

I can’t tell you how many times I receive messages from trainers and fitness enthusiasts alike whenever they come across pictures like the one above, and inevitably write me a message along the lines of “WTF I can’t believe a trainer would have a professional athlete do something like this!”

Lets hold off on the pitch-forks and understand that CONTEXT is everything. Nice post by Michael on this one.

Dispelling the Dysfunctional Kneeling Push-Up – Dr. John Rusin

Sure, they have a time and place…but truthfully I’ve always hated the kneeling push-up (or “girl” push-up).

I feel they set a poor precedent out of the gate and their connotation speaks to”oh, you’re a girl, you’re fragile, we’re going to do “girl” push-ups.”

Screw that.


I’ll be in Philadelphia this weekend (Sunday, April 24th) at War Horse Barbell presenting The Shoulder: From Assessment to Badass workshop.

If you have nothing better to do – or are sick of eating cheesesteaks – spots are still available, and you can go HERE to sign-up.

Also, Dean Somerset just put his stellar resource – Post Rehab Essentials 2.0 – on sale ($50 OFF regular price) from now through this Sunday. Easily one of the best resources on assessment and “corrective” exercise programming out there today. Check it out HERE.