Lets jump straight into this week’s list…


Push-Ups: You’re Doing Them Wrong – Joel Seedman

1. I know, I know…push-ups are about as exciting as watching a NASCAR race.

2. I learned quite a bit from reading this article, actually.

3. Also, Joel is someone you should add to your “must read” list. I’ve been really, really impressed with his work of late – very smart guy.

Body Shaming is Not OK. Words Are Extremely Powerful Weapons, So Keep Your Fucking Opinion To Yourself – Meghan Callaway

My inner feminist came out in full force as I was reading this article. I can’t believe what comes out of people’s mouths sometimes.

Will CrossFit Make You a Better Athlete? – Travis Pollen

In response to a guest post by Travis Hansen that was posted on my site earlier this week titled Why CrossFit Doesn’t Make an Elite Athlete, the Fitness Pollinator himself, Travis Pollen, wrote this excellent retort.

At the end of the day CrossFit is what you want it to be. Does it make someone more athletic? Of course! It’s hard to argue that point.

Does it produce “elite” athletes…maybe, maybe not. This, unfortunately, is one of those instances where the internet will argue semantics. Either way, both are a great read……..and as always, the answer lies somewhere in the middle.

Side Note: it was refreshing to see how two individuals with two varying opinions could be “civil” in arguing their point of view. No BS, ad hominem attacks, or yo Mama jokes. It brings a tear to my eye.

Bonus Stuff

In case you missed the teaser trailer earlier in the week, this is happening…..


Dean and I hope to launch this sucker within the next few weeks, so stay tuned.

Also, the new Rogue One trailer was released earlier today, which means I’m going to have a raging nerd boner for the next 16 hours.[footnote]At least.[/footnote]


Interesting Fact: Last week, while in London, Lisa and I stayed in Canary Wharf which has a tube station deep underground. One of the trainers who attended our workshop informed me that some of the scenes in the movie were filmed there. In fact, if you watch the first Rogue One trailer there’s a part where you see the characters running down a long corridor being chased by Stormtroopers, presumably inside the Death Star (at the 1:06 mark).