No diggidy, no doubt. Lets do this.

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1. Just Announced

Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando

Our Vancouver shindig in April sold out, but Dean and I have recently announced a stop in Orlando, FL later this year, October 21-22nd at Spark Fitness.

I’ve never been to Orlando. There’s no way in hell I’m visiting Disney World.

You can go HERE for more details and to sign up.

[SPOILER: Dean and I also in talks to bring the Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint to London this summer. Stay tuned……..]

2. SUNY Cortland Health & Wellness Conference – Cortland, NY, April 8th.

I’ll be at my alma mater the weekend of April 8th speaking at what I believe is the 4th or 5th annual SUNY Cortland Conference. Other guest speakers include my wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, Mark Fisher, Brian St. Pierre, and Dr. David Just.

For more information you can go HERE.

3. The Principles of Nutrition Coaching

If you’re a fitness professional you know full-well one of the best things you can do for your athletes and clients is to help them hone in on their nutrition. THAT’s often the key to helping them look and feel better.

Exercise alone won’t get the job done.

But what kind of nutrition advice can you actually give?

(Is it even LEGAL to give nutrition advice?)

And if you CAN give nutrition advice, how should you give it?

Find out in this FREE Nutrition Coaching Course put together by renowned coach, researcher, and pioneer in the field of exercise nutrition — Dr. John Berardi.

Just click the link below and you’re all set: ion/28316815?url= -coaching-free-course

4. CORE Online Coming Soon

In a few weeks I’ll be offering a new service…CORE Online.

It’s basically the closest you’re going to get to training with me at CORE without actually stepping foot inside the facility. Each month I write programs that’ll help give you structure and purpose with your own training. You log on with your own CORE Online app, watch me demonstrate exercise, and you get diesel.

If you want to get stronger….this will be for you.

If you want to get leaner or bigger….this will be for you.

If you want to move better…..this will be for you.

If you want to get really good at long division….eh, not so much.

5. Lisa on Cut the S#!t Get Fit Podcast

My wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, made an appearance on the Cut the S#!t Get Fit Podcast recently and she rocked it. If you’re remotely interested in mindset strategies, how to deal with negative self-talk, her impeccable taste in choosing a life partner, or brain stuff in general you’ll want to check this out.

You can also click HERE for the direct link.

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work

A Biomechanical Analysis of the Deadlift: Conventional vs. Sumo – Kevin Cann

Nice breakdown by TPS strength coach, Kevin Cann, on the differences, advantages & disadvantages of the conventional and sumo deadlift.

Nerds will like this.

Fix Your Tilt For Untapped Glute Gains – Jonathan Acosta

APT tends to get all the love. But what happens when you have someone who seems to be in excessive posterior pelvic tilt?

Old Man Training – Part I – Alex Viada

If you’re 35-40+ you’ll soon realize you’re not 25 anymore. Awesome stuff from Alex in this one.

Social Media Shenanigans



I’ve had a change of heart with dips of late. I still feel strongly they’re not a good fit for those with a long history of shoulder issues, but they’re still a heckuva an exercise to help build the triceps (and as a bench accessory to help with lockout). The video on the left is my client, Kristina, performing a set without me saying anything. She’s pretty upright which leads to excessive extension of the humerus and even more excessive anterior tilt of scapulae (shoulders rolling forward). This places the glenohumeral joint in a very compromising position, pushing the humeral head more anteriorly and forcing the bicep tendon to flip you the middle finger. Instead, I prefer to cue people to add more of a forward lean. See the video on the right. Notice the less aggressive rolling of the shoulders? That slight forward lean will make a HUGE difference in making dips a little more shoulder friendly.

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