Categoriescoaching Fat Loss mindset

Fitness Limbo and How a Penny Can Add Perspective

Today’s guest post comes courtesy of regular contributor and San Antonio based personal trainer, Jonathan Acosta.

The fitness industry is rife with people who use hyperbole, quick fixes, and instant gratification tactics to “woo” other people into their web of deceit and mindfuckery.

Whether one’s goal is fat-loss, muscle gain, or to have a pecs that can cut diamonds…more often than not people default to the “I want it and I want it now” mentality. And it sets people up for failure.

Jonathan uses a brilliant metaphor/analogy to break this train of thought.


Copyright: karenr / 123RF Stock Photo


In the movie The Matrix Revolutions, Neo gets trapped in a train station that’s basically a border world between the matrix and the machine.That station is essentially limbo…

Why am I telling you this?

Because even the great Neo gets stuck in limbo.

We all do from time to time.

A lot of times it isn’t this permanent stuck here forever type of thing that we are led to believe.

Sometimes we have to ride it out until the train arrives to the station.

Note From TG: I still don’t know WTF this scene was all about.

When it comes to this fitness journey, those of us in this profession know all too well about this limbo and what to do about it. We know that results aren’t linear as we’d expect and hope them to be.

Its not a magical rainbow of results just shooting straight upward.

Luckily the fitness industry has done a good job at getting people to understand this and snapping them out of the “I want it now” mentality.

Sure, we still have to battle the inevitable BS such as same-day liposuction or the latest and greatest Cryo-Fatloss-Mega-Blast-Infrared-Sculpting procedure. But as a whole, I think we’ve done pretty well at giving clients the truth and helping them understand that this isn’t a quick and easy fix.


What happens when you’re in this shit period? (The shit period is when progress flat lines to where progress seems non-existent?……………AKA: Limbo)


Now for some, it’s easy to just look down and put in the work day in and day out until they finally see the shimmering light.

But for most, especially ones who haven’t ever prioritized health and fitness in their life, the shit period is so discouraging that quitting is inevitable.

Now you and I both know the cycle.

Three months (if that) of hard work, followed by quitting for six months, only to restart again, usually in worse shape began than before, until the process repeats itself…or they opt for the “instant fixes:”

  • Liposuction
  • Cryo-Fatloss-Mega-Blast-Infrared-Sculpting®
  • Tapeworms

If Only…

If only there was a way to get them to see the 1000 ft. view like you see it right? To get them to see the big picture and the timeline if they stuck with it in the long haul.

I haven’t figured out the answer myself so don’t get your hopes up this is that kind of article.

However, I like metaphors and believe many people learn best this way; they allow an opportunity for a person to connect with a topic.

I can’t remember for the life of me where I got this quote from but its pretty true.

“When it comes to fat loss, you’re going to be in a plateau 80% of the time.”

That means you might be in limbo for a good while.

So where were we?

Oh right. Limbo.

We’ve all been there.

Grinding day in and day out.

Keeping meticulous attention as to what we put in our mouths and staying on point only for nothing to budge.

First of all you should have the help of a competent coach who’s able to recognize “limbo” and guide you through it

Two coaches that come to mind that are exceptional at this are Bryan Krahn and John Meadows.

Even if you’re a coach yourself it would benefit you a ton to hire one of them and learn from them as much as you can.

Next thing is understanding and explaining this curve to them.

I like to give this scenario…

Lets say you’re minding your own business and out of the blue a man comes up to you with a briefcase in hand.

Picture Leonardo DiCaprio as Jay Gatsby. He gives it to you and tells you open it.

You’re confused but you open the briefcase and all you see is stacks upon stacks of $100 bills.

It’s Leo so you know its legit and not monopoly money.

It’s one million in cash.

You can have it if you want. No strings attached.

Now hold on, before you close the suitcase and run. (I did that in my head mentally the first time I heard this analogy).

He says you can have it no strings attached…Or, you can have this…He then pulls out a penny from his Armani suit pocket (they had Armani back in the 1920’s right?).

He says, “I’ll put this penny into your bank account and I’ll double the money in the account once a month for three years.”

[By the second month you’ll have two cents. The third you’ll have four cents. The fourth you’ll have eight cents and so on.]


Before you start trying to do the math in your head, Leo quickly distracts your thoughts and says, “Which one do you want: The million, or the penny?”

You have 5 seconds to answer…

He literally starts counting down 5, 4, 3,

Now if you suck at math like me, that problem would take you 15 min to figure out let alone five seconds.

So you shout your answer.

What’d you answer?

Its ok, were all friends here. There’s no right or wrong answer.

1 Million or 1 Cent?

In the heat of the moment and with the small time frame given, most would choose the million up front.

Its cold hard cash given right there and then.

Sure we’re all smart and have already witnessed trick questions like these before, so we kind of assume already that the penny would be the better choice.

But since we don’t have time to do the math, or are not able to see the outcome, we choose the quickest, right in front of you, results right now option.

Instant gratification.

Does that sound familiar?

Clients really do know the answer to their riddle.

They know their penny option would probably be best.

But since they can’t see the outcome or the answer, and since they have a five second countdown in the form of social media bogus two-month transformations and extremely high expectations…they too succumb to the “I want it and I want it now” mentality where 1 million dollars up front is quick and easy.

Kick Instant Gratification In the Dick

Now this is where you explain to them what they’d get if they chose the penny.

If they chose the penny. The first year would total a whopping $20.48.

That one million is sounding awfully good isn’t it?

It’s ok, this is that limbo period where seemingly nothing is happening.

But slowly and surely you’re depositing into your “fitness account” with dedication, consistency, and day in day out on point eating and workouts.

After two years your bank account should be better right?

The second year puts you right at $83,886.05…

WTF! That’s still not even close to the one million cash.

Its ok, this is STILL limbo.

At this point you have two different types of people.

  1. People that see no end in sight and either quit or go for instant gratification.
  2. And those that figure F- it I’ve already gone this far might as well just keep going and see it through.

By the end of the third year…your account will have a total of $343.5 Million dollars.


Now I’m not good at math but even I know that 343 million is wayyyyyyyy more than 1 million.

And all it took was having patience and to keep depositing throughout that shitty limbo period.

Fat Loss is Just Like That.

If you were to see it as a chart graph, it would seem as if results were slow or practically nonexistent, until out of nowhere… boom!

A huge spike and results soar for a short period of time until you “graduate” to the next level of limbo.

That huge spike is more than enough to get you where you wanna be; it’s just a long and slow process at times.


If you think of body transformations in terms of yearly, in a three-year period it’ll feel and possibly seem like the first year and maybe even two will have been a waste.

Pump the brakes. Chill out.

It’s completely normal to feel frustrated, like you’re stuck in cement, and that progress is moving at a snail-like pace.

The metaphor above puts things into perspective: it assures you that if you’re crossing your T’s and dotting your I’s it’s not a waste…and your day in the sun will come soon.

I’m a huge Bruce Lee fan.

He liked to use water in a lot of his quotes so I’m gonna use one too.

If you’ve ever boiled water and stared at it while it boils you’ll notice that it just simmers for a good while till seemingly, out of nowhere, bubbles erupt and its boiling.

What if you change your mindset about limbo and that shit period and see the parallel to the simmering water?

Realizing that things are actually simmering and leading up to that huge skyrocket of success makes the mundane, daily grind seem much more worth it.

About the Author

Jonathan Acosta is the founder of Underground Performance Center and head trainer at Get Sexy San Antonio and is a certified personal trainer though both ISSA and the NCEP, as well as Precision Nutrition Level 1 certified.

He likes lifting heavy things, reading books with big words in them, his steaks rare, funny stuff, writing stuff, hanging out with friends, and laughing.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 3/10/17

No diggidy, no doubt. Lets do this.

Copyright: urfingus / 123RF Stock Photo


1. Just Announced

Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando

Our Vancouver shindig in April sold out, but Dean and I have recently announced a stop in Orlando, FL later this year, October 21-22nd at Spark Fitness.

I’ve never been to Orlando. There’s no way in hell I’m visiting Disney World.

You can go HERE for more details and to sign up.

[SPOILER: Dean and I also in talks to bring the Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint to London this summer. Stay tuned……..]

2. SUNY Cortland Health & Wellness Conference – Cortland, NY, April 8th.

I’ll be at my alma mater the weekend of April 8th speaking at what I believe is the 4th or 5th annual SUNY Cortland Conference. Other guest speakers include my wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, Mark Fisher, Brian St. Pierre, and Dr. David Just.

For more information you can go HERE.

3. The Principles of Nutrition Coaching

If you’re a fitness professional you know full-well one of the best things you can do for your athletes and clients is to help them hone in on their nutrition. THAT’s often the key to helping them look and feel better.

Exercise alone won’t get the job done.

But what kind of nutrition advice can you actually give?

(Is it even LEGAL to give nutrition advice?)

And if you CAN give nutrition advice, how should you give it?

Find out in this FREE Nutrition Coaching Course put together by renowned coach, researcher, and pioneer in the field of exercise nutrition — Dr. John Berardi.

Just click the link below and you’re all set: ion/28316815?url= -coaching-free-course

4. CORE Online Coming Soon

In a few weeks I’ll be offering a new service…CORE Online.

It’s basically the closest you’re going to get to training with me at CORE without actually stepping foot inside the facility. Each month I write programs that’ll help give you structure and purpose with your own training. You log on with your own CORE Online app, watch me demonstrate exercise, and you get diesel.

If you want to get stronger….this will be for you.

If you want to get leaner or bigger….this will be for you.

If you want to move better…..this will be for you.

If you want to get really good at long division….eh, not so much.

5. Lisa on Cut the S#!t Get Fit Podcast

My wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, made an appearance on the Cut the S#!t Get Fit Podcast recently and she rocked it. If you’re remotely interested in mindset strategies, how to deal with negative self-talk, her impeccable taste in choosing a life partner, or brain stuff in general you’ll want to check this out.

You can also click HERE for the direct link.

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work

A Biomechanical Analysis of the Deadlift: Conventional vs. Sumo – Kevin Cann

Nice breakdown by TPS strength coach, Kevin Cann, on the differences, advantages & disadvantages of the conventional and sumo deadlift.

Nerds will like this.

Fix Your Tilt For Untapped Glute Gains – Jonathan Acosta

APT tends to get all the love. But what happens when you have someone who seems to be in excessive posterior pelvic tilt?

Old Man Training – Part I – Alex Viada

If you’re 35-40+ you’ll soon realize you’re not 25 anymore. Awesome stuff from Alex in this one.

Social Media Shenanigans



I’ve had a change of heart with dips of late. I still feel strongly they’re not a good fit for those with a long history of shoulder issues, but they’re still a heckuva an exercise to help build the triceps (and as a bench accessory to help with lockout). The video on the left is my client, Kristina, performing a set without me saying anything. She’s pretty upright which leads to excessive extension of the humerus and even more excessive anterior tilt of scapulae (shoulders rolling forward). This places the glenohumeral joint in a very compromising position, pushing the humeral head more anteriorly and forcing the bicep tendon to flip you the middle finger. Instead, I prefer to cue people to add more of a forward lean. See the video on the right. Notice the less aggressive rolling of the shoulders? That slight forward lean will make a HUGE difference in making dips a little more shoulder friendly.

A post shared by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on

Categoriescoaching Nutrition

DON’T Put the Cookie Down

Oh, hello…I’m in Europe being all fancy pants.

Luckily, I lined up some excellent guest posts for you while I’m away. Here’s one from San Antonio based trainer, Jonathan Acosta.

“Put That Cookie Down!”

– Arnold

You hear that all the time from nutrition zealots. Shit, the legend himself, Arnold, said it and the interwebs even created a meme out of it.

But what if I told you rather than putting the cookie down……….Eat it!

Yes eat that cookie! Follow your dreams man!

No this isn’t the beginning of an Instagram supplement commercial.

Don’t worry I haven’t gone bat shit crazy….YET.

Listen: nutrition is one of my favorite topics. Fitness and nutrition is my profession. Im all for buckling down and getting your nutrition in check. You have a show or a competition you need to get ready for?

Cool, lets buckle down and get your nutrition in check.

I’m all for meal plans and strict adherence. My brother’s girlfriend likes to joke that we can eat the same thing day in and day out.

If you have an important goal or deadline, then hell yea I recommend a detailed plan and strict adherence…………….

But the reality is, most people don’t need that kind of strictness. At least not in the real world, or at the beginning of their journey.

A funny thing happened when I started training and working on people’s nutrition.

I would write a detailed plan out and by Week #2 it was out the door and back to old habits. Only my competitive clients would grit through it and last through the plan.

You see, this is the real world. And in the real world habits are king.

Most people juggle their jobs, families, kids, and everything in between. Just starting a workout plan alone is stressful enough.

Life happens and building better habits keeps you on point.

It’s not realistic to change your entire eating patterns to almost a robot like state and expect to hit your goals and stay like that forever.

Working on better eating habits works wonders.

Search Google for nutrition tips and what do you hear?

Cut out the sweets, eat chicken and broccoli, don’t drink alcohol. You name it.

You probably read that while rolling your eyes thinking duh we know all this.

Which brings me to my point.

All the above tips are practically common knowledge now. So why isn’t everyone rocking a six-pack or first in like to take part in a shirtless volleyball game at the beach???


The answer to that is two fold.

Habits and consistency.

Creating habits that ensure this whole “nutrition thing” is life long.

All while being consistent. Day in and day out.

That’s what its all about. That’s the real secret.

It’s not about what diet plan you follow. Or if you’re paleo, warrior diet, or intermittent fasting. It’s about finding something that WORKS FOR YOU AND YOUR WORLD.

Right now the cool thing to do is follow what these peeps on the grams of Insta are showing.

Meal prep consisting of nothing but chicken and broccoli – CHECK

Taking selfies with meals – CHECK

Repeating the steps above – CHECK

Get paid – CHECK

That last step is for the Instagram peeps.

That step for most folks looks more like this….

Realizing that this isn’t realistic and its boring. Throw the meals away, go back to old habits and eat what you used to eat.

I’m gonna pause right here. All of this depends on your goals and the amount of time you give yourself for your goals and its urgency.

If you have a wedding or something that is a necessity then yes by all means, bite the bullet and have a PROPER plan of attack and go for it.

If your goal is similar but isn’t as urgent then you’re better off not worrying to much about your short game.

Think about your end game.

  • In the grand scheme of things, what makes more sense? Following a strict diet for 2-3 weeks then “relapsing” and go to F-it mode for 1-2 weeks. Then starting all over again.


  • Gradually working on habits and cutting back on a few things here and there until eventually we’ve completely changed our entire nutrition approach.

I first learned about habits through John Berardi and the crew over at Precision Nutrition. I’ll be completely honest and say that when I first read a few articles and saw how they approached things I was dumbfounded.

How were their clients getting crazy results and they weren’t even following a strict diet?

They didn’t even know their macros!

There is no way adding in a small habit here and there bi-weekly created all that change.

In my defense I was young and naïve. The older I got, and the more people I worked with, the more I started realizing that habits are the cornerstone of everything.

Turns out Berardi really hadn’t lost his marbles after all. (I dived right into the Precision Nutrition certification the moment it became available)

In reality, what seemed so simple was actually pretty ground breaking.

Sure you can give someone a diet plan and they may or may not follow it. But if you change someones habits, I mean really rewire them from the inside.

That’s when you start changing lives.

So what can you do TODAY to improve?

Here are some action habits I’ve used with clients:

1) Add in Two Protein Shakes a Day.

One of the first things I see in peoples nutrition habits is lack of protein. For the sedentary person that doesn’t workout, this isn’t a huge priority. But if you workout frequently then this habit will go a long way.

2) Cut back slightly on starchy carbs.

Lets say you eat four meals a day and normally 3-4 of those meals contain carbs. Then cut back slightly by replacing starchy carbs with veggies for 2 meals.

3) Take notes on how you feel after a meal

Although this doesn’t directly help your results, finding out what foods make you feel like crap and which ones make you feel energized goes a long way in helping you make better food choices.

4) Save the reward.

Save the rewards for the last meal of the day.

I don’t know about you but come evening time I’m starving!

No matter how many meals I’ve eaten I’m ravenous. So saving a reward treat for the evening helps curb whatever cravings I have. If you’ve got a sweet tooth than this works especially well for you.

The trick is to make sure the rest of the day is on point and aligned with our goals.

This means making sure your protein intake is good, you’re mindful of the starches, and you workout. If all things go right then a small reward wouldn’t be too harmful. Remember this is temporary while were weaning off per say.


Finding less goal harming treats is even better. Some of my go to’s are:

  • Cool whip (a small serving is super low)
  • Almond butter, protein powder, heavy whipping cream pudding
  • Proscuitto and mozzarella (don’t ask me why but a slice of each kills any sweet or salty cravings I have, maybe itll work for you)
  • Sugar free chocolates (Be mindful on these as some people cant handle the sugar substitutes well and have G.I. issues. Bloating sucks.)

Small habits that build up to amazing results. Nothing fancy. No drinking a protein shake made with fresh milk from a grass fed intermittent fasting cow who was born on the summer solstice.

Just practical habits that cater to you in the real world. Habits that dont require you to sacrifice your social life and over stress about everything else.

So get your habits in check and eat that cookie if you need it.

Until you level up and its time to PUT THE COOKIE DOWN!!!!!

(Please eat responsibly).

About the Author

Jonathan Acosta is the founder of Underground Performance Center and head trainer at Get Sexy San Antonio and is a certified personal trainer though both ISSA and the NCEP, as well asPrecision Nutrition Level I certified.

He likes lifting heavy things, reading books with big words in them, his steaks rare, funny stuff, writing stuff, hanging out with friends, and laughing.

Categoriespersonal training

Become a Superhero Trainer

SURPRISE. Bonus weekend edition post today from San Antonio based personal trainer, Jonathan Acosta. Jonathan has written a handful of posts on this site, most notably his popular Carbohydrate Rotation Revamped article.

Today he discusses what “superpower” is most beneficial for every trainer to be successful.[footnote]Ability to squat the Empire State Building notwithstanding.[/footnote]


Like any other guy I’m a bit of a comic buff. I don’t know if its just the whole concept of superheroes or my addiction to trying to be superhuman. But since I was a kid Ive always been fascinated by superheres

I would put a plastic grocery bag on my back like a backpack and jump off the roof in attempts to fly or at least float down.

I learned about physics and gravity that day, so I had to look for another method. Towels tied to your neck to make a cape didn’t cut it either.

Bear with me, I’m getting close to my point.

Out of all the superheroes Deadpool is my favorite. Followed by Superman.

I know I’m gonna get a lot of heat with this but I’m not much of a Batman fan. Mostly because one of my BFF’s secretly thinks hes Batman. Batdad is pretty cool though.


Superman is one of my favorites not because of his superhuman capabilities but because of what he represents. which is his true super power. The invincibility and flying is cool, but it’s not his best super power.

The cool thing about this super power is that as a trainer, we have that super power too…………….

Ok let me rephrase that.

Great trainers have this super power.

If you saw the movie Superman with a jacked Henry Canvil, you’d see what the S on his chest really means. In krypton it means hope. That’s Superman’s greatest super power.

His ability to give people hope.

As a GREAT trainer, this too is your greatest super power. The ability to give people hope. The ability to give them hope and provide them with a solution. You see, what seperates a good trainer and a great trainer is just that.


That’s cool that you can name every piece of the human anatomy. That’s cool that you know the best and most effective strength training or fat loss methods. But none of that will do you “Justice” (see what I did there?) like the ability to give your client hope.

If you’ve ever really sat down with a client and heard them out completely (which you should), you’d hear their pain and their struggle with whatever problem they bring forward to you.

It might be health reasons or performance. I know pain is subjective, but pain is still pain. And nothing alleviates pain like hope and action. Hope knowing that you are being provided with a proven path and are being guided by a “superhero”.

Followed by a plan of action to get to that superhuman version of you.

If men are from mars and women are from venus, then great trainers are from Krypton and CrossFit trainers are from Uranus.


There are some great CrossFit coaches out there. I just like busting your chops 😉

If this article teaches you anything it’d be to hone your super power.

Trust me, you’ll see some amazing things happen when a client is ignited with hope and with your guidance they will become their own version of superhuman.

Ignite the Fire”, so to speak.


So now that you know that you’re from Krypton and possess a superpower that can benefit all mankind…………

……………….What will you do with it?

About the Author

Jonathan Acosta is the founder of Underground Performance Center and head trainer at Get Sexy San Antonio and is a certified personal trainer though both ISSA and the NCEP, as well as Precision Nutrition Level I certified.

He likes lifting heavy things, reading books with big words in them, his steaks rare, funny stuff, writing stuff, hanging out with friends, and laughing.


Glutton Free: No, That’s Not a Typo

Today’s guest post comes courtesy of San Antonio based personal trainer, Jonathan Acosta. Some of you may remember a previous post Jonathan wrote for this site – Carbohydrate Rotation Revamped – which was big hit.

Today he covers gluten. But not in a way that’s going to wave his uppity, yoga class going, Prius driving, Whole Foods shopping, I-made-these-delish-gluten-free-chocolate-peanut-butter-brownies-sprinkled -with-fat-free-fairy-dust-that-you-just-have-to-try finger at us.

He understands that Celiac Disease and gluten intolerance does exists, and that for some, avoiding gluten at all costs is kind of important.

However, he also recognizes that for most people, like 99% of us, gluten is not the evil stepchild it’s made out to be…and that there are other, more incendiary culprits in play when it comes to our growing waistlines.

In short: just a little tough love. Enjoy!

Glutton Free

Have you seen the movie This Is the End? You know the one with all the funny comedians and the end of the world.

If you haven’t, there’s a part in the beginning where Seth Rogan is explaining to Jay Baruchel about how he’s eating better and they can’t go to Carl’s Jr because he’s staying away from gluten. Jay then proceeds to make fun of him because of how ill informed he is of gluten and they end up at Carls Jr.

Why am I telling you this?


1 – EVERYONE needs to see that movie.

2 – Most people are ill informed about gluten and automatically assume they are allergic to gluten and think its clean eating. Even most docs are ill informed about it.

People going on a “health kick” assume that this is it. This is the magic piece they’ve been missing in order to reach their goals.

Eureka! Its gluten!

Im gonna go gluten free and get so (ripped, toned, sexy, insert any diet-related adjective here) because Dr. Oz said so.

The problem is most people don’t even know what gluten is. I really don’t want to go too in depth with gluten because its not the main topic of this post, and a simple google search can explain it better than I can.


In a nutshell a gluten is a protein that’s naturally found in wheat and other grains. Not every grain has it (quinoa and rice are the first two that come to mind).

People with Celiac disease are the main population that should be avoiding these as they cause a whole heap of health problems including low immune system, pain and bloating, fatigue ect. I’ll admit that some people who don’t have celiac disease can also benefit with removing gluten from their diet as well.

But those are few and far in between.

Note from TG: For those interested in reading more about gluten – what it is, what it isn’t, who should avoid it, what effects it may have, etc – I’d encourage you to read THIS article from Precision Nutrition.

Disclaimer: Im not a doctor nor do I pretend to be. But in my opinion, unless you have legit, genuine, and aggressive celiac disease, I see no need to be anal (A friend dared me $5 that I couldn’t use this word in a post, cha ching!) and go through the trouble of removing gluten from their diet.

Will it help a bit if you feel bloated and have some G.I. issues? Maybe. Will it help you get amazing fat loss or muscle building results? Not likely. You see gluten isn’t the really the culprit.

Even gluten free foods can be “bad”.

Contrary to popular belief many food items that are “gluten free” are still processed and refined.

Not to mention that gluten free doesn’t automatically mean healthy for you. Just the other day my wife and I were at a restaurant when I overheard the table next to us tell the waitress “let me get the gluten free pizza, I’m eating healthy and that’s the only gluten free item on the menu”.

I glanced at the menu and saw tons of lean protein and veggie options that would’ve been a better replacement for her goals.

Here’s the thing and my point of all this: Gluten isn’t the problem. The problem is it’s homonym. The problem is glutton.

Glutton – To over indulge, over eat, over drink, or too much wealth to the point of extravagance or waste.

Maybe we got it wrong. Maybe when the nutrition gods sent down the Seven Deadly Nutrition Sins we misinterpreted them.

Maybe we were like “What does that say? Gluten? Oh I get it, thou shall not eat gluten duh!”

I’m no expert, but maybe you shouldn’t be getting on a gluten free diet and get on a glutton free diet instead.

Maybe the real problem is the over indulging.

Food portions have become so crazy and well, disproportionate, that what was once considered one serving in any typical restaurant can now, technically, feed two (sometimes more) people.

Without realizing it, you’ve doubled your serving size every time you eat out. Pay attention to what you’re eating. Be mindful of the portion size you’re eating. You don’t have to eat like a baby bird, but you don’t have to eat like a gluttonous T-rex either.

This is why one of my favorite go to tips to revamp results with my clients is to have them weigh and measure their food.

I get it, its all the rage right now to revolt against weighing and measuring and counting macros and calories. It sucks, and it sucks the enjoyment out of eating food. But the truth is…even if you don’t weigh or measure food, your body does.

Here’s what I propose: For 99% of people, 99% of the time, including YOU, all you really need to do is pay more attention to what and how much you’re eating vs. if it has gluten.

What would be a better choice for your fat loss or muscle building goals? A steak, jasmine rice, and veggies? Or a gluten free pizza?

Yeah, yeah, yeah….calories in vs. calories out (and portion sizes) matter – so you technically could make a case for both – but lets cut through the BS and act like adults here.

Change gluten free to glutton free and watch things change.


Carbohydrate Rotation Revamped

Note from TG:  I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again: Han shot first I don’t post nearly enough nutrition related topics on this site as I should.

Truth be told my approach to nutrition is simple, self explanatory, and mirrors that of the Jen Sinkler school of thought.  Which is: don’t eat like an a**hole.

I don’t think many fitness professionals will disagree with me when I say that the thing that serves as the biggest bottleneck preventing many people from seeing the results they’re after is their nutrition.

People have a habit of making things waaaaay more complicated than they have to be. I’m always perplexed when someone asks me my opinion on macronutrient timing, intermittent fasting or, I don’t know, whether or not I feel drinking green tea every two hours mixed with deer antler powder (and a drop of unicorn tears) is the key to losing weight (or even putting it on).

Why put the cart before the horse and make things more complicated than they have to be?  Why do some people feel like they’re soooooo special and it’s beneath them to apply the basics, and instead skip 27 steps and jump right into the advanced stuff?

How about just sitting down, being honest with yourself, and making a concerted effort to make better/healthier food choices?  Or, as Dan John put it: stop eating like a child!

Still, I recognize that telling someone to “eat their veggies and take their fish oil” gets a little old and lacks a certain pizzaz.  It’s just not exciting.

And it’s with that I want to introduce everyone to Jonathan Acosta who’s a personal trainer in the San Antonio area.  He offered to write a Cliff Notes article on Carb-Cycling, which is something I’ve used sporadically myself and with my own clients/athletes to aid in fat loss or body recomposition.

While it sounds like something complicated, it really isn’t….and I’d argue it’s actually one of the best approaches to SUSTAINABLE body composition changes.


Carbohydrate Rotation Revamped

When it comes to nutrition there’s so much info out there that it becomes confusing. Seriously, there’s some crazy info out there.

There are “Guru’s” preaching that kipping and nuts are the breakfast of champions. Or if you wanna see your abs and get more anabolic you have to have a post workout shake exactly 42 minutes and 42 seconds after your workout. Preferably on the first week of the month or on the next solstice.

With all the magic bullet pills and cabbage soup diets, it’s easy to get misled. Just remember, 10 years ago dudes used to crank out workouts and drink breast milk after because it was the holy grail of muscle building. CRRRAAAAZZZZYYYY.

What happened to simplicity? What happened to eating the best possible nutrient dense foods for your goals? 

Whether the goal is building muscle or fat loss, CARB ROTATION is my weapon of choice……….aside from Mjolnir. <—–Google it.

But here’s the thing. Counting macros and using formulas isn’t for everyone. It’s great and don’t get me wrong everything NEEDS to be counted. Even if you don’t count it you’re body does. I’d even go as far as say if you hit a plateau and start weighing all your meals you’d see things revamp fast.

But in the real world this isn’t always possible. At least not for the long haul.

I’m pretty sure you’re busy, and have a family, and one of those things everyone calls a J.O.B. The last thing you wanna have to do is worry about one more thing.


So what is carb cycling?

Since you’re already reading Tony’s blog I assume you enjoy the finer things in life and read high quality stuff. So more than likely you’ve come across carb rotating before. But as a quick recap, carb rotation in a nutshell is basically having some days that are high carb to promote muscle growth and recovery and low carb days to promote fat loss. So ……yea…basically that.

Simple right?


High carb days

  • Stimulate insulin
  • Replenish your glycogen stores
  • Keeps you from being a hungry bear
  • Fuel the machine

Low carb days

  • Help improve your body’s insulin sensitivity
  • Promotes fat loss by having your body use fat for fuel instead of the glucose from carbs
  • Get rid of unwanted friends or coworkers with your grumpiness

There are a ton of ways to use carb cycling but I’m not gonna get too in depth today. Why?

1. Because you can go a long way with just the basics. Were simplifying things remember.

2. Because honestly I don’t have the attention span right now to write out that much.

The Magic Formula

STEP 1.  Eat starchy carbs on the days you lift weights.

STEP 2.  On the days you don’t lift weights or are doing some sort of HIIT or Intervals don’t have any starchy carbs.


-High carb days don’t have to be lifting weights only, it’s just the days you have your MAIN workouts. The roughest and toughest ones.

-Also, protein should always be high and veggies should always be thrown in the mix along with healthy fats. The only thing that changes is starchy carbs.

-High carb days should always be on days where you do skwatz, or the lifting of the deads.

I know what some of you may be wondering. “But Jonathan what are starchy carbs?”

I knew you were gonna ask that. These qualify as starchy carbs. Its not limited to just these but they’re are just a few.



Sweet potato

White potato

Red Potato


Ezekiel bread

Ezekiel tortillas



Notice there weren’t any donuts, cakes, or pizza in there……….yea we avoid those Mmmmmmkay…

While we’re at it lets give you a run down of approved proteins and fats too.


Lean red meats (all the rib eyes in the world)






Lean pork

Basically lean meats, seafood, and eggs.


Coconut oil


EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)  <—–read it in Rachel Ray’s voice and it makes you more anabolic.

Red palm oil


So lets give an example what a week on carb rotating would look like. Say if someone works out 3x a week Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then their week would look like so.

MONDAY– Workout- High carb day

TUESDAY– Non workout- Low carb day

WEDNESDAY– Workout- High carb day

THURSDAY– Non workout- Low carb day

FRIDAY– Workout- High carb day

SATURDAY– Non workout- Low carb day

SUNDAY– Non workout- Low carb day

What?!?!?!? No pizza and barbacoa on Sunday?!?!?!?!  I know I know but it’s just a small temporary sacrifice. I mean if you’re wanting your body to sacrifice fat to the exercise Gods then you’ve got to be willing to sacrifice something too.  Ok……moving on.

Based off of what we talked about earlier a typical high carb day’s meals would consist of: Protein, Starches, and Veggies.


A low carb day’s meal would look like this: Protein, Veggies, Healthy fats (the veggies are what will replace the starches for you to keep you full)


Basically just replace a starch for cruciferous veggies on your low carb days.

Here’s an example of a high carb day from a current client:

She’s extremely busy and eats out for lunch mostly so we find restaurants that she can choose plenty of stuff from. She also lifts 4x a week and has the appetite of the hulk. <—– Can we just safely say this is all women who lift!?!?!  Can I get an AMEN!

Remember this is just an example of what SHE eats and should give you a general idea. So don’t copy it exactly and then email me angrily that it sucks and didn’t work for you.


3 free range eggs

1 cup spinach

1/2 cup steel cut oats

1 banana


1 Quest bar


(At Cracker Barrel)

3 grilled chicken tenderloins

steamed veggies

Medium sweet potato


2 scoops whey isolate


Burger on Ezekiel bread

4 oz lean ground beef

1 oz cheese


2 slices Ezekiel bread

Example low carb day from same client:


3 free range eggs cooked in 1 tbsp coconut oil

1 cup spinach



Hangar steak

Brussel sprouts


3 oz chicken

2 oz shrimp

Grilled veggies


1 warmed up quest bar

Here’s an example of one of our male clients:

He works mostly outdoors doing construction so 3 meals a day plus a snack works great for him. He also feels sluggish in the mornings whenever carbs are added so we just spread them out through the rest of the day.

This is where it’s important to learn your body and what you work best with. The only thing worse than doing something that makes you feel shitty is not being aware you’re doing it or what it is.

High Carb Day:


5 egg whites

4oz of turkey sausage

1 cup kale


2 scoops whey isolate

handful of Udi’s all natural granola


6oz chicken

2 cups jasmine rice

any veggie


6oz lean meat

1 large baked potato

salad with balsamic vinaigrette

Low Carb Day:


5 egg whites

3 strips uncured bacon

1 cup kale

cooked in coconut oil


2 scoops whey iso

handful of almonds


Shrimp fajitas


bell pepper

4oz avocado


6 oz Wild caught salmon


grass fed butter

There you have it. Simple as that.

Final tips (I promise)

  • If you’re hungrier on your low carb days simply eat more protein and veggies. <——Higher protein is NOT bad for you.
  • Don’t worry about counting macros (carbs, proteins, and fats) yet……..YET!!!!!!
  • Since I know someone’s going to ask. If you’re gonna cheat try and keep it on a high carb day and at least 6-7 days apart. NOT every high day, just to be clear. Some people can get away with those cheats a lot more frequently; they are not of this world and should not be trusted.
  • Carbs should always be for sure around the workout time. Preferably post workout.

This is a perfect starting point for anyone looking for fat loss or some body recomposition. It’s even an awesome autopilot once you’ve gotten around where you wanna be with your goals.

The beauty of this is its simplicity. Don’t put too much thought into it. There’s no need to complicate anything. Just take this time to learn how your body works with things and reacts and adjusts to things. Learning your body is the most important and rewarding part of your fitness journey.

Author’s Bio

Jonathan Acosta is the founder and head trainer at Get Sexy San Antonio and is a certified personal trainer though both ISSA and the NCEP, as well as Precision Nutrition Level I certified.. He also likes to lift heavy things.