It’s been a glorious ride.

For the past three years Dean Somerset and I have had the opportunity to practice karate travel together all over North America (and Europe) presenting our Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint to the masses.

Here we are at Movement Minneapolis

All told we’ve had over 500 people – ranging from personal trainers, strength coaches, yoga/pilates instructors, physical therapists, chiropractors, people who like to lift heavy things, and Chuck Norris[footnote]Even he understands how badass it is and the importance of having adequate scapular upward rotation[/footnote] – attend the course, in addition to having over 100o people purchase the online video series.

This November, though, in Boston, MA, will likely be our LAST workshop.

Well, not the last last workshop.

It’s not like he and I had a falling out or something and hate each other’s guts. That could never happen.

Rest assured we have plans to do future workshops together, just not this workshop.

Why Should You Come Hang Out With Us In Boston?

1. I’m serious, I’m 99.7% sure this will be the last live Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint event in the foreseeable future.

Now, granted, Brett Favre retired and un-retired 33 different times and even Crystal Pepsi has managed to make several comebacks, so I’ll never say never.

But unless Disney decides to put Dean and I in some magical vault alongside a pair of glass slippers and several Dwarfs, and re-release us every 40 years, this will be our last CS&H workshop.

2. I’d venture a guess there aren’t many workshops that can give you the same experience as us. We geek out over some geeky shit, but we also make things very digestible and fun:

  • Every workshop is different and we’re pretty flexible in terms of catering the two-days to what our audience wants to watch and listen to.
  • Plus, I swear a lot.[footnote]Like, a lot.[/footnote]

3. Learn to connect the dots, if any, between assessment, corrective exercise, and effective strength training strategies for common shoulder and hip ailments and dysfunctions.

100% of your clients have shoulders and hips, I think.

I can almost guarantee you’re going to learn something that you’ll be able to apply right away to help your clients/athletes get better.[footnote]I can also almost guarantee I’m going to include a picture of cat at some point during the weekend.[/footnote]

4. It’s an amazing opportunity to network and meet other like-minded individuals.

5. CEU deadlines are coming up at the end of the year and I’m willing to bet you’re someone who’s waited till the last minute. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

This sucker provides 1.4 CEUs (via the NSCA).

6. The weekend of this workshop is an extended Holiday weekend, so most personal training clients will be peacing out anyways.

Why not come visit a cool city, do some sightseeing, and make a weekend out of it?

The Early Bird rate is currently in effect – $100 off the regular price – and seats are limited. Click the link below for full details on the itinerary, location, payment options, and which is Dean’s favorite Spice Girl.

—> Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint <—