Lets dive right into things.

But First
1) Mid-Atlantic Regional NSCA Conference – Philadelphia
I’m excited to be presenting alongside some other prominent coaches at this year’s Mid-Atlantic NSCA Conference in Philadelphia, PA this coming December.
Hope to see you there.
2) Strength House Podcast – The One Where They Dissect My 600 lb Deadlift
I’ve had a lot of people ask me about my 600 lb deadlift that I hit a few weeks ago: How did I prepare? What did my programming look like? Did I destroy the back of my pants? You know, all the important stuff.
My coach, Greg Robins, and his partner in crime, Tony Bonvechio, go into great detail on my technique and programming in their latest episode of The Strength House.
3) How To Build a Strong Online Training Business
There are few things I’m steadfast on:
1. No one has to back squat.
2. Bacon is delicious.
3. Attack of the Clones is the worst of the Star Wars movies. It just is.
Oh, and there’s one more thing: I think any trainer who is serious about pursuing online training should FIRST spend 2+ years training people in person.
There are so many variables and nuances one learns from coaching people in person that it’s pretty much impossible to appreciate them if you end up bull-charging into online coaching out of the gate.
That being said, in this day and age, online coaching is kinda-sorta a thing. Actually, it’s more than that. For many it’s a viable and extraordinary way to add an additional revenue stream to compliment your income, or in some cases to make into your livelihood.
My good friend, Jon Goodman, author of the world’s only textbook on online training, has a free 4-day course on building a successful online business. I checked it out and it’s awesome, but free registration ends on October 29. Grab it while you can, and you’ll learn…
* Lesson 1: How to properly offer support to online clientele (and why most online trainers do this really, REALLY badly).
* Lesson 2: How online trainers should approach assessments (and the key mindset shift you MUST make).
* Lesson 3: How to sell online training over the phone in 11 steps (without being SLEAZY).
* BONUS: You’ll also get a free copy of Jon’s ebook, “The 16 Lasting Laws of Online Training”
The LAST day to download this FREE 4-day course is October 29th. Don’t miss out.
Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work
The Ultimate Pull-Up Program – Meghan Callaway
This is one of the best resources I’ve ever come across on the topic of how to make pull-ups/chin-ups your bitch.
Meghan is a fantastic coach and I know of zero people who are more passionate about the topic than her.
She looooooooves pull-ups. And, honestly, there aren’t many people who can do what she can do. It’s pretty impressive.
If you’re looking to conquer your first pull-up (and then some), look no further. Last day to save $50 off the regular price is today (hint, hint, nudge, nudge).
Should You Squat Tall Athletes? – Mike Robertson
Mike’s written many phenomenal articles throughout the years. This one may be in his Top 5. Really, really good.
So You Want To Be a Writer? – Tim Henriques
There are many coaches and trainers out there wondering whether or not that have the chops (maybe “prose” would be a better word here?) to write.
Strength coach Tim Henriques provides some excellent insights in this post.
Social Media Shenanigans
“Go to bed” <—– Pretty much my canned response whenever someone asks about recovery or what they could do to enhance results in the gym.
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) October 26, 2017