Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, on the internet will top THIS clip of Wu-Tang Clan performing a 20-minute tiny desk concert covering some of their greatest hits.

I mean, don’t get me wrong: I hope you take some time to listen to the two podcast appearances below (one of which is a joint episode I did alongside my wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis). They’re both chock full of insight, wit, and humor.

But neither contain any sick beats or rhymes…

I bomb atomically, Socrates’ philosophies and hypothesis can’t define how be droppin these mockeries…

Copyright: dr911 / 123RF Stock Photo

Revolutionary You Podcast – Episode #157: The Best of Both Worlds

A strength coach and a psychologist get married and do a podcast together…

Jason Leenaarts invited us onto this show to discuss a number of topics ranging from how social media affects our clients, to the importance of strength training and sleep, to how Lisa and I continue to bring out the best in each other personally and influence each other professionally.

This was a fun show to do.

For the iTunes snobs out there you can download HERE (Episode #157)

Lift the Bar Podcast: Laying the Foundations For a Successful Fitness Career

Stuart Aitken is one of my all-time favorite hosts/interviewers.

1. He has a Scottish accent. So there’s that.

2. More importantly, Stuart is SO engaging and such a “natural” interviewer that it comes across a just two people having a conversation and talking shop, which I dig.

This was my second appearance on the Lift the Bar Podcast and it was a pleasure to be invited back on.

And, again, for the iTunes peeps in the crowd, you can go HERE to listen/download. (episode #146)