The email started with “so, I have this idea….”
And while no where was there any reference to writing our own Star Wars movie script, starting our own Laser Tag franchise, or, I don’t know, eating carrot cake, by the end of it, Dean Somerset had sold me on the idea of collaborating with a collection of other fitness professionals to curate a continuing education series called The Complete Trainers’ Toolbox.

The Trainers Toolbox
To be honest it didn’t take much selling.
Dean had me at “I have this idea.”
Once I knew the premise – to create on online resource designed BY trainers for trainers to emulate having some of the brightest minds in the industry coaching you through your biggest hurdles so you can feel confident growing your business – I was in.
Nine coaches are involved in this project.
Hmmm, what other events or, dare I say, FELLOWSHIPS, have involved nine individuals?
Yeah that’s right.
You didn’t think I was not going to include a LoTR reference here did you?
I liken this resource to the Fellowship of the Ring; except instead of fighting Orcs, Balrogs, back-stabbing wizards, dragons, and all the other demons, ghosts, and what-have-you’s amidst the depths of Mordor….
….we’re fighting mediocrity.
We wanted to create a product – which we’re hoping becomes a recurring series – that helps separate health/fitness professionals from the masses by connecting them to some of the top minds in the industry.
Those trainers, strength coaches, physical therapists, (and a psychologist) who are in the trenches, every day, working with real people, getting real results, making it their mission to improve the industry, and, for what it’s worth, are all kicking ass and taking names.
So Who’s In the Fellowship and What Are They Talking About?
Tony Gentilcore (Aragorn) – Improving Overhead Mobility & How to Write Stellar Fitness Content
Dean Somerset – Programming 101: How to Design an Effective Workout.
Luke Worthington – Assessing For Excellence.
Dr. Lisa Lewis – Dealing With Negative Thinking (Your Clients and Your Own).
Sam Spinelli – All Things Squats, Knees, & Hips.
Dr. Sarah Duvall – Core and Pelvic Floor Lifting Considerations.
Meghan Callaway – The Ultimate Pull-Up Webinar.
Alex Kraszewski – Understanding Flexion & Extension Based Back Pain.
Kellie Davis – Finding Your Ideal Client.
And that’s not even all of it.
In fact, there’s 17 total hours of content when all is said and done. What’s more, all 17 hours have been approved for CEUs’ (1.7) via the NSCA.
I’m fully confident this is a resource that will help other fitness professionals hone their coaching skills, build better rapport with their clients, and maybe even most important of all…make more money.
And speaking of money, the cost of The Complete Trainers’ Toolbox is set at $100 OFF the regular price all this week. You have until this Sunday (2/17) to take advantage.
I’m really proud of this resource and I hope it helps you as much as I think it will.