CategoriesProgram Design Rehab/Prehab

3 Unconventional Shoulder Health Exercises

I was going to run with the title “3 Unconventional Shoulder Health Exercises (That Aren’t Band External Rotations)” but I didn’t want to come across as a pompous a-hole.


Alternatively, I was considering “3 Unconventional Shoulder Health Exercises (That Aren’t Band External Rotations) and STOP DOING KIPPING PULL-UPS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.”

But again, kinda douchy.

To that end, I suck at intros.

Copyright: restyler / 123RF Stock Photo

3 Unconventional Shoulder Health Exercises

Just so we’re on the same page: I am NOT against external rotation drills (band, side lying, whatever else you can come up with here).

On the contrary I use them often when working with clients who exhibit shoulder discomfort or have a lengthy history of shoulder pain – specifically with the rotator cuff.

Many EMG studies have shown that when it comes to activation…

…Side Lying External Rotations are the Don Corleone of rotator cuff exercises.

They’re wonderful and are a home-run for most people, most of the time (when done correctly). They’re also, you know, about as exciting as watching another parent’s kid’s Clarinet recital.

No one gets excited to head to the gym to perform Side Lying External Rotations. You can make them more palatable, of course:


But even still…


I’m a firm believer that training, especially rehab, should look (and feel) like training. So today I wanted to pass along a few drills I think you should add to your repertoire.

1. Seated Reach & Row


I got this one from strength coach (and person who makes me feel like an old curmudgeon), Conor Harris.

I’m starting to fall into the camp that addressing Serratus weakness is the answer to everything:

  • Shoulder pain?
  • Neck pain?
  • Back pain?
  • Lawnmower won’t start?

More Serratus work my friend!

Reaching (or protraction) is a bonafide way to target the Serratus anterior and improve shoulder health. Likewise, working on ribcage expansion is also part of the equation.

The ribcage is shaped in a convex manner.

The scapulae (shoulder blade) is concave, or rounded, in nature. The ability for the two to play nicely together is an often overlooked mechanism of what I like to call “my shoulder fucking hurts syndrome.”

A stiff ribcage can lead to one of two things:

  1. Lack of rotation.
  2. Inability to expand during inhalation.
  3. BONUS: Also less likely to win an arm-wrestling match vs. a Lumberjack. Trust me.

By combining a reach with an alternating row (and then adding a pause to INHALE in order to induce posterior expansion of the ribcage) we can sorta “unglue” it, which can have profound implications (in a good way) to shoulder health; namely, the scapulae have an increased ability to move.

I think we’ve been programmed to think that shoulder health begins and ends with rotator cuff. I’d make the case that the more germane approach – or attack point – is to address scapular function via the ribcage.

If the ribcage can’t move, neither can your shoulder blades.

2. Elbows Up Banded Press


Pigging back off my Serratus obsession above (<– totally not creepy),1here’s a splendid drill I stole from my friend (and person I hate because he’s way stronger than me), Dr. Jonathan Mike.

Too, what I dig about this exercise is that it very much has a meathead vibe to it.

OMG – the pump you feel after performing a set of these is insane.

After a killer upper-body session, instead of Band External Rotation drills, do this for 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps.

3. 1-Arm Band Upper Cut


This is a drill I’ll often pair with things like squats or deadlifts. Both entail “setting” the shoulder blades in place in a more downwardly rotated (or depressed) position.

This is ideal for lifting heavy things – and for keeping the joint “safe” – but as I alluded to above, not for overall shoulder health.

The scapulae are meant to move in a myriad of ways up, down, and around the ribcage.

The Banded Upper Cut not only targets the Serratus (reaching), but also the upper traps which aid with scapular UPWARD rotation.

The key is to make the movement one seamless movement by thinking about directing everything through the pinky finger. I like to tell clients to think about pointing their pinky out in front of them…

…then UP towards the ceiling.

This ensures the shoulder blades moves around (and up) the ribcage. It feels great.

Want more similar ideas (and then some)?

The Complete Trainers’ Toolbox


TODAY through this Sunday (7/5) The Complete Trainers’ Toolbox is on SALE at $100 off the regular price. Included here is my 60+ minute webinar on How to Improve Overhead Mobility, but you also get 16+ more hours of content from the likes of:

  • Dean Somerset
  • Dr. Lisa Lewis
  • Dr. Sam Spinelli
  • Meghan Callaway
  • Dr. Sarah Duvall
  • Alex Kraszewski
  • Kellie Davis
  • Luke Worthington

If you’re a fitness professional you’d be hard pressed to find another resource that covers such a wide variety of topics pertinent to the industry. Everything from program design and pelvic floor considerations to assessment and psychological skills is included.

And then some.

There’s even an option to split your payments into four monthly installments (and you earn CEUs). And we’ll become BFFs.

There’s really no downside here.

Go HERE for more information. And remember: you only have through this weekend to take advantage.

Categoriescontinuing education

5 Reasons to Consider Purchasing The Complete Trainers’ Toolbox

Admittedly I’m a bit biased since my name is attached to it, but The Complete Trainers’ Toolbox is the shit.

Pulitzer Prize worthy in fact.

Okay, I guess I’m really biased.

Here are FIVE quick-n-dirty reasons you should consider purchasing it.

1) I’m Awesome

Lets be real: You don’t think I’m going to attach my name to something sub-par do you?

Pffffft, whatever.

I mean, this isn’t season two of Stranger Things or, I don’t know, whomever Carrie ended up dating after she broke up with Aidan.1

But just so that I don’t come across as a total pompous a-hole, every person involved with this project is an established fitness professional with years of experience under his or her’s belt.

Every…single…person has at least 10+ years experience in the health/fitness industry.

And with that, 10+ years of mistakes, successes, hindsight, things they’d do differently, things they’d do the same, not to mention an absurd number of protein shaker bottles left in their gym bag for a week too long.

The Toolbox came to fruition because we saw an opportunity to help other fitness professionals improve and grow their business: to tackle common industry pitfalls and traps, save time scouring the internet for answers, and foster a scenario where you build a successful career with integrity.

What’s more, every contributor is a coach who actually coaches people…in real life.

How better to learn than from coaches who practice what they preach?

But seriously, I am awesome…;o)

2) There’s a Little Something For Everyone

As can be expected with a resource such as this, The Toolbox goes into the weeds on topics such as program design, assessment, why Tony incessantly posts pictures of his cat online, and breaking down exercise technique.

Sam Spinelli’s presentation on “Everything Squats, Knees, & Hips” is outstanding. And if Luke Worthington’s presentation on assessment doesn’t make you swoon, his British accent will.

However, what I feel makes this resource special is that it includes a little bit of everything. I don’t know about you, but I can only handle so many hours of any one topic before I want to jump through a pane glass window.

The only exception(s) would be 1) breaking down and ranking Jason Bourne fight scenes and 2) bacon.

Here you get 17 hours of content, albeit all bundled up in a consortium of diverse topics – everything mentioned above in addition to presentations on:

  • Programming For Pull-Ups
  • Understanding Flexion & Extension Based Back Pain
  • How to Write Stellar Fitness Content
  • Improving Overhead Mobility
  • Finding Your Ideal Client, and
  • Core & Pelvic Floor Lifting Considerations.

What’s more, Dr. Lisa Lewis’s presentations on Negative Self Talk and How to Increase Motivation are the two wild cards, in my opinion, that provide a ton of value that most fitness professionals need to educate themselves more on.

Like it or not, if you’re a personal trainer or coach, half of what you do entails psych0logy and the “soft” skills of coaching

This is what will separate you from the masses.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Dr. Lewis is my wife. I don’t call her Dr. Lewis at home by the way2.

3) It Isn’t JUST Dudes Talking

Nine industry experts are involved with this resource.

Four are women.

That’s a HUGE deal and it’s pretty fucking cool.


4) Go At Your Own Pace and Earn Continuing Education Credits

The Trainer’s Toolbox is an online resource that you can view at your own pace. There’s no time requirement to complete it, so whether you want to binge watch everything in two days or watch a little here and a little there…you do you.

Moreover, when complete (and you send in your exam) you can earn 1.7 continuing education credits via the NSCA.

I believe 202o is a re-certification year and if it’s tough for you to travel to attend workshops and seminars this is a convenient way to meet those requirements.

5) You Can Purchase Individual Webinars

Maybe you’re not feeling the entire package and only a few presentations peak your interest?

Cool, cool, cool.

You also have the option to purchase individual webinars, and this week only they’re all on sale at $29 apiece (normally $37).

6) BONUS: You Can Save $100 OFF the Regular Price

The Complete Trainers’ Toolbox is currently on sale at $100 off the regular price, but it only last through this Sunday (10/20) at midnight.

Take advantage while you can.

—> Go HERE <—

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 2/15/19

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – 2019 Locations & Dates

Philadelphia, PA: April 27-28th

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: May 25-26th

Sydney, Australia: July 13-14th

Singapore, Republic of Singapore: July 20-21st

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

Find out more details HERE.

NOTE: For the Singapore event you’ll need to use THIS link.

2. Coaching Competency Workshop – Raleigh, NC

I’ll be making my first appearance – ever (<— how’s that possible?) – in the wonderful state of North Carolina this coming March to put on my popular Coaching Competency Workshop.

This is a great opportunity for other fitness professionals to gain better insight into my assessment and program design process.

And cat memes.

Can’t forget the cat memes.

Full details (date, location, itinerary, how to register) can be found HERE.

EARLY BIRD rate ($50 off regular price) ends THIS weekend (2/17).





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Here’s a little doozy I made up as part of @lilew13 workout today. . Hanging Psoas March. . Start from a dead hang and then pull your shoulder blades into your back pocket and assume the Hollow Position (feet out in front, not straight down. Why? Because I said so. And because you’re less apt to crank through the lower back this way. And because it promotes more anterior core recruitment, better alignment, and because I said so). . With a band looped around the feet, bring one knee towards the chest in a CONTROLLED manner. Try to eliminate as much swaying as possible. . Perform 5-8 reps per side. . This is a fantastic core exercise, in addition to scapular stability and a psoas strengthening thingamabobber (which is a muscle, despite being short due to people sitting a lot at desks, can also be weak because many people never train above 90 degrees of hip flexion). . Lisa’s pretty badass, so I wouldn’t use this drill with stark beginners. Instead I’d start with them lying on their backs on the floor performing the same marching pattern. . However, if you’re looking for a challenging exercise give this one a test drive.

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The Complete Trainers’ Toolbox – A lot of Smart People

– 9 industry leaders.

– 17 total hours of content (tackling issues that every trainer/coach can commiserate with).

– 1.7 CEUs available.

I’m really proud to be a part of this resource which is designed to help build and improve other fitness professional’s businesses. Whether you’re a commercial gym trainer, a strength coach, physical therapist, a gym owner, an industry veteran, or new, you’re bound to learn something from this resource that will help separate you from the masses.

The launch sale ends THIS WEEKEND (2/17), so you have to hurry if you want to take advantage of  it…HERE

Master Your Kettlebell Swing – Matthew Ibrahim

There are a lot of moving parts to mastering the KB swing.

My boy Matt breaks it down step-by-step to make it less likely everyone’s eyes will bleed when they see you swing….;o)

Heart Rate Variability for Athletes – Zach Long

I’ll admit that HRV is a gap in my coaching repertoire.

This was an interesting and to the point article by Zach.


Categoriescontinuing education

Introducing the Complete Trainers’ Toolbox

The email started with “so, I have this idea….”

And while no where was there any reference to writing our own Star Wars movie script, starting our own Laser Tag franchise, or, I don’t know, eating carrot cake, by the end of it, Dean Somerset had sold me on the idea of collaborating with a collection of other fitness professionals to curate a continuing education series called The Complete Trainers’ Toolbox.

Copyright: shaiith / 123RF Stock Photo

The Trainers Toolbox

To be honest it didn’t take much selling.

Dean had me at “I have this idea.”

Once I knew the premise – to create on online resource designed BY trainers for trainers to emulate having some of the brightest minds in the industry coaching you through your biggest hurdles so you can feel confident growing your business – I was in.

Nine coaches are involved in this project.


Hmmm, what other events or, dare I say, FELLOWSHIPS, have involved nine individuals?

Yeah that’s right.

You didn’t think I was not going to include a LoTR reference here did you?

I liken this resource to the Fellowship of the Ring; except instead of fighting Orcs, Balrogs, back-stabbing wizards, dragons, and all the other demons, ghosts, and what-have-you’s amidst the depths of Mordor….

….we’re fighting mediocrity.

We wanted to create a product – which we’re hoping becomes a recurring series – that helps separate health/fitness professionals from the masses by connecting them to some of the top minds in the industry.

Those trainers, strength coaches, physical therapists, (and a psychologist) who are in the trenches, every day, working with real people, getting real results, making it their mission to improve the industry, and, for what it’s worth, are all kicking ass and taking names.

So Who’s In the Fellowship and What Are They Talking About?

Tony Gentilcore (Aragorn) – Improving Overhead Mobility & How to Write Stellar Fitness Content

Dean Somerset – Programming 101: How to Design an Effective Workout.

Luke Worthington – Assessing For Excellence.

Dr. Lisa Lewis – Dealing With Negative Thinking (Your Clients and Your Own).

Sam Spinelli – All Things Squats, Knees, & Hips.

Dr. Sarah Duvall – Core and Pelvic Floor Lifting Considerations.

Meghan Callaway – The Ultimate Pull-Up Webinar.

Alex Kraszewski – Understanding Flexion & Extension Based Back Pain.

Kellie Davis – Finding Your Ideal Client.

And that’s not even all of it.

In fact, there’s 17 total hours of content when all is said and done. What’s more, all 17 hours have been approved for CEUs’ (1.7) via the NSCA.

I’m fully confident this is a resource that will help other fitness professionals hone their coaching skills, build better rapport with their clients, and maybe even most important of all…make more money.

And speaking of money, the cost of The Complete Trainers’ Toolbox is set at $100 OFF the regular price all this week. You have until this Sunday (2/17) to take advantage.

I’m really proud of this resource and I hope it helps you as much as I think it will.

—>  Click Me and Save $100. That Tickles