1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – 2019 Locations & Dates
Philadelphia, PA: April 27-28th (<– EARLY BIRD rate ends THIS WEEKEND).
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: May 25-26th
Sydney, Australia: July 13-14th
Melbourne, Australia: July 20-21st (<— JUST ADDED. Includes bonus “Psyche Skills for Fitness Pros” pre-workshop with Dr. Lisa Lewis).
This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.
With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:
- How to program around common injuries.
- How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
- How to really add value with your assessment process.
- How to squat and deadlift like a boss.
Find out more details HERE.
2. Strategic Strength Workshop – Boston, MA
Luke and I did this workshop last summer in London and figured it’s only fair to bring it State side.
Combined we have 30+ years of coaching experience (I.e., one Mike Boyle or Dan John) and this workshop will be two days where we uncover every nook and cranny as it relates to how we assess our clients/athletes and how we best prepare them for the rigors of every day life/sport.
This will be a unique opportunity for people to learn from myself, but especially Luke, who, along with traveling over from the UK, is one of the best and brightest coaches I know.
For more information and to register you can go HERE.
Male coaches/trainers.
Do more to follow, support, and champion female coaches/trainers.
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) March 25, 2019
What’s the Real Story Behind the Egg Study? – Abby Langer
Maybe I liked this article because I eat roughly 20-30 eggs per week and it validates what I’ve suspected all along…..
….people need to chill the fuck out when it comes to eggs.
What Strength Coaches Should Know About Physical Education – Jeremy Frisch
Not to be confused with Long-Term Athletic Development (LTAD), physical education is often lobbed into the same category as strength & conditioning.
It’s not.
“The purpose of scholastic PE is to help transform a child into an adult, not provide a starting point to becoming an athlete.”
Also, slow clap to Jeremy for highlighting the importance of DODGEBALL in the PE curriculum!
6 Exercises Trainers Hate That Aren’t Bad – Nick Tumminello
Nick ALWAYS makes me think twice about stuff.
This article is no different.1