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1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint Workshop – 2019 Locations & Dates

Sydney, Australia: July 13-14th at Clean Shred.

Melbourne, Australia: July 19-21st and Melbourne Strength & Conditioning. (<—  Includes bonus “Psych Skills for Fitness Pros” pre-workshop with Dr. Lisa Lewis).

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to really add value with your assessment process.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

Find out more details HERE.

2. Strategic Strength Workshop – Boston, MA

Luke (Worthington) and I did this workshop last summer in London and figured it’s only fair to bring it State side.

Combined we have 30+ years of coaching experience (I.e., one Mike Boyle or Dan John) and this workshop will be two days where we uncover every nook and cranny as it relates to how we assess our clients/athletes and how we best prepare them for the rigors of every day life/sport.

  • Upper/Lower Extremity Assessment
  • Technique Audits (how to coach common  strength training exercises)
  • Ways to integrate PRI (Postural Restoration Institute) strategies that don’t make your brain hurt.

This will be a unique opportunity for people to learn from myself, but especially Luke, who is one of the best and brightest coaches I know. This will be his first time teaching in the States.

For more information and to register you can go HERE.

3. Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop – Chicago, IL

This will be the only time Dr. Lisa Lewis and I will be presenting this workshop together in 2019. In previous years we’ve presented it in Boston, London, Toronto, Bonn (Germany),  and Austin, TX.

This 1-day workshop is targeted towards fitness professionals and digs a little deeper into what really “bogs” them down and stresses them out….

…their clients!

Click THIS link for more details on topics covered as well as date/cost/location.





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Return of the Cobra Row. . After a brutal phase the past 8 weeks it was nice to open up my program today from @gnrobins to see some lighter loads (and higher rep shenanigans). . I remember performing this row variation over a year ago and enjoying it (and I know @coachleeboyce has singed its praises in recent weeks). . ✅It’s a great way to accentuate the eccentric (lengthening) portion of the lift which helps increase range of motion and torches the lats. . ✅This variations lends itself well to high(er) reps or performing “rounds.” . Do This: perform 8 reps on one side, then perform 8 reps on the other. Because you’re alternating between sides there’s a built in rest period. . I performed 5 “rounds” today. . Lats were feeling it afterward. . ALSO: You can use either a band or cable system here; it’s all personal preferences (and whatever you have access to). . Sick beats aren’t optional…😉

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Using Prileprin’s Chart Post Rehab – Eric Bowman

^^ That’s Prilepin’s Chart

We don’t need to make programming harder than it has to be. We’re not curing cancer; it isn’t rocket science. Hell, it’s not even long division.

Prileprin’s Chart is a tidy starting point for most programs. And the work (and most of the guessing) has already been  done for you.

Use it.

Train Your Posterior Chain for Better, Safer Gains – Sivan Fagan

Did you know you have muscles on the backside of your body you can’t see in the mirror?

No, really…you do!

It’s an often neglected area, but an argument can be made that training those muscles is the key to a stronger, faster, more resilient body.

This is the program that will help get you started.

Speed Training For Hockey –  Kevin Neeld & Travis Pollen

Fun Tony Fact: I can count on one hand the total number of times I’ve ever attempted to skate on ice. I say “attempted” because I believe the longest I’ve ever stayed upright before crashing to the ground (and taking someone with me) is nine seconds.

That said, despite my lack of skating skills I know a great program when I see it. Kevin and Travis have produced an outstanding resource here, and if you work with hockey players this is an absolute NO-BRAINER.

Speed Training for Hockey is currently on sale at a very fair price, but it only last for one more week.

Check it out HERE.