I’m excited to announce that I’ll be heading to Chicago next month along with my wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, to present our popular Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop.

—> Register Here (Early Bird Rate) <—

In this 1-day workshop we’ll unpack both physical and psychological techniques that will not only make you a better trainer/coach, but also provide you with some unique skills that will undoubtedly help you grow your business and separate you from the masses.

Rest assured our objective is not to promise you an additional $10K in your bank account in a week or tell you that the key to industry success is to post more pictures of yourself with barely any clothes while you stand next to a rainbow, a Tesla, or, I don’t know, a kale shake.

Moreover, you will also not hear the two of us make any reference to email funnels, SEO, or #hustleandgrind.

Nope, the only objective of this workshop is to provide actionable, real-word content that fitness professionals can use to build better relationships (and results) with their clients and athletes.

All coming from a strength coach with 17+ years of experience and an ACTUAL doctor (and not some self-proclaimed “mindset guru” on Instagram who read a chapter of a book once).

Too, even if you’re not a fitness professional this workshop will still be of benefit.

Some of the things we’ll cover:

– Upper & Lower Extremity Assessment
– Motivation
– Client Centered Coaching
– Troubleshooting Tricky Clients
– Troubleshooting Common Strength Training Exercises
– Can Tony’s Pecs Cut Diamonds?


Date: Sunday, August 18, 2019

Time: 10 am – 6 pm

Location: South Loop Strength & Conditioning.


$149.00 (Early Bird) until 7/18/19 ($199.00 thereafter). FREE <– If you happen to be Jason Bourne


**0.7 CEUs will be available via the NSCA.

—> Register Here (Early Bird Rate) <—