I’m excited to announce my new CORE @ Home platform.

I’ve spent the last several weeks working with my boy Alex from Copter Labs to develop a resource which will allow me to send weekly workouts to your living room.


It’s Free(ish)

Many of us have been forced to workout from home the last several weeks and depending on who are are, how inventive you are, and what kind of access to equipment you have the experience can range from “hey this isn’t so bad” to “OMG I’d rather jump into a shark’s mouth.”

For some it’s been an opportunity to tap into their inner McGyver and conjure up some unique and interesting exercise routines.

However, for others (and I suspect the bulk of people fall into this camp), it’s been an opportunity to want to toss your face into a brick wall. I mean, there’s only so many things you can perform with a few bands, a smattering of kettlebells, a rubber ducky, and a roll of duct tape.

Workouts can turn stale and monotonous very quickly (if they haven’t already).

Well, let me do the thinking for you.

CORE @ Home is designed to deliver quick, effective, and fun workouts on a weekly basis that pretty much anyone can partake in.

The Requirements

– If you’re currently injured or have a unique injury history that needs to be taken into consideration you’re probably better off hiring someone to write individualized programs for you. These workouts are meant to be followed by the masses and have a more broad appeal and reach.

– You have to have access to the following equipment:

  • Bands
  • Kettlebells and/or dumbbells
  • Suspension trainer (TRX, Jungle Gym, etc)
  • A chainsaw (don’t ask)

And that’s pretty much it.

The Deets

There are two ways to experience CORE @ Home.

1. Free Workouts

  • Go HERE and click the “Want the Free Videos?” link at the bottom of the page.
  • You’ll enter your email, choose a password, and each week you’ll have access to one of the videos.

2. “All In” Access

  • Go HERE and click the big “Join Now” icon, where you receive access to THREE workouts per week (or 12 workouts per month).
  • Enter the pertinent info and BOOM…you”re in.

Each workout is divided into three sections: Athlete —> Build —> Condition.

The “Athlete” Section has you doing something athletic: simple jumping, skipping, and hopping drills.

The “Build” Section is the meat & potatoes and is designed to emulate more of a traditional program based around paired exercises or supersets. Think: squats, rows, pushes, carries, and the link.

The “Condition” Section is more or less what the name implies: conditioning (I.e., make you hate life).

All workouts are designed to be complete in 30-40 minutes and includes a complete warm-up prior.

Join Now

If you’re someone looking for direction and just want someone else to tell you what to do, CORE @ Home should fit the bill nicely. Too, as we progress forward and people begin to gain access to their regular gyms (or start to build more robust home gyms) this platform will “evolve” to reflect that.

OMG remember barbells!?!?

Anyway, enough talk…let’s get to work.

—> Enroll in CORE @ Home HERE <—