1. Strategic Strength Workshop – Philadelphia, PA
It’s been over 18 months since I’ve announced any IN-PERSON workshops. I’m elated to announce that I am coming to Philadelphia to put on my 1-day Strategic Strength Workshop
*Cue the trumpets*
My friends at Warhorse Barbell Club have agreed to host and I am so pumped.
The event will be in late September and you can take advantage of the early bird rate up until September 1st. For all the details and to register you can go HERE.
Hope to see you there!
Started with a new high school aged client today. His session included:
– Goblet Squats
– Pallof Presses
– Trap Bar Deadlifts
– Push Ups
– Inverted Rows
– Hip Thrusts
– Sick 90’s Hip Hop Beats.You know, the basics.
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) July 18, 2021
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AMRAP Sets for the Main Lifts: How and When – Tony Bonvechio
Key point: AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) is not the same as training to failure. Nevertheless, AMRAP sets can be a very key component to most training programs.
Tony gives you the details on how and why in this short read.
How to Develop with In-Place Running – Hunter Charneski
As a coach who 1) Lives in Hoth a cold-weather location many months out of the year and 2) has limited studio space this was an excellent article.
Professionalism in the Strength Coach Profession – Zach Even-Esh
- Be kind.
- Give credit where it’s due.
- Ignore your “haters.”
If you’re a coach, please give this post a read.