CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 10/19/18

I’m currently in Ljubljana, Slovenia. I’m here teaching the (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint with my brother from another mother, Dean Somerset.

Man, this is a beautiful country. I mean, take a look at THIS. (<— FYI, not a pic of my biceps).

Anyhoo, we’re taking a brief hiatus from walking around and I figured I’d post a quick Stuff to Read post.

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Los Angeles, CA

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

But now.


….It’s the (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

A bunch of wordsmiths we are.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

Los Angeles, CA – November 17-18th. (<— EARLY BIRD rate still in affect)

All registrants to this course (as well as future dates in 2019 in Detroit, Philadelphia, Edmonton, Minas Tirith) will receive a free download of CSHB 1.0 so that you’re up-to-speed on the content Dean and I will be covering.

To register and for moe details go HERE.

 2. Coaching Competency Workshop – NYC

I’ll be back in the city that never sleeps this Fall to put on my popular Coaching Competency workshop.

Albeit this will be condensed version (five hours instead of seven); a fitness amuse bouche if you will.

EARLY BIRD RATE ends next week.

Full details (itinerary, location, and cost) can be found HERE.





Creating a Safe Training Environment For Clients Who Are Survivors – Dr. Lisa Lewis

If you work with women the odds are you have a number who, whether you’re attune to this information or not – have negative feelings about their body, their sexuality, and/or have been assaulted.

Please take the time to read this article.

There’s No Such Thing as Injury Prevention – Dr. John Rusin

And the award for grossest picture to use for an articles goes to John Rusin……haha.

SOLID advice in this article though.

You Can’t Budget Your Way to Becoming a Millionaire – Matt Morizio

Short, sweet, and to the point.

Really liked this one by an former athlete of mine, Matt Morizio.



The (Other) Most Important Three Words in Strength and Conditioning

NOTE FROM TG: I’m traveling this week – in Europe (if you live Munich, Ljubljana, or Vienna hit me up) – and figured I’d take the opportunity to re-purpose some old content.


A few weeks I stole a blog idea from Dean Somerset and highlighted my list of 8 Non-Fitness Books Every Fitness Professional Should Read.

This week I’m stealing an idea from Eric Cressey. It’s cool though. When we were both bachelors and lived together back in 2005-2007 he used to steal a teaspoon here and there out of my peanut butter jar all the time.

This is payback…;o)

EC wrote a fantastic post titled The Most Important Three Words in Strength and Conditioning that I felt hit the nail on the head. While I’d encourage everyone reading now to click on the link above, I won’t leave everyone in the dark.

What were the three words he alluded to?

“I was wrong.”

It takes a bit of courage and moxy for someone to be so transparent and admit when he or she is wrong. And for whatever reason, compared to other professions, seemingly, the strength and conditioning community has a really, really, really hard time admitting when it’s wrong.

And I shouldn’t toss the whole industry under the bus. That’s unfair and shortsighted. But I’d be remiss not to say there are a fair number of people within the industry who are stubborn and refuse to admit when they’re wrong.

I mean all you have to do is spend ten minutes on Facebook and you’ll come across any number of petty arguments and dick measuring contests as to who’s right. The steady state cardio crowd argues with the HIIT crowd. The total calories are the only thing that counts crowd argues with the IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) crowd. The strength coaches argue with the yoga instructors. The powerlifters argue with the bodybuilders. And everyone argues with the CrossFitters.

And NO ONE admits when they’re wrong. Ever.

It’s like the ultimate starring contest…..


Which is why I felt Eric’s post was so refreshing and something that NEEDED to be said. It’s actually okay to admit when you’re wrong. You’re not going to get stoned and the Mayan Apocalypse isn’t going to start.

All the cool kids are doing it.

And I’d even go so far as to say that admitting when you’re wrong is mandatory for personal growth and development.1

Unless your name is Gandalf or Dan John you can’t expect to be right 100% of the time. Admitting when you’re wrong takes balls (and ovaries!), and I feel most people respect those who are confident enough to accept that they’re not infallible more so than those who pretend to be know it alls.

Which brings me to the other three words.

When I was in London last fall for a workshop I was teaching, I had a few days to walk around and take in the sights and sounds.

I LOOOOOOOVED London. It was my first trip to Europe, and being a nerdy history buff I was excited to see many of the historical landmarks and architecture that you just don’t come across here in the states. You know, like a 10-11th century castle (The Tower of London) right smack dab in the middle of a city:

Moreover it was bit of a culture shock to have people smile at you and say “good morning.” Likewise, it was equally “shocking” to get used to some of the British slang.

Me: “Can you point me in the direction of Trafalgar Square?”

Brit: “You’d be bloody barmy to go there this time of day. If you fancy it and you’re full of beans, I’d suggest the South Bank. Cheerio. Spot of tea. Winston Churchhill.”

Me: “Uhhhhh, I don’t know?”

Facetiousness aside, this was an easy example of a time where I wasn’t scared to say the words, I don’t know (what you’re saying!)

Or take a few weeks ago when Lisa and I were down in Florida and we met with our wedding planner.

Lisa: “Babe, which DJ did you like better?”

Me: “I don’t know.”

Lisa: “Babe, do you want a photo booth during the reception?”

Me: “I don’t know.”

Lisa: “Babe, which table cover do you like best?”

Me: “I don’t know.”

Lisa: “Babe, I swear to god I’m going to punch you in the mouth if you say “I don’t know” one more time.”

Me: “I don’t kn…..wait, huh? OWWWWWWWWWWWWW.”

The point is, there are plenty of incidences in everyday life where we don’t tip-toe around the phrase I don’t know.


Yet in the strength and conditioning world those three words are almost considered taboo. It’s as if admitting you don’t know the answer to something is cause for handing in your man-card.

And that’s unfortunate.

I’d like to think I know the answer to most gym-related things I’m asked…but even on the off-chance I’m flummoxed, I’m not afraid to say it……..

I don’t know

If anything I think the person asking respects the admission MORE than if I tried to pawn off some BS diatribe.

What’s more, I come across as a jerk if, down the road, the person finds out the actual answer and realizes I just made something up on the fly. How am I supposed to build trust – and more importantly, integrity – as a fitness professional if I’m pretending to know the answers?

Listen: It’s impossible to be an “expert” in everything. Ask me how to deadlift, and I’m your man. Ask me to explain the Kreb’s Cycle and you’ll get nothing but crickets chirping.

That said, I do feel it’s in every fitness professional’s best interests to own a niche or topic. Cressey Sports Performance owns baseball training. Mark Fisher Fitness owns Broadway. Molly Galbraith, Nia Shanks, and Joy Victoria own female training. John Romaniello owns fat-loss (and dick jokes). Jon Goodman owns personal trainer development. And I could go on and on with examples.

This isn’t to say that none of the above don’t have experience outside their niche – they absolutely do!

But I guarantee they’re not afraid to say “I don’t know” and are willing to 1) own it, 2) say something along the lines of “give me some time and I’ll find the answer for you,” and/or 3) point people in the direction of someone within their network who DOES have the answer.

Rule of Thumb: don’t pretend to be something you’re not. Accepting your limitations as a fitness professional – and saying I don’t know – is just as valuable as being able to regurgitate all the insertions and origins of every muscle… Elvish.

Both are impressive. But it’s the former that separates many of the good trainers and coaches from the great ones.

CategoriesExercise Technique Program Design Strength Training

Are Compound Movements Actually Making You Stronger?

NOTE FROM TG: I’ll be traveling in Europe for the next ten days and figured this would be a nice opportunity to repurpose some old content that may have been missed the first time around.

1) If you didn’t read this the first time I posted it all I have to say is “pfffffft, whatever.”

2) If you did, you’re cool. And, share it……;o)

Photo Credit: Elitefts

Understandably, the title of this post suggests some nefarious agenda where my goal is to spend the next few minutes explaining why we’ve had it all wrong the entire time.

“You mean to tell us, Tony, there’s a chance compound movements don’t make people stronger?”

“What’s next: telling us water isn’t wet, the Earth isn’t round, the zombie apocalypse won’t happen?”

Relax. Deep breaths.

Just so people don’t think I’ve lost my marbles or are already tapping away on their keyboard drafting their hate mail before actually reading what I have to say below….the short answer to the title of this post is:

“Yes, I do feel compound (multi-joint) movements – think: deadlift, squat, bench press, rows, overhead midget pressing – make people into beasts, and should lay the foundation for any well-rounded strength training program.”

However, I fear many trainees (and coaches) often fall into the same trap where we’re programmed into thinking compound movements, and only compound movements, should be utilized 100% of the time…no exceptions.

A thousand years of no gainz and incessant internet trolling to the person caught using the leg curl machine or, the horror, performs a few sets of tricep kickbacks.

Shut Up

No, really…shut up.

Of COURSE compound movements make you strong(er). If you want to get strong, it only makes sense to perform those movements which will allow you to use the most weight and force the body into a state of adaptation to get strong.

Granted a lot of other things need to fall into place in order for “strong” to happen. Just because you place a barbell on your back and meander up and down doesn’t mean you’re the second coming of Ed Coan.

Technique, frequency of training, addressing weaknesses, technique, and technique consistent progressive overload all need to be taken into consideration.

What’s more, if strength is the goal – particularly with the big 3 – compound/multi-joint movements performed in low(er) rep ranges (1-5) is kind of important.


Cliff Notes Version:  Lifting maximal weight has a number of effects:

1. Maximal number of motor units are recruited.

2. Fastest MU’s are activated (high-threshold motor units).

3. The discharge frequency (rate coding) is increased.

4. Activity is synchronous – both inter and intra-muscularly.

5. Potential for future hypertrophy gains (especially when you revert back to a “hypertrophy” specific training phase).

6.  While some argue whether or not the research is efficacious – it goes both ways – lifting heavy things helps to increase serum Testosterone levels.

7.  Girls will want to hang out with you (<=== it’s science).

But It’s Not All PRs and Butterfly Kisses

While all the above is true, focusing solely on compound movements (and lifting maximal weight all the time) does have its pitfalls.

1). There’s an inherent likelihood of increased wear and tear on the joints over time (Yes, even with “good” technique).

2). Compound movements = produce/accumulate more fatigue (particularly neural fatigue). And if it’s not managed appropriately, one may see a decrease in strength/performance over time.

And finally, something not many people consider:

3). We’re Really Good at Compensating.

You may have noticed that I drilled the idea of “technique” earlier. It’s that important.

As a coach I find many people are unable to express their true fitness/strength level due to faulty joint positions (misalignment, such as excessive lumbar extension/APT), and, honestly, not “earning the right” to increase load.

I.e., they haven’t performed enough reps at “x” weight in order to go up.

To that end, drilling technique – and respecting each individual’s anthropometry – is always going to be of paramount importance.


Due to our ability to compensate well, the likelihood you’re leaving poundages in the tank are very high.

As well, when we start talking accessory movements, I’m always in the camp which takes the approach they should generally be used to address some form of technique flaw or weakness with the main lift in question.

For Example

If someone is struggling with their deadlifts off the floor – meaning, they’re super slow – some viable accessory movements to address this would be:

1). Limiting tap-n-go reps (bouncing off the floor).

2). Deficit pulls (2-3″ elevated) to generate more quadricep recruitment.

3). More squat variations such as Safety Squat Bar squats and front squats (again, to generate more quadricep recruitment).

4). Anderson Squat – performed from a deadstart, emulating one’s deadlift stance.


Note: Notice my hip placement above. When I was pulling conventional style (the video is four years old) this variation of Anderson squat very much mirrored my deadlift stance, which carried over well.

Back To My Point

Oh yeah, my point.

Listen, it’s okay to perform isolation work or more bodybuilding-specific exercises. A more “hybrid” approach – strength and hypertrophy – is going to bode well for most people anyways.

Case in point: my bench press sucks. There are days where I’d rather wash my face with broken glass than bench press.

One of the things my coach – Greg Robins – has been implementing into my programs of late is more isolation work to address muscular issues.

Think about it: expressing strength is (mostly) about generating force. Hoisting big weights helps in this regard. However, a bigger muscle – almost always – is going to produce more force than a smaller one.

Indeed, I’ve been hammering away at my bench press technique – even implementing accessory movements like paused bench presses and Spoto Presses to address my weaknesses.


But guess what? Lately – for the past two blocks of training – I’ve been performing a TON of dumbbell chest flyes. You know, those “wimpy” things guys use to train their chest cleavage.

I feel so dirty admitting it.2

Funnily enough my bench press has seen it’s best jump in a while since incorporating more isolation type work for the pecs and triceps.

Too, my DL has gone up since tossing in some leg extensions; and I have to assume the chest flyes play a role too…;o)

Read: It’s not only about compound movements. Don’t be so dogmatic.

True, they serve as the staple for any strength-based program…but try not to neglect the importance of choosing the correct accessory work – even if it’s isolation exercises – to compliment your goals.

The internet will forgive you.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 10/12/18

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Ljubljana, Slovenia AND Los Angeles, CA

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

But now.


….It’s the (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

A bunch of wordsmiths we are.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

Ljubljana, Slovenia – October 20-21st. (<— NEXT week).

Los Angeles, CA – November 17-18th. (<— EARLY BIRD rate still in affect)

All registrants to this course (as well as future dates in 2019 in Detroit, Philadelphia, Edmonton, Minas Tirith) will receive a free download of CSHB 1.0 so that you’re up-to-speed on the content Dean and I will be covering.

To register and for moe details go HERE.

 2. Coaching Competency Workshop – NYC

I’ll be back in the city that never sleeps this Fall to put on my popular Coaching Competency workshop.

Albeit this will be condensed version (five hours instead of seven); a fitness amuse bouche if you will.

EARLY BIRD RATE ends next week.

Full details (itinerary, location, and cost) can be found HERE.





An Open Letter to Women: Why You Should Get Strong – Nia Shanks

“For too many, working out has become a means of punishment for eating “bad” foods or from gaining weight over the years or not fitting into their favorite clothes anymore. And they deserve better. They deserve more.

And that is why …”

The 15 Strength Training Principles – Nick Tumminello

“It depends” isn’t always the appropriate answer.

50 Things I’ve Learned This Year – Bryan Krahn

Not only is Bryan ripped and hot, but he’s also one helluva of a writer.

I hate him.

CategoriesExercise Technique

It’s Not What You Do, It’s How You Do It: A Better Plank

Copyright: undrey / 123RF Stock Photo


I know, I know.

Planks. Not the most exciting topic in the world.

I may as well post something on photosynthesis trends of oak trees in the Northeast, gas prices, or, I don’t know, what my kid had for breakfast this morning.

Everybody performs planks. And 90% of those people perform them incorrectly.

Today’s guest post by regular, Dr. Nicholas Licameli, sheds light on how to make your planks more effective.

HINT: It has zero to do with performing them for longer durations.

It’s Not What You Do, It’s How You Do It: A Better Plank

The plank.

We know it, we love it, and we know the benefits. However there is a simple way to make it more effective that you can implement immediately. It doesn’t involve any additional equipment and takes less than a second to do.

This simple modification will help not only those who are new to the exercise, but also those seasoned planking veterans.

Take a look at the following two pictures.

Can you spot the difference?

It’s subtle, almost undetectable.

Here’s some more information: The plank on the top can be held for 3 minutes or more, while the plank on the bottom can only be held for 15-20 seconds max.

The plank on the top is engaging only a fraction of the core and abdominal musculature, whereas the plank on the bottom is recruiting nearly every muscle in the body, including the core and abdominals.

Form looks good in both: No sagging or lifting of the lower back and pelvis, serratus anterior is engaged for scapular stability, and the head, neck, and entire spine are in neutral. So what makes the bottom plank more effective than the top?

Let’s find out.

No, Wait, Don’t Go…the Plank IS a Big Deal

The plank is one of the best exercises for improving total body strength as well as the health of your spine. In order to perform the plank correctly and effectively, pay close attention to the position of the lower back and pelvis as well as the direction of the force being applied through the floor.

When in the plank position, imagine what would happen if all friction on the floor disappeared, almost as if doing a plank on ice. Which direction would your elbows and feet slide? Most likely, they would slide out from under you: your arms would shoot forward, your feet would shoot backward, and your face would be imprinted on the dirty gym mat that you sprayed with a dirty plastic bottle filled with an ambiguous pale blue liquid.


Note From TG: No reason for this GIF other than to 1) I couldn’t find a video of someone falling during a plank and 2) it’s freakin hilarious. Sorry for the brief hijack Nicholas.

That is precisely the problem with the top picture.

You’ll notice that my toes are digging into the floor and isometrically pushing away, while my arms are isometrically pressing forward toward my head.

Biomechanically, I am isometrically pressing into shoulder flexion, ankle plantar flexion, hip extension, and spinal extension. While this may be a good way to hit the deltoids and calves (not really), it is not doing much for the core and abdominals.


Because the core, and more specifically the anterior core (the muscles on the front side), is responsible for spinal flexion and anti-extension. In order to maximally engage those muscles, you must train those movements.

This can be achieved by forcefully, and isometrically, pulling your arms and feet together. Now imagine doing it on ice. What would happen? Our arms and feet would slide toward each other and we’d assume a pike-like position with spinal flexion and anti-extension, which is just what we want.

And Bingo was his name-o…

Why Is This So Common?

Our bodies do not want to be wasteful, so they will do their best to use the least amount of energy necessary to complete a task, unless we tell it otherwise.

With the plank, sometimes due to our body’s natural compensations and other times due to conscious effort, we tend to get into the “position of least resistance,” usually for the sake of increasing the amount of time we can spend in the plank position.

In other words, we make the plank as passive as possible to increase its duration.

Some even wear their plank time like a badge of honor!

Hearing, “How long can you hold a plank?” is slowly becoming almost as common in gyms and health clubs as, “How much do ya bench, bro?”

That’s why it is important to remember the goal.

Unless you are a competitive planker and are scored by how long you can hold a plank, the goal of the exercise is not to increase its duration, but rather to train the core!

Doing planks is kind of like making a homemade dinner, cleaning the dishes, or having sex.

Just doing the activity doesn’t mean it will be good.

The effectiveness of the plank, as well as a homemade meal, the dishes, and sex, depends on the execution.

Don’t treat the plank like a marathon…treat it like a sprint.

Instead of thinking, “How long can I hold a plank for?” think, “How short can I hold a plank for?”

The idea being: The harder the contraction, the shorter the duration. The harder you contract and brace your core, the shorter the plank will be.

Tired of long sets of planks? Start squeezing!

Tips For A Better Plank

1. Squeeze your glutes and contract your abs (rectus abdominis AND transverse abdominis), which will pull your pelvis into a slight posterior pelvic tilt (think slightly rounding your back).

2. In order to contract your abs, you want to engage both your rectus abdominis (six-pack muscle) and transverse abdominis (deep stabilizer muscle, much like a corset). To contract the rectus abdominis, imagine bringing the ribs and front of the pelvis together. To contract the transverse abdominis, imagine the feeling when cold water reaches your navel when walking into a pool.

3. Keep your head and neck in a straight line. DO NOT LOOK UP. Your tailbone, mid back, and head should all be in line with each other (see picture below).

4. Isometrically pull your elbows and feet together. This is the key. Imagine doing a plank on ice or on a slippery hardwood floor with socks and a towel under your arms, as seen below.

5. Once you assume the proper position, maximally contract every muscle from your toes to your fingers, but DO NOT HOLD YOUR BREATH.

6. Imagine giving a big hug with your shoulder blades. Keep the shoulder blades protracted (pressed forward) and be sure they stay snug around the ribcage. This will help engage serratus anterior, which is an extremely important muscle for the health of your shoulders. It is also quite aesthetically pleasing when well developed.

7. When coming off of a plank, slowly lower your knees to the floor. DO NOT let your hips/pelvis drop to the floor.

Don’t rely on the traction of the floor to maintain the plank position, rely on your core.

Would you rather get to muscle fatigue after planking for 10 seconds or 3 minutes? Clearly, ain’t nobody got time for no 3-minute, ineffective planks. Try this modification out and I guarantee your planks will become instantly more effective and you will look at the plank in a new light and learn to love it.

For a video demonstration and explanation of everything I just wrote, be sure to check out my video right here:


About the Author

Nicholas M. Licameli, PT, DPT

Doctor of Physical Therapy / Pro Natural Bodybuilder

Every single thing he does, Nick believes in giving himself to others in an attempt to make the world a happier, healthier, and more loving place. He wants to give people the power to change their lives. Bodybuilding and physical therapy just act as mediums for carrying out that cause. Love. Passion. Respect. Humility.  Never an expert. Always a student. Love your journey.




CategoriesExercises You Should Be Doing

Exercises You Should Be Doing: T-Spine Wall Rotation With Lift-Off

Copyright: gekaskr / 123RF Stock Photo


The ability to “access” thoracic extension (and rotation) can be a game changer for a lot of people; especially for those who spend an inordinate amount of time sitting at a desk job.

In no particular order, t-spine extension & rotation:

  • Allows the shoulder blades to move, particularly with regards to scapular retraction and upward rotation.
  • Takes much of the burden off the lumbar spine. We WANT the bulk of our rotation to come from this area (7-9 degrees per segment).
  • Likewise, it helps keeps our shoulders healthy, allowing for a bit more external rotation in the glenohumeral joint. I.e., “opens” us up.
  • Provides a window to be in better position(s) to lift heavier loads, and with less compressive loading on the spine.
  • Makes you look 43% more attractive.
  • Both have immense carryover to everyday (as well as athletic activities) which require a litany of movement variability such as reaching behind us, overhead, in addition to lifting and throwing things.3

Today I wanted to share a drill I think you’ll get a lot of use out of that you’ll be able to incorporate with your clients/athletes right away.

T-Spine Wall Rotation with Lift-Off


Who Did I Steal It From? – Dean Somerset, yo.

What Does It Do? – Proper execution of this drill takes the lower back out of the equation (where we DON’T want any movement) and instead targets the mid-back (where we DO want movement).

It also provides a killer bicep pump.

Just kidding. It doesn’t.

But it does help improve thoracic rotation & extension, which will keep people healthy, which will allow them to train more often, which will then allow them to curl to their hearts content.

Key Coaching Cues: Place a foam roller or yoga block between the wall and the knee (or the hip for that matter) that’s closest to it. From there, with your palm facing out, try to trace a circle on the wall rotating/extending as far as your mobility allows.

When you reach end-range, perform an exhale (out of the mouth) and lift your hand off the wall a few inches.

Don’t allow the foam roller/yoga block fall to the ground.

Return back to starting position, inhale (via the nose), and repeat the same process for 3-5 reps/side. Don’t be surprised if you get a little bit more off the wall with every subsequent rep.

It’s magic.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 10/4/18

I’m in beautiful San Jose, CA this weekend for the RISE Fitness Business Conference. Well, I think San Jose is beautiful; I flew in last night so I haven’t had the opportunity to actually see it.

It’s going to be a great weekend networking and listening to the likes of Pat Rigsby, Kellie Davis, Mark Fisher, Molly Galbraith, Craig Ballantyne, and many more speak on their craft.

Oh, and I’m giving a presentation too. On Sunday morning. At 9 AM.4

Anyway, I’m on east coast time and up at the butt-crack so lets get to this week’s stuff.

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Ljubljana, Slovenia AND Los Angeles, CA

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

But now.


….It’s the (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

A bunch of wordsmiths we are.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

Ljubljana, Slovenia – October 20-21st.

Los Angeles, CA – November 17-18th. (<— EARLY BIRD rate still in affect)

All registrants to this course (as well as future dates in 2019 in Detroit, Philadelphia, Edmonton, Minas Tirith) will receive a free download of CSHB 1.0 so that you’re up-to-speed on the content Dean and I will be covering.

To register and for moe details go HERE.

 2. Coaching Competency Workshop – NYC

I’ll be back in the city that never sleeps this Fall to put on my popular Coaching Competency workshop.

Albeit this will be condensed version (five hours instead of seven); a fitness amuse bouche if you will.

Full details (itinerary, location, and cost) can be found HERE.





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We all should have goals.

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5 Random Training Thoughts – Mike Robertson

I hate Mike, because my brain doesn’t work like his.

As always, some excellent stuff from him.

Joe Rogan Experience #1176 – Dom D’Agostino & Layne Norton


I know Joe Rogan has a very popular podcast, but truth be told I never watch or listen to it. However, this one featuring Dom D’Agostino and Layne Norton “duking it out” over the ketogenic diet was a really cool (and informative) to listen to.

Top to Bottom – Joe Kenn

When Joe writes about training, you should shut up, close the doors, put on some Sade, and read.

Okay, maybe the Sade is weird.

But you should read this.



Nutrient Timing Is Much Simpler Than You Think

There was a time in my life when what I ate (and when I ate it) ruled my clock. Now, granted, I wasn’t the guy bringing a cooler full of grilled chicken and asparagus to social gatherings, popping BCAA’s pills like candy, or injecting maltodextrin intravenously within 17 seconds of finishing my last set after a workout.

No, I didn’t take things to those extremes.

However I did place a lot of emphasis into my pre and post-workout nutrition, meticulously measuring my carbohydrate-to-protein ratios in an attempt to not turn into Christian Bale’s character from The Machinist.

Did it work? Sure.

Did it matter? Probably not.

In today’s guest post written by fitness trainer (and someone I hate because I am not nearly as handsome as he is), Michael Gregory, he explains how and why “nutrient timing” may not be as big of a deal as we’ve been led to believe.

Copyright: serezniy / 123RF Stock Photo


Nutrient Timing Is Much Simpler Than You Think

Here’s all you need to know about timing your nutrient intake:

At some point in time, you need to eat food, or you will die.

“Nutrient timing” is one of those things people love to nerd out on. But the truth is, the timing of food consumption doesn’t matter if you aren’t already doing a whole host of other things perfectly first.

Before ever wondering WHEN you should be eating your protein or carbs, it’s important to understand the amount of time food takes to digest in your body. On average, a meal takes 6-12 hours to get to the colon, and up to 40+ hours to be fully digested.


With such a large window of time to play with, you may start to wonder how the timing of your meals affects your workouts. Essentially, if you eat anything within the six hours before your workout, it is somewhere in your system being actively absorbed while you are working out.

This is good news for the normal trainee. As long as you eat a meal comprised of adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and fat sometime within the six hours before you workout, you will have fuel to support your training.

Why You Need Each Macro

Protein: Your body is literally built out of it. Stressors like exercise break the body down. This means that without a new supply of proteins running through your system, your body is breaking down and not repairing itself.

Carbohydrate: Carbs are what give us energy. Without them performance takes a nosedive. This is a fact. By fueling up with carbs for a workout, you elevate your work capacity and can make more gains in the gym.

Fat: Fats also give us energy, and our nervous system is composed of them. Fats make and balance our sex hormones and other crucial steroids that we need in order to function normally, they transport certain vitamins around our bodies that would otherwise just get excreted. With so many necessary functions for our bodies, fats are a vital part of our diets, and we certainly can’t perform optimally in the gym without them.

Regardless of current training status or experience, research has shown repeatedly that the number one most important dietary concern is total caloric intake with appropriate macronutrient ratios.

Just about everyone is deficient in some aspect of their diet, be it protein, fats, or some specific micronutrient.

If you are deficient in any aspect of your diet, nutritional timing will be a waste of your time.

The most common example of this I’ve seen are gym bros supplementing with protein pretty much constantly, but they haven’t touched a vegetable or a quality source of fat in a half decade. When your main food groups are protein, Red Bull, beer, and sugar it doesn’t matter when you drink that shaker cup of powder.

That’s the closest alligator to your boat. Shoot that dinosaur first.

But Wait; There’s A Catch

If you are 100% dedicated to hitting your nutrient targets and are trying to maximize gains, then you may fall into the very small portion of the population that can benefit from some nutrient timing-based practices.

Here are the categories of human in question:

  1. Endurance athletes who train multiple hours at a time
  2. Bodybuilders who train multiple hours and are trying to maximize body composition.
  3. Athletes in weight class-based sports who train multiple hours or multiple sessions and are trying to maximize body composition.
  4. Military athletes who train multiple hours or multiple sessions. (This often doesn’t get mentioned, but I come from that world and know what it’s like to cramp out in the middle of a 20 mile hike or watch someone slip into rhabdomyolysis.)

That’s four categories of 1%ers.

And this isn’t the rich kind. These are the apocalypse survivors: people who know what it means to accept struggle to accomplish a goal.

Again, notice that there are two major reasons that you would need to worry about nutrient timing strategies.

  1. If you are training multiple hours or multiple sessions in a day.
  2. If you are trying to maximize body composition.

Future Apocalypse Survivors

Congratulations, you are officially in the small pool of individuals who are ready to apply nutrient timing protocols to your workout schedule.

In three simple steps, here’s how it goes.

Step 1: Pre-Workout Nutrition

Consume a normal high protein meal with a solid source of starch or carbs, some good fat, and plenty of micronutrient-containing veggies 2-3 hours before your workout.

Protein before a workout, even hours before a workout, can help maintain and increase muscle size, reduce and prevent chronic muscle damage, and put plenty of amino acids in your bloodstream when your body is most apt to use them.

Carbs before your workout will fuel your training by putting glucose readily in your bloodstream and by topping off your muscle and liver glycogen stores. In addition, carbs stimulate insulin, which is good if you are consuming protein. Insulin prevents muscle protein breakdown and promotes muscle protein synthesis to help your muscles grow.

Fats, although they don’t seem to directly impact performance, do slow down digestion. This means you will have more energy longer because your body is slowly burning the fuel from the rest of your meal.
Bottom line: No need for fancy sports gels or drinks here!

Have a real whole food meal 2-3 hours before. You could also opt for an easier-to-digest shake with all the needed essentials.

Step 2: During-Workout Nutrition

Protein during a workout prevents muscles from breaking down and aids in quicker recovery. For people grinding out multiple hour runs or multiple workouts a day, this is imperative.

Carbs keep your energy substrate elevated during a workout. Once you deplete your glycogen stores, you need to refuel them to stay at a high level of performance for anaerobic activity. This is key if performance is a high priority for you.

Fats aren’t really necessary during training. Plus, they could hit your stomach like a ton of bricks. Stick to protein and carbs. Ensure you are getting your fats in your other meals of the day.

You’ll notice a sports drink here. The ONLY time you need one of these sugar bombs is when you are training like a maniac. Otherwise, it’s just destroying your teeth and body.

Step 3: Post-Workout Nutrition

A meal that looks pretty much just like your pre-workout meal is spot-on for post-workout nutrition, consumed within 2 hours after your workout.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to throw a protein shake down your throat the minute you stop working out. Relax, go home, have a shower, cook a nice meal, and enjoy it.

You easily have up to 90 minutes, maybe even more, after a workout to get the nutrition your body requires.

Besides, the protein you ate before your workout is still peaking in your system. Having a full meal rather than a pure protein shake also helps slow down muscle protein synthesis, which is a good thing. It means your body will have more of a chance to get those amino acids from the protein to where they are needed most in your body.

Pre-workout and BCAAs

The bottom line on both of these is that they are unnecessary. In fact, I would go so far as to say that they are both a complete and total waste of your money.

There is little use for BCAAs, unless you are training fasted. But even then, whey protein is probably better.

Pre-workouts are one of the biggest scams in American History, right behind medical circumcisions. You would receive more pre-workout  benefit from flushing your money down the toilet and then subsequently unclogging the toilet (plunging a toilet is a full body workout.) The only “pre-workout” that is worth the money in my book is caffeine.

Everything else is false positives and fancy marketing.

NOTE From TG: CAFFEINE!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh.

Nutrition Timing Is Actually Quite Simple

Chances are the time of the day in which you eat a certain food item is not what needs to be fixed in your diet.

Late night carbs, the anabolic window, butter coffee, second breakfast are means to an end if they work for you. Maybe you need help putting on weight or getting adequate protein, then these methods may help in various ways.

Only if you’re a hobbit trying to put on some mass.Just remember, your body is not some precise state of the art machine that will self-destruct if one microchip is a nanosecond out of time. Your body is the result of millions of years of evolution, in which there was no guarantee of a fresh Brontosaurus steak within 20 minutes of running from a pack of Velociraptors.

In 99.9% of clients I’ve personally worked with timing related eating tactics have functioned merely as methods to get people to eat more or less of certain foods, not because some eating protocol is actually optimal for your body.

About the Author

Michael Gregory is a fitness professional and former U.S. Marine Captain who helps weekend warriors and fit pros get ready for their next challenge be that a fight, an intense military school, or beach season. You can find him in the real world on a wave in Bali or eating a cheesesteak in Philly. For more by Michael check out his Instagram @composurefitness, or his website


CategoriesCorrective Exercise Exercise Technique

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Copyright: fizkes / 123RF Stock Photo

Deadbugs, Birddogs, and Glute Bridges…Oh My

I wrote a thing for the Personal Trainer Development Center.

I suspect it’ll get me nominated for a Pulitzer and statues will be erected in my likeness throughout cities across the world.

Or, you know, trainers/coaches will just start coaching deadbugs, birddogs, and glute bridges the right way.

Check out my latest article on their site HERE.


Appearance on the Absolute Strength Podcast

Copyright: dr911 / 123RF Stock Photo

Absolute Strength Podcast

I had the pleasure of being invited onto the Absolute Strength Podcast with Kyle Hunt recently.

I’ve been on my fair share of podcast’s and Kyle’s built a really impressive experience. I prefer a more casual approach and one where it just comes across as two dudes talking shop, and that’s exactly the vibe Kyle invokes.

He’s had some BIG names on his show too:

  • Alex Viada
  • Jim Wendler
  • Steffi Cohen
  • Bret Contreras
  • Jen Thompson
  • Dr. Mike Israetel
  • Emily Schromm
  • Stan Efferding………………………….to name a few.

So, basically, I’m the weakest guest Kyle’s ever had on……..;o)

Anyway, we had a good ol’ fashioned bro fest the other day.

Give it a listen:

Stitcher = HERE.

Google Play = HERE (Episode #166)

And for the iTunes snobs in the crowd you can download/listen to the episode HERE (Episode #166)