Remember that iconic and hilarious scene from the movie Billy Madison when Billy (Adam Sandler), upon realizing one of his classmates embarrassingly peed his pants, attempts to “normalize” the situation by pretending to also pee his pants, thus reframing the unfortunate situation into something that’s not only desirable to do, but something everyone thinks is “cool” and will make you popular.
Remember that?
Well, in fitness, we encourage people to pee their pants.
Wait, Stop, It’s Just a Metaphor
Please don’t go and pee your……..
I can’t take you anywhere.
Now, for those of you who didn’t take my words literally (which I hope is all of you), let me attempt to elaborate further on the point I’m trying to make.
It’s a bit of a reach, but I think it’ll make sense.
Similarly, hitting PR’s every day in the gym (or the expectation that you have to) isn’t normal.
To be clear: I am not saying we shouldn’t work hard or strive to push ourselves in the gym. As I’ve been known to say time or two:
“Lifting weights isn’t supposed to tickle.”
Likewise, it’s that drive to do better or to “do more work” week-by-week, month-by-month, and hopefully, because consistency matters most, year-by-year…that will make all the difference in the world.
Not that it needs repeating to my regular readers, but if you’re new (welcome!), the “doing more work” part is kinda important if you want to see continued progress in the gym. You have to provide enough of a (recoverable) stimulus to the body in order to force it to adapt to the demands placed upon it.
If on Day #1 of your fitness journey you found pressing the 30 lb. dumbbells hard, and here it is, Day #287 (<—no small feat) and it’s still hard, you may want to audit your program (or effort).
There has to be a degree of uncomfortableness and/or sucktitude in the process.
There’s always been this prevailing notion – especially in this social media age – that workouts have to, at all times, be ballbreakers.
We watch these amazing feats of strength on Instagram and YouTube, or read about someone’s insane workout on Twitter, and we believe that’s what we should be doing also. We’ve been desensitized into believing our workouts don’t count or are pointless unless we leave the gym crawling on all four or we can’t feel the right side of our face.
“Average” workouts are dull, prosaic, and for lammos who don’t really want to work hard and can’t hang with the big dogs.
I could not disagree with this viewpoint more.
The only thing I could possibly disagree more with is Becca choosing Garret over Blake in the latest season of The Bachelorette.
80% Workouts and Why Mediocrity Matters
Giving credit where it’s due, I want to point out that what follows is a concept I stole from strength coach/bodybuilder/fellow brother in baldness, Paul Carter.
There’s a time and place for workouts that crush us, and there’s a time and place to push the envelop with training.
In fact if we did the math, 10% of the time you’ll walk into the gym feeling like a million bucks and that you could beat Rambo in a staring contest.
Conversely, 10% of the time you’ll walk into the gym feeling like a bag of dicks and weights you pwned a week ago suddenly feel like they’re being lifted against the gravitational pull of a Black Hole.
I.e., There’s also a time and place to back off, not be a hero, and listen to your body.
The other 80% of the time – which is almost always – you’re going to show up and just do the work. You’re going to hit all your reps, strain (but not too much), and for all intents and purposes you’re going to complete a mediocre workout.
These are the workouts that matter most.
These are the workouts that build the grit, resiliency, and the base for pretty much all future outcomes.
My friend, Ben Bruno, reverberated a similar message a few days ago:
Remember that behind every impressive physical feat you see are hundreds of basic workouts that person did behind the scenes to build up to it. Displaying strength is very different than building strength, and real results come from consistent hard work over time on the basics.
Battling through the mundane – and accepting it as a necessary component of progress – is a tough pill to swallow for many trainees.
I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with athletes and clients over the years trying to make this concept stick.
“That workout was easy,” for some coaches, is the last thing they want to hear.
For me it’s a sign we’re headed down the right path. A path everyone, in the history of ever, has also travelled and navigated to get where they are today.
Show up, do the work, strain (but not too much), and don’t think you have to pee your pants…;o)
I had the pleasure of being invited onto the Untamed Podcast recently hosted by strength coach Ryan Costanza.
It’s a doozy of an interview, coming in at close to two hours. But Ryan and I cover a plethora of topics ranging from coaching philosophy to differences between training athletes vs. general population clients to things that make us want to throw our face into a wall when we observe commercial gym shenanigans.
Sit down, relax, maybe order some delivery, and enjoy.
Dr. Lisa Lewis and I have designed a 1-day workshop for health/fitness professionals that touches on a topic rarely discussed: the SOFT SKILLS of coaching.
How to improve exercise consistency.
How to increase motivation and competency to train.
How to assess clients/athletes and write more effective programs that better match their ability level.
How to create loyal clients (and a growing bank account).
We’ll be holding another Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, August 12th.
1. We offer both a Professional and Student rate.
2. CEUs will be available via the NSCA.
3. Predator Handshakes are free.
For more details (including itinerary and registration) go HERE.
BUT NOW…it’s the (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.
A bunch of wordsmiths we are.
With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:
How to program around common injuries.
How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
How to squat and deadlift like a boss.
All registrants to this course (as well as future dates in Ljubljana, Slovenia & Los Angeles) will receive a free download of CSHB 1.0 so that you’re up-to-speed on the content Dean and I will be covering.
There’s only a few days left to take advantage of the Early Bird rate for Houston.
Few things are more annoying than a nagging (sports) injury.
Okay, I can think of some:
A piece of popcorn lodged between your teeth during a three hour long movie and no floss in sight.
Flat Earthers.
Talking about feelings.
Outside of those things, having (and trying to train around) a nagging injury is the worst. I live in Boston which has a thriving endurance training-centric community. As it happens I’ve seen my fair share of people walking through the doors of CORE suffering from shin splints.
Not in the sense that having shin splints is a shit show. Hey, they happen. Rather, it’s a shit show with regards to how most people (not all) tend to address the issue.
I’ve got some thoughts on the matter.
Shall we?
What Are Shin Splints?
Shin splints (or, for the more hoity-toity in the crowd, Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome) is a common injury found in endurance athletes (namely runners) as well as those who engage in a lot of jumping activities, and is often described as “my fucking shin hurts”“pain or discomfort along the inner edge of the shin bone (tibia).”
As far as the root cause?
It can be left up for debate, but the consensus tends to point towards increased activity that overworks the muscles and soft-tissue surrounding the area of the lower leg leading to swelling and pain.
In short (and more often than not): It comes down to someone doing too much, too soon.
OMG, I Have Shin Splints. Am I Going to Die?
Whew, Okay, How Do I Address It?
There are a number of obvious, if not overly simplified approaches that are worthwhile and can get the job done.
Commonly these range from rest (from the problematic activity, not just Netflix and Chilling) to stretching your calf muscles (Gastrocnemius & Soleus) and Achilles tendon to implementing some additional manual therapy in the form of massage, Graston, and/or self-“release” with The Stick or foam roller.
Like I said, these are all fine and dandy….albeit a bit reductionistic in nature; or a quick Band-Aid if you will.
Some other poignant options to consider:
1) Reduce Training Volume
Hey, here’s an idea: If shin splints are often the end-result of overtraining or surpassing one’s ability to recover, why don’t we, you know, latch onto the crazy idea of reduce training volume?
Weird, I know.
But something to consider and not to be trifled with.
2) Strengthen Anterior Musculature of Lower Leg
Namely, this means strengthening the Tibialis Anterior.
A popular exercise prescribed in this case is something like standing upright and “pulling” your toes towards your knees for “x” sets and reps.
Okay, cool.
I prefer something like ACTIVE ankle dorsiflexion vs. a band.
WARNING: Possibly the most boring video on the internet.
Here I’ll have the person pull his or her’s toes towards their chest against a band, but instead of mindlessly performing reps, I’ll have them actively pull against the band for 5-10 seconds for 5-8 repetitions.
It sucks.
3) Follow a Ketogenic Diet
Hahahahahaha. Just kidding.
Jumping into a shark’s mouth would be more worthwhile.
4) Emphasize Deceleration/Landing Tactics
Taking the time to coach people on how to LAND properly and to decelerate their bodyweight can have a huge impact on the reoccurrence of shin splints.
Meaning, when they master a good box jump (for example), and it doesn’t sound like an elephant being suplexed off the top rope of a wrestling mat when they land, the likelihood of shin splints rearing their ugly head is drastically reduced.
NOTE: This would also be an opportune time to address gait and running mechanics too. Not my area of expertise, but worthwhile to mention.4
But Wait, There’s More (The Really Important Stuff)
One of the major “drivers” of shin splints is thought to be over-pronation of the feet. It makes a lot of sense, but I’m often flummoxed as to how archaic the fitness industry can be in addressing this issue.
Orthotics are often seen as the end all-be all fix.
Full Disclosure: I am NOT a doctor and understand there are many people out there who benefit mightily from being prescribed orthotics.
However, for the bulk of people trying to conquer shin splits I do not feel what follows is the most germane approach. A few years ago I remember reading something physical therapist, Bill Hartman, wrote on the topic that really resonated with me and helped to shape my current thoughts on the topic.
Think about what happens when someone (over) pronates:
If we were to reverse engineer the anatomy/biomechanics it would look something like this:
Do More Anterior Core Work & Butt Stuff (Glute Work) —-> Nudge Posterior Pelvic Tilt —-> Femoral External Rotation —-> Tibial External Rotation —-> Supination of Foot.
I explain things a bit more in this quickie video.
To that end, below are a handful of exercises I feel should take more precedent when addressing shin splints.
Hammer anterior core/glute strength and hip stability.
I think Deadbugs are a vastly underrated exercise, which is a shame because they’re an MVP when it comes to developing anterior core strength and pelvic control.
And while many people will scoff at how “easy” this exercise is, I’d argue that if it’s done RIGHT (as discussed in the video above), they’d have a newfound affinity for it.
Active Foot Squat w/ Band
Passive Foot = Deafaulting into a pronated (flat foot) position.
Active (Tripod) Foot = Maintaining three points of pressure in the heel, pinky toe & big toe.
Placing a band over the feet is an easy way to provide kinesthetic feedback to the trainee so (s)he can stay more cognizant of their foot position.
I.e., Resist pull of band, supinate, get an arch, and then maintain position throughout set.
Standing KB Swap
Popularized by Dr. Joel Seedman, this is a fantastic drill that provides a ton of value for our training buck. The idea is to GO SLOW and to “own” each transition. If you have to speed up in order to stay balanced that defeats the purpose.
It hammers home the concept of active foot.
It lights up the glutes and surrounding hip musculature.
It will humble the shit out of you.
I like to have trainees perform 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps/side with this drill.
1-Legged RDL KB Swap
This is more or less a progression to the KB Swap above. All the same benefits apply, except now you’re upping the ante in an RDL position (and really challenging hip stability).
Glute Bridge w/ Band Abduction
When it comes to the Glute Bridge I’d encourage everyone to experiment to see where they feel these these the most.
You’d be amazed how many people come into my studio telling me “yeah, yeah, yeah, I do glute bridges, whatever,” only to find out, after watching them perform a few reps, they don’t even feel them in their glutes.
I’ll often play around with foot position – narrow stance vs. wid(er) stance, heels close to tush vs. heels further away from tush, pants on vs. pants off – to see when and where they feel their glutes the most.
Everyone is different.
But yeah, first and foremost, make sure they actually feel their glutes when they perform this exercise.
Once they master that, if you want to make their glutes feel even juicer, add a band and have them perform a few hip abductions at the top of each rep.
This is a double-whammy on glute activation.
Side Plank Hip Clam
This is one of my favorites, and admittedly a very advanced drill. I think Bret Contreras was the first to popularize this drill first and it’s definitely one that targets the glutes in a way not many exercises can.
I think many of us get caught up in the sets x reps trap.
Meaning, we’re so focused on the number of sets and reps we perform in any given set or workout, that we often forget there are many other components to garnering progress in the gym.
In today’s guest post by Upstate NY based trainer, Matt Phelps, he reminds us of a facet of training often neglected…Time Under Tension.
In The Beginning
Think back to when you very first started training.
To when you very first got into this stuff.
I mean like, REALLY into this stuff.
If you were anything like me, you fanatically researched what the best routines were to get bigger arms, a fuller chest, monster traps, diesel delts, and the elusive “wings” that belong to those with huge lats.
PS: I hate you.
Once I found the magical exercise that would grant me super powers, and the 21 inch pythons that came with them, I immediately asked the same question you have asked yourself, countless times:
“How many sets and how many reps do I do?”
Exposing a Flaw
It was not until recently, in the past couple of years, did I realize how flawed this question actually was.
Let’s say I prescribe 3 sets of 10, the classic set and rep scheme for most beginners.
Those 3×10 sets can look DRASTICALLY different from one individual to another. But if all we do is prescribe “sets x reps” then we are presuming the quality of work is the same. What if it takes one person 20 seconds to do 10 reps, and another person 40 seconds?
Will this have the same response on the body, over time?
I highly doubt it.
When it comes to muscular adaptation, most of us know that in order to induce change, and keep progress coming, there needs to be a system of progressive overload. We know that over time, we need to train with the same load for more “reps” or a heavier load for the same “reps”, in order to see the size and strength gains coming.
While in theory, this makes total sense, the application get messed up.
Many of us are smart from years of having read the awesome content available to us from resources like this website.
However, because we are so educated, so wise in the weight room, whether it is conscious or not, we “cheat” the system.
We chase reps.
We let form breakdown so we can say we got a “rep”.
We take the emphasis off of the eccentric to gain the ability to do more concentric contractions.
We use inertia and momentum to help us get those “reps.” Like I said, this is quite often unintentional, but the fact remains, it happens.
To Rep Count, or Not to Rep Count?
The fact is, our muscles do not have a “rep counter” that figures out training volume so neatly, like it does on many of your excel spreadsheets.
While volume can most easily be identified and tracked through load x reps x sets, this presumes that all sets are the same, not only within one individual’s training program, but also from person to person.
Our muscles know time under tension and load.
These factors elicit the metabolic damage needed to grow, adapt, and get the results we’re looking for.
I really think it is that simple.
What is a drop set doing?
It is increasing the Time Under Tension (TUT).
What is a rest pause set doing?
It is increasing the TUT.
What is a superset of 2 exercises using the same muscle group doing?
It is increasing the TUT.
So why, then, wouldn’t we place a huge emphasis on doing sets for TUT, rather than just counting reps?
Making the Case For TUT
Look, I get it.
Sometimes it is fun just to lift heavy shit, and not give a damn about tempo.
Guilty as charged.
I love that style of training too, and always will.
HOWEVER, I think, as with most things, there is a time and place for it.
You could easily perform a “5/3/1”, 5×5, or any other of the myriad of powerlifting programs out there, before an “accessory block,” where the goal is to build size and repeated effort strength.
While I will admit, strength gains come from a lot of neurological adaptation, size gains will come from breaking down the muscle fibers, and that is where TUT reigns supreme.
Don’t believe me?
Let’s say you perform Hammer Strength Chest Presses after a heavy Bench Press session.
Instead of doing your typical 4 sets of 10-15, perform 4 sets :45 of work, STICKING to that 10-15 rep speed.
I can promise you, 99% of you will be forced to slow it down, place a peak contraction on the targeted muscle, and dramatically increase the metabolic “bang for your buck” that the set is providing.
Here are several reasons why all of us should make TUT training the focal point of our resistance training programs:
1. It Makes Your Training Efficient. MUCH More Efficient
When you train with TUT, you will quickly realize that it forces you to cut through the bullshit and white noise that a lot of high volume training programs encourage, and allows you to get right down to business.
You will find yourself getting what you used to get out of 4-5 sets, in 3-4 sets, and that, my friends, is amazing.
By timing your work and rest periods, you can hold yourself accountable, and also receive a great cardiovascular benefit as well. This principle forms the cornerstone of my training philosophy, Metabolic Training.
Time is the most valuable asset you have (I am not laying claim to this statement, it has been said many times before), so make the most of it.
2. It Makes the Strength Gains More Genuine
When you add reps and set PR’s, particularly for higher rep sets, there are SO many factors that go into your performance from one day to the next.
Maybe the week before you rested for 5 seconds between reps.
Maybe you used a faster eccentric and “bounced” out of the hole.
I have seen many people in the gym train with weights they have no business training with, and guess what?
Their “sets of 10” usually last for :17s.
If I had walked up to these same people, whose intention was to get 10 reps, and made them do the same 10 reps over the course of :40, they would have failed miserably.
When you train for TUT, you can be certain that you placed your muscle under a certain amount of mechanical tension, and that when you progress in load, you are doing so at an appropriate rate.
When you go from floor pressing the 80s for :40 to the 95s for :50, your pecs will most certainly feel the difference, and you can confidently know that you are, without a doubt, stronger.
3. It Forces You to Use an Appropriate Load, Increasing Safety
Tying into the previous point, if you need to perform a set for :35, and get 8-12 reps in that time period, with a full ROM, it is almost impossible to use an inappropriate training load.
If you can only get 6 reps in this time period, or fail before the time lapses, then guess what?
The weight is too heavy.
If you get 23 reps, it is far too light.
If we simply prescribe a set number of reps to do, often times we start seeing a lot of the crazy shit we see in most commercial gyms, with terrible technique being implemented just to “get the reps.”
TUT is incredibly humbling, but your joints will feel better, and your muscles will be fuller. Sounds like a win-win to me!
4. It Is Never Boring
With TUT, the possibilities are endless, and the different combinations you can deploy will keep you excited to train, and isn’t that what this is all about?
With the new focus being placed on TUT, you can start to take a ton of creative liberty with your programming.
If you are a sadist, you can do Tabata Front Squats, Ben Bruno style, :20/:10 for 4:00.
If you want to do something completely different, perform a set for :90.
It will rock your world more than it did the first time you….well, you know.
Training will become FUN again, and when you do something you love doing, you are always more likely to get more out of it.
5. It Emphasizes QUALITY
This is crucial for eliciting the needed metabolic damage to occur on the cellular level.
Training for TUT takes the emphasis OFF of the actual performance (i.e. rep count), and ONTO the muscle (more controlled reps, squeezed contractions, full ROM).
If you start using a tiny range of motion, and spastically blast through your sets like a jackrabbit in mating season, you will be punished, because the clock doesn’t stop even though you got your “reps”.
6. It Increases Intensity
By using TUT, the focus shifts from ending the set as soon as you can, to getting the most out of each set you do.
You will find yourself slowing down on your rows, going deeper on your squats, and really squeezing your glutes at the top of a hip thrust.
For those of you who are former athletes, or are competitive, TUT will challenge you by pitting you against the clock, daring you to survive the duration of the set.
For those of you who have what it takes to make it, I can assure you that this “set” will feel far different than anything you have done before.
TUT In Action: Matt’s Chest & Back Blitz
I don’t expect all of your to become instant converts to the world of TUT, but I encourage you to give it an honest chance.
Fitness is all about balance.
I still use components of “rep counting” in my training, but these days, 90% of it comes from TUT, and I have never felt better.
Here is my favorite Chest & Back routine, using TUT.
It only takes 35 minutes, so if you are hesitant or skeptical, you have nothing to lose, just try this out…your pecs and lats will thank me later.
Block 1
Incline Bench Press x :25, utilizing a “smooth” tempo (this should land you around 8 Reps)
Rest :25
Barbell Row x :25, utilizing a “smooth” tempo (8 Reps)
Rest :50, Repeat for a TOTAL of 5 cycles
Rest :90
Block 2 “747 Jet Sets”
DB Bench Press, 3 Second Eccentric x :30 (7 Reps)
Rest :30
DB Bench Press, 3 Second Eccentric x :18 (4 Reps)
Rest :30
DB Bench Press, 3 Second Eccentric x :30 (7 Reps)
Rest 1:00, Repeat for 2 Cycles
Rest :90
Block 3
Incline DB Row, 3 Second Isometric Holds x 1:00 (15 Reps)
Rest :20
Incline DB Row, 3 Second Isometric Holds x :50 (12 Reps)
Rest :20
Incline DB Row, 3 Second Isometric Holds x :40 (10 Reps)
Rest :20
Incline DB Row, 3 Second Isometric Holds x :25 (15 Reps)
Rest :90
Block 4
Med Ball Pushups, “Smooth” Tempo x :30 (10 Reps)
Rest :10
DB Fly, “Smooth Tempo x :30 (10 Reps)
Rest 1:00, Repeat for a total of 3 cycles
Rest :90
Block 5 “Crazy 5’s”
TRX Strap Row “5 Second Concentric/5 Second Isometric/5 Second Eccentric” x 1:15 (5 Reps)
Rest 1:00, Repeat for 2 Cycles
– You will notice certain “rep recommendations” in parentheses next to the TUT. If you are finishing your rep counts 5 seconds before your time is complete, or 5 seconds after, you need to adjust your tempo accordingly.
– The first 1-2 rounds of Block 1 should be light, as you “ramp” the weight up.
– On the “Jet Sets”, it should be relatively “easy”…until the 1-2 reps of the 3rd set. You may need to decrease load on the 2nd round, that is absolutely acceptable
– Drive with those ELBOWS on the rows, and put those lats to work! Resist the urge to pull with your hands, and over exert your biceps and forearms
– Lastly, have fun.
About the Author
Matt Phelps is the owner and founder of Metabolic Meltdown, a fitness business with 6 locations in Upstate New York that specializes in Metabolic Training.
Matt is on a mission to educate the world about Metabolic Training, which is a unique training philosophy that combines strength training with cardiovascular training in an efficient full body workout that delivers more muscle, less fat, and pretty much makes you invincible.
Matt’s work can be found on and He welcomes you to come check out his content, and reach out to him with any questions you might have. To see specific examples of Metabolic Training in action, along with as many photos of German Shepherds and 18 month old babies that you can handle, you can check out his Instragram account HERE.
Dr. Lisa Lewis and I have designed a 1-day workshop for health/fitness professionals that touches on a topic rarely discussed: the SOFT SKILLS of coaching.
How to improve exercise consistency.
How to increase motivation and competency to train.
How to assess clients/athletes and write more effective programs that better match their ability level.
How to create loyal clients (and a growing bank account).
We’ll be holding another Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop in Boston, MA on August 12th.
1. We offer both a Professional and Student rate.
2. CEUs will be available via the NSCA.
3. Predator Handshakes are free.
For more details (including itinerary and registration) go HERE.
BUT NOW…it’s the Even More Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.
A bunch of wordsmiths we are.
With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:
How to program around common injuries.
How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
How to squat and deadlift like a boss.
All registrants to this course (as well as future dates in Ljubljana, Slovenia & Los Angeles) will receive a free download of CSHB 1.0 so that you’re up-to-speed on the content Dean and I will be covering.
There’s only a little more than a week left to take advantage of the Early Bird rate for Houston.
“If you want to be a great lifter, it’s in your best interests to become a great breather, too.”
Breathing is one of those “finer detail” components that can make all the difference in the world with not only how lifting heavy things feels, but also in overall performance.
And it doesn’t have to be a time-intensive, follow Alice down the rabbit hole kinda thing either. Jennifer outlines a simple (albeit very effective) strategy that anyone can apply.
Social Media Shenanigans
Went in GNC to buy an energy drink and had to bite my tongue when the guy behind counter was trying to convince me how much sugar “decays” the body & then went on to ask me if I knew about Keto. “Sorry dude, wife’s waiting for me.” Byeeeeeeee
I don’t say this lightly: It was one of the best experiences as a speaker (and attendee) I’ve ever had in my 15+ years in the industry. The only way it could have been better is if my hosts, Ryan Ketchum and the rest of the Fitness Revolution crew, gave me my own ticker-tape parade.5
It was well-organized, well-paced, provided a ton of actionable content, had an amazing roster of speakers and attendees, and included a plethora opportunities for everyone to mingle and interact.
It was the perfect blend of professionalism, pithiness, and “laidbackness” that I’ve grown to respect and appreciate after attending so many conferences throughout my career.
So to say I was legitimately sad when I had to decline Ryan’s offer to come back this year to present (due to a prior engagement) was an understatement.6
That said, I still wanted to inform all my readers about the event, to let them know why it will help them grow their fitness business(es), and to also let them know they can still save $100 off their registration.
Answers To Your Most Pressing Fitness Business Questions
If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to create a high powered, cash generating fitness business that allows you to live the life you want, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
A world-class fitness business that pumps out predictable revenue and doesn’t drive you insane trying to manage all the chaos is a fantasy that many fitness business owners and fitness pros only dream of. This can seem like an unattainable business target only achievable by the super-humans you see on social media.
While contemplating multiple locations, building sales funnels and taking several weeks off to spend time on vacation with family may seem like goals for the elite, many fitness business owners struggle with the day to day challenges of running a business. If you resolved those issues you could create a substantial impact on your business, growth, and career.
The most pressing challenges are:
How do I attract more quality leads and build my business with Ideal Clients?
How do I sell my training at the price I deserve without selling out and being a sleazy salesperson?
How can I automate more of my business so that I don’t have to spend 18 hours a day running around with my hair on fire trying to manage the chaos?
How I can predict my sales and profits so that I can run my business?
How can I build a reliable team of ‘A Players’ who help me grow my business and build my culture?
How do I lead a team and become a fitness entrepreneur?
The answers to these questions elude most fitness business owners for their entire career.
How can making killer cat memes increase my net intake?
That is, until now…
For the past 12 years Fitness Revolutionhas been helping fitness business owners implement strategies that grow their business and develop the skills needed to reach their full potential as a fitness entrepreneur. From the startup fitness business to well-known gyms that appear in the Men’s Health Top 10 Gyms list, FR has helped them all.
Many fitness business owners wonder how they can achieve more in their business without having to kill themselves doing it. Because of this, FR hosts the Elite Fitness & Performance Summiteach year to provide you with TWO full days of strategy and innovation for your business.
If you’ve have ever wanted to the chance to learn from the best in the industry join the Fitness Revolution Team and our top industry experts to learn how to IMMEDIATELY transform your business with more sales, greater efficiency, and more profits, YOUR opportunity has finally arrived…
“Really, Tony. An article covering planks? What’s next: Something on best exercises for a jacked Tibialis Anterior? Or, no, wait….NASCAR?”
I get it.
Planks aren’t the sexiest or most exciting topic on Earth. And they certainly aren’t an exercise that get people jazzed up to go to the gym and train.
Well, traditional planks aren’t anyway.
Today’s guest post by Cleveland based personal trainer, Michael Anderson, showcases some variations that may change your mind.
8 Plank Variations That Don’t Suck
The traditional front plank is one of the most well known and least useful exercises we have available to us.
There are various figures but the world record for a plank hovers between eight and ten hours. There are exactly zero useful strength exercises that you can do for eight hours.
The plank makes sense in theory: In that position you’re forcing your anterior core musculature to support your spine in a way it isn’t used to and will result in strength and stability increases.
Truthfully, it can be useful for this purpose, but it gets out of hand really quickly.
People always think that adding time to their plank is the right thing to do, but end up with some horrific Gollum-esque posture; neck cranked forward, low back sagging, butt up in the air just grimacing their way to an extra 5 seconds on their personal record.
I’m here to tell you that there are much better ways to train core stability (anti flexion / extension) than just hanging out watching the timer on your phone. In fact, I’ve got eight better planks you can try instead of the normal plank. I’ll even be a sweetheart and list them in what I believe is the easiest to hardest.
1. Foot March Plank
I like this as one of my first progressions from a static plank because it’s a very familiar position to most people.
Marching your feet just an inch or so off of the floor adds a substantial anti-rotation component to the exercise, and your client will recognize it very quickly.
2. Elbow Tap Plank
Like the foot march plank, this increases difficulty by taking away a point of contact but feels much more difficult than moving your feet.
I like to make my clients move through this very slowly and deliberately to help reduce the amount of hip swinging they get. I find it helps to keep your hands centered on your chest and adjust the width of your feet to increase or decrease difficulty.
3. Bent Knee Side plank with Clamshell
I actually think I dislike static side planks more than static front planks because people end up in really dog-shit positions really quickly.
A good “hack” to fix this is utilizing the bent knee side plank, which makes it easier to stay in a good position by shortening the length of the lever (your body).
To get even more out of this exercise, throw a band around your knees and hit a clamshell. You’ll be training anti-lateral flexion as well as a few aspects of your hips while you’re at it. I utilize these as both a core exercise and as a filler/activation exercise paired with squats or deadlifts.
4. Plate Drag Plank
This is very much a progression of the elbow touch plank and allows you to load it externally.
There are lots of other videos of people using kettlebells, sandbags and even heavy ropes to do these.
5. Side Plank with Wall Slide
The first time I did these was during Eric Cressey’s “Show and Go” program.
I saw them on the program for that day and watched his video and thought it would be no big deal.
Got set up for my first rep and as soon as I lifted my leg I folded like a chair.
My athletes have given this exercise various names like “The Devils Exercise” and “if I see this again next month I’m gonna punch you in the junk”.
But give them a shot, I swear you’ll like it…
6. Bench Plank with Row
This gets really brutal really fast.
I personally don’t really chase the weight of the row portion of the exercise as I prefer the plank to be the emphasis and to be controlled perfectly. It’s nice to get a little extra rowing in with this exercise, but always be in control of the dumbbell.
7. 8 Point Plank
I thought I’d throw a curveball at you by making the two most difficult variations here static planks!
I just learned this variation recently and it’s really pretty amazing.
I underestimated it at first and then found myself shaking like a leaf in a windstorm within five seconds of starting it.
Putting your knees on the ground and posteriorly tilting your pelvis will help to remove your quads and hip flexors from the equation and then moving your elbows out under your eyes lengthens the “bridge” a little more.
If it feels not so hard to you, then you really need to focus on that pelvic tilt!
8. RKC Plank
This is a static plank, but barely.
The technique described in the video is called the “Zip Up” technique and I like to go through those steps before every rep of this plank.
I typically ask my clients to do three, 10-second holds with a quick break in between each rep.
You end up with a 30 second plank, but the most intense 30 seconds possible. If you don’t say “holy shit” as soon as you finished, then you did it wrong.
Final Word
If you’re going to train your core, you might as well be doing something that’s legitimately effective and won’t take up 7 minutes per set.
Try these out and let me know how they go for you.
About the Author
Mike is a personal trainer and strength coach living in Cleveland with his fiance and adorable pit bull.
He is the owner of Anderson Strength and Fitness, the strength coach for Healthy Green Athlete and is an all around badass dude. You can follow him on Instagram HERE or shoot him an email at [email protected].
It is E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E of late and it seems you can’t have a ten minute conversation with anyone, or walk more than a city block, before it casually comes up.
It goes something like this:
“Man, this humidity is brutal.”
“I know, right? I wonder when it’s going to end?”
“I heard Wednesday. Say, have you heard of Keto?”
And that’s pretty much how it goes.
This Will Not Be a Scientific Breakdown
I know my lane as a fitness professional. My expertise orbits around helping people get stronger, more athletic, move a little better, or otherwise building a bunch of deadlifting Terminators.
My strengths aren’t in debating macros, breaking down the Kreb’s Cycle, or discussing the complicated layers and intricacies of gluconeogenesis.
There’s a reason why I rarely (if ever) write about nutrition.7
That being said, I’d be lying if I said the topic doesn’t make up a large portion of my professional (and personal) life. What kind of coach would I be if I never discussed the importance of (total) caloric intake with a client who’s goal is to fat loss?, or if I never divulged the power of protein (and the many sources to get it from) for muscle maintenance and growth?, or if I didn’t go out of my way to mention dietary fat has a ton of health benefits?8
Moreover, what kind of coach would I be if I never extolled the wonders of Tupperware and the myriad of foods one can eat out of their containers at home, at work, on the train, or while flying an Apache?
Needless to say I talk about nutrition on an almost daily basis with my clients/athletes and I always attempt to answer honestly and to the best of my ability (and within my scope of practice). In addition I’ll often go out of my way to direct them towards sources and authorities I trust and respect.
To that end, I’m not going to attempt to explain the Ketogenic Diet in a thorough fashion here. There are entire websites and books you can peruse and nerd out on if you’re looking for an entertaining Friday night.
Nor am I going to attempt to sway you one way or the other, my dear reader, as to its validity and efficacy.
NEWSFLASH: I concede: It works!
Instead all I want to do is provide a little perspective and insight on how I view/interpret things when it comes to this latest health/fitness trend.
What Is the Ketogenic Diet?
This may come as a surprise to some, but “Keto” isn’t new.
It’s been around for quite some time.
To give credit where it’s due: My introduction to the Ketogenic Diet was back in the early-mid 2000’s after reading Lyle McDonald’s apropos titled book, The Ketogenic Diet (originally published in 1998).
In short, the diet is all about minimizing carbohydrates while following a moderate protein, high-fat plan with the end goal to nudge the body into a state of “ketosis” where it’s then less likely to be using glycogen (stored sugar) as it’s main source of energy.
I.e., the body runs out of glycogen stores so it then needs to find alternative fuel source(s). When this plan is followed long (and stringently) enough, the body (liver) begins to process fat into ketones which then becomes a fuel source your body can use.
NOTE: I say “stringently” because to my knowledge, it’s really, really, really, really hard to get into TRUE ketosis (let alone stay there). Like SEAL Training is easier. Even though the diet is considered a “moderate protein” approach, it’s actually not due to the insulinogenic properties of protein. Eating “too much” protein or going a smidgeon over can push someone out of ketosis rather easily.
The idea is that once you’re in “ketosis” you’re burning a boatload of body-fat.
Surprising to some, the Ketogenic Diet was first developed to address tough-to-address cases of childhood (and adult) epilepsy, because it was shown that ketones helped to reduce their frequency.
Pretty baller. Science and research works.
But lets pause.
Someone, at some point, was like:
“Huh, I see this diet is designed for epileptics, but I also see that these people are ripped AF. I wonder if I did it….if it would give me abs?”
“Keto” definitely works with regards to fat/weight loss, but it also hits the mark on some other things too.
Other “benefits” attributed to the diet include but aren’t limited to:
Weight Loss (weird how that happens when you pretty much omit an entire macronutrient).
Appetite control.
Mental clarity and acuity.
More energy.
Improve key markers in blood sugar, triglycerides, cholesterol, blood pressure.
Can walk through concrete walls.
But the question I have to ask is:
“Given all those benefits, is “Keto” a superior way to achieve them compared to other approaches?”
Well Is It?
To get to my answer I first have to share a story from this past weekend.
I was in dire need of some caffeine as my wife and I were walking around running errands with our 1.5 year old in tow. I meandered into my local GNC to pick up a quick energy drink and the guy behind the counter started some small talk.
First he asked about what I do? (strength coach), where I work out of? (my own place nearby), how long have I been doing it? (before smart phones existed), and he seemed genuinely interested in picking my brain as to what HE should be doing to put on some weight?
He mentioned protein powders, how he’s been trying to figure out the proper nutrient partitioning ratio, and a few other unimpressive words that really, in the end, mount to nothing other than him saying “blah, blah, blabidy, blah, blah. Insulin.”
It was fine.
Small talk.
No big deal.
He then looked at me and asked if I had ever heard of “Keto?”
(Cue Jaws theme music here).
“Sure,” I said.
“What do you think of it.”
“I know it’s popular now and that it works well for some people.”
“Do you like it?”
“Personally? No.”
“What do you like then?”
“I like whatever diet or approach allows people to best adhere to something long-term and matches their goals.”
SHORT ASIDE: I am not a fan of ad hominem remarks, and I KNOW this will come across as cliche because 50% of the time whenever anyone tells a “GNC story” the same description comes up. But I’m being 100% honest when I say the guy I was talking to was 6ft, 135 lbs soaking wet. Clearly hasn’t lifted a weight in his life.
“I like what you said there. But why are you against Keto?”
“I’m not against it. I just feel it’s not magic. And for all the work it takes someone to actually get into ketosis, I don’t feel there’s much benefit over all the other diets or approaches when matched for protein intake and calories.”
“My manager is a personal trainer and he’s a big fan of Keto. He mentioned the sugars in yogurt and that those should be avoided.”
“Yeah, I don’t think sugar is the enemy or all that bad.”
Now, imagine I hadn’t said what I just said (sugar not being bad) and instead said any of the following:
– “The world is flat.”
– “I’m not wearing any underwear.”
– “Jon Snow should have never been named King of the North.”
Imagine I had said any of those things and then I told him my best friend is an invisible dragon named “Derek.” Imagine the expression on 95% of the population’s face if they had heard something as crazy and blasphemous.
That’s the look I got back.
The dude’s eyes could not have widened enough.
“Wait, you mean you don’t feel sugar decays the body?”
“Fruit has sugar, is that decaying the body?”
Sensing a mental gymnastics quagmire I wasn’t going to get out of any time soon (and knowing five minutes of my life had just passed) I immediately responded with “My wife and kid are waiting for my outside dude.”
Which they were. As was Derek
He ringed me out and I left.
Keto = Not Magic
Notice I am NOT saying “Keto” doesn’t work. I think this is the second or third time I’m saying this to make it abundantly clear.9
It does, and I’m ecstatic for those individuals who have found something that works for them and has allowed them to stick with something long-term.
But what I find dumbfounding – and I see researchers like Alan Aragon and Layne Norton, who are way smarter than myself on this topic, fighting this fight often – is that there are a lot of people out there who think “Keto” is the end-all-be-all approach that will have everyone losing weight, reducing their risk of diabetes, and getting them accepted into Hogwarts.
Side Note: And for every person who waxes poetic on how euphoric they feel following this diet, there’s another person who feels like garbage and wants nothing more than to kick you in the pancreas.
It seems even though the “science” backs up other approaches leading to the same results, when it comes to Keto, people become really adept at denying said science.
To use a real world example I had a friend of mine reach out yesterday who felt compelled to do so after I shared my GNC story on Facebook.
“I have a health and wellness friend who is very prominent on Instagram/YouTube/Facebook who is a HUGE proponent of Keto and he regularly shares blood panels with the message that Keto is the way and superior to anything out there.
Let’s just say that my nutrition is quite the opposite of Keto and my blood panels are almost identical to his…including panels we both had done in early spring. More proof to my belief (and yours) that it’s an individual thing for each of us.”
That last sentence is money.
I can’t understand why this train of thought is such an insurmountable hurdle of commonsense for some to fathom.
My suspicion (and that of my friend above) is that there are deeper psychological issues or disordered eating around food at play, and that one’s relationship with food (not to mention body image) are no doubt festering beneath the surface.
And, of course, we can’t deny a certain percentage of people have a financial incentive to stress the Ketogenic lifestyle.
That’s dandy and far be it from me to tell someone they can’t make a living (much less how to do it).
But can we please stop with the fantasy and proselytization of this diet?
It works.
As do others (when people actually follow them and are consistent).
Dr. Lisa Lewis and I have designed a 1-day workshop for health/fitness professionals that touches on a topic rarely discussed: the SOFT SKILLS of coaching.
How to improve exercise consistency.
How to increase motivation and competency to train.
How to assess clients/athletes and write more effective programs that better match their ability level.
How to create loyal clients (and a growing bank account).
We’ll be holding another Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop in Boston, MA on August 12th.
1. We offer both a Professional ($129) and Student rate ($99).
2. This Early Bird Rate ends on Sunday 7/22
3. CEUs will be made available.
For more details (including itinerary and registration) go HERE.
Dean Somerset and I are currently in the throes of drumming up new content for our staple workshop series.
We’ve presented this workshop all over the world – London, Vancouver, Oslo, Prague, Boston, LA, Minas Tirith – and even turned it into a popular digital product HERE so everyone can enjoy it.
We’ve already nailed down dates in Slovenia, Houston, and LA this fall (2018) and are also in talks to bring it to Detroit, Philadelphia, Edmonton, Australia, and Singapore in 2019.
If you’re someone who’d like to host this event/participate in a tickle fight please reach out to either Dean or myself.
Unless your last name is “Brickshitdieselmotherfucker,” don’t use it to name your gym. Although, in fairness, Pete offers both the pros and cons of using your name.
Be cautious.
And if you’re last IS Brickshitdieselmotherfucker….can we be friends?
Remember that scene in Castaway when Tom Hanks’ character is making his getaway from the island and his beloved Wilson inexplicably floats away and towards the end of the scene we’re left with that cacophony of “Wilson! Wilson! I’m so sorry. Wiiiiiiiiillllssssooonnn!!”
Yeah, I cried so freakin hard too.
Anyway, my boy Dan makes a brilliant analogy between that scene and how he explains what training WILL and WON’T do with his new(ish) clients.
Great read.
Social Media Shenanigans
One of the hardest struggles as a coach is juggling what I KNOW a client needs and what they’ll actually do to stay on task and consistent with their training. You’re the boss/expert, but there’s always a smidgeon of compromise in the coach/client relationship. Important.