I Write Stuff! Sometimes Coherently.

Everything and Nothing Causes Low Back Pain

The topic of low back pain (LBP) – how to assess it, diagnose it, and how to treat it – can be a controversial one. I italicized the word “can” because I don’t feel it’s all that controversial. Cauliflower as an option for pizza crust or Zach being chosen as the bachelor on the current season of […]

The Peculiar State of Fitness Assessments

NOTE: There’s only a few more days to get my latest continuing education resource – Strategic Strength – at $50 off the regular price. Today’s post discusses one of the main topics covered in the course: Assessment. Assessment. People don’t like the feeling of being judged – especially by complete strangers. However, when it comes […]

The Story of a Shitty Deadlift Turned State Record

HEADS UP: My newest and latest continuing education resource – Strategic Strength – is now officially available to make out with purchase. It’s on sale all this week at $50 off the regular price. I hope you’ll check it out. (waves Jedi hand – you WILL check it out). This is a story about a […]

Programming Considerations: Shoulders

Fair warning: This will not be an all-encompassing post on how to train the shoulders or how to program around nagging shoulder injuries. Frankly, I don’t think anyone wants to read a Dostoyevsky length diatribe on shoulder impingement or how improving scapular upward rotation leaves me sexually aroused. Yep, I’m weird. Instead I want to give […]

Appearance on the Coachable Podcast

I had the opportunity to be invited onto the Coachable Podcast recently hosted by Kevin Dineen. Kevin and I met back in 2012-13(ish) at The Fitness Summit in Kansas City. That year was my first year attending (as a speaker) and his first year attending (as an attendee). I don’t recall whether or not we […]