Meat Eaters Are Killing the Environment?

I’m posting this blog a bit later that usual, but it’s for a damn good reason. Normally I write my blogs in the morning. However, after finding out that Star Wars in Concert is coming to Boston for a two show (same day) event next weekend, I spent the bulk of my morning on Ticketmaster… Read more

“You can’t run to get fit, you need to be fit to run.”

This is a quote that I “stole” from Mike Boyle whom I am sure “stole” it from someone else (I think it was Diane Lee actually). The fact of the matter is, most (read: not all) people shouldn’t be running (especially women). What’s the first thing that women do to get into shape? They hightail… Read more

Big Rocks= Big Guns

Last Friday, I discussed the Pareto Principle. To summarize, it was named after an Italian economist (Vilfredo Pareto), who demonstrated that 80% of the wealth in Italy was owned by only 20% of the population. Taking it a step further, many have described it as a Law of Unequal Return, whereupon certain activities tend to… Read more

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday

1. I know these digital videos have been making their way around the internet for a few weeks now, but I just wanted to post them here because they’re THAT good. If you’re in any way affiliated with the fitness industry you’ll definitely get a kick out of them. THESE VIDEOS ARE NSFW…..due to language…. Read more

A Serious Blog Post. Well, Kinda…….

Just so people aren’t under the impression that I was slacking, I had some technical difficulties with WordPress yesterday, and as a result, wasn’t able to get a blog out. Luckily, Morpheus (Webguy Chris) was able to fix the issue, and we’re back on point today. To that end, I just wanted to give everyone… Read more

Exercises You Should Be Doing: Side Lying Rib Roll

I realized yesterday while at CP that It’s been a few weeks since the last installment of Exercises You Should Be Doing. So without further ado, lets get right to it. NOTE: Sorry for the hastiness, but I’m making this quick because I’m attempting to make dinner for my girlfriend tonight. I’ll need at least… Read more

Stuff I’m Reading, Have Read, or Going to Read. I’m Smart

1. Time Management- Successful People Series Part II – Roger Lawson Some of you may recognize Roger from his less than exemplary performance from a few months ago: I don’t know which made my eyes hate me more- those walking lunges or the AHHHHHHH, MY EYES, MY EYES. MAKE IT STOP. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE… Read more

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday

1. After posting a video of my PR deadlift on Friday, I got a lot of emails and messages on Facebook congratulating me. Thanks to all you wrote me! What’s interesting is that while I’m pretty happy with the lift, I know I left some in the tank. Mike Robertson actually e-mailed me later that… Read more