I Write Stuff! Sometimes Coherently.

Things I Used To Hate, But Now….Not So Much

Hate’s a strong word. When someone says they hate something they must really, and I mean really, have a strong disdain for whatever it is they’re referring to. For example, I’m typing this very sentence as I’m cruising 36,000 feet above the ground on my way back to Boston (from sunny Florida), and as everyone knows […]

Supplement Review: Supplements That Suck, Supplements That Work, and Supplements That Are Underrated Part II

Yesterday in Part One of this series Sol Orwell and the guys over at Examine.com discussed a handful of supplements that they feel are about as useful as a poop flavored lollypop. Which is to say: not very useful. As a strength coach and as someone who’s routinely discussing supplementation with younger athletes and general […]

Supplement Review: Supplements That Suck, Supplements That Work, and Supplements That Are Underrated Part I

The topic of supplements is about as controversial as they come – right up there with homeland security, government deficit spending, global warming, that silly ban on big gulp sodas in NYC, and trying to figure out who the best Spice Girl was back in the day. Scary Spice obviously. No, wait…..Sporty Spice! On one […]

Shoulder Training Tips: 6 Coaches Weigh in on Shoulders

This one is short and sweet today. We’re on a very, very tight schedule (spa, tour of the Mets training complex, etc)) and I was warned by Lisa that if she caught me on my computer she’d either Sparta kick me in the chest or force me to listen to nothing but Katy Perry on […]

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday: Greetings From Florida Edition

1. I’m in Florida as I write this – Jensen Beach/Stuart area in fact – and since my girlfriend and her mom decided to have a little mother-daughter “lets shop till we drop” marathon today, which I absolutely wanted no part of, I’ve had a nice, relaxing day to myself where I went to a […]