Categoriescoaching Strength Training

A Subtle Reminder That Lifting Weights Is Supposed To “Stress” the Body

NOTE: This post is a bit of a face-lift from a similar post I wrote last year. 

I’ve noticed a growing trend in recent months in the fitness community and it’s something that’s been grinding my gears.1

It seems it’s become trendy or a “thing” for some (not all) people to bash certain exercises – specifically, from a more general standpoint, lifting appreciable weight – due to the stress it can cause. I’ve been noticing this trend a lot in the comments section of this site and in the comment sections of other training forums I frequent. It’s certainly not at pandemic levels or anything, but it’s happening enough where I felt compelled to get a little ranty today.

Copyright: vadymvdrobot / 123RF Stock Photo

Don’t do this exercise because it’ll stress your knees.”

“It’s probably best to avoid lifting heavy weights because it’ll stress your joints and back.”

“You shouldn’t do “x” or “y” because it’ll cause too much stress.

Blah, blah. blabbidy, blah, blah.

Now, let me preface everything by saying I understand it’s not everyone’s goal to get strong(er), hoist barbells and dumbbells every which way, and/or, I don’t know, make people clench their sphincters when they watch you bench press.

It’s not everyone’s bag, and that’s cool.

Likewise, any conversation of this magnitude should come with the assumption that whatever exercise or modality we’re referring to – squats, overhead pressing, juggling chainsaws – is, in fact, an appropriate fit for someone based off their goals, ability level, taking into account their current/past injury history, and individual anthropometry.

Moreover, we can make the case for any exercise having an inherent risk, if not tinkering on the edge of dangerous, if it over-steps someone’s ability level, is performed incorrectly, and/or is done with too much volume.

  • A newbie performing conventional deadlifts on Day #1 probably won’t be a good fit.
  • A heavy back squat performed with an excessively rounded back = stop blaming the exercise and fix your technique, Sherlock.
  • Even if someone has immaculate dynamic control of their rotator cuff, spends time addressing soft-tissue quality, and also stays on top of their ability to upwardly rotate their scapulae, even if they do all of that (which is saying a lot), the acromion space will always narrow when you overhead press. Doing too much of it (volume) can still cause shoulder issues.2

That said, it’s not lost on me there’s a heavy bias on my end given I’m a strength coach. I like getting people strong. It’s what I do and it’s what I’m about.

Well, that, and crushing ice-cream.

And still trying to figure out why Carrie broke up with Aidan in Season 4 of Sex and the City.3

I have rarely found anything negative that results from getting someone stronger; whether we’re referring to helping an athlete perform better in his or her’s respective sport, helping a grandmother be able to carry her own groceries, or helping anyone be less fragile.

Everyday life is filled with trials, tribulations, tripping over Legos on the carpet, and general levels of shitstormery. What harm can come from getting stronger and to be better equipped and prepared for it?

Yet, time and time again I witness people’s backlash towards strength training – or any sense of straining – by using the excuse “it’s too much risk at stressing the body.”


The point of exercise, and more specifically, lifting weights, is to stress the body.

Strain, effort, and yes, even some level of discomfort is warranted, nay, needed, in order to make the body more resilient and ready for sport AND life.

I’m not making this stuff up either.

There are laws (meaning, proven, undeniable facts backed by science) to back me up:


Wolff’s Law – States that bone in a healthy person or animal will adapt to the loads under which it is placed.

As a corollary to Wolff’s Law there’s also the term known as Minimal Essential Strain (MES) which also states there’s a threshold (strain) that must be reached and repeated often enough to signal to the osteoblasts to travel to the area of strain and lay down collagen to increase the strength of the bone.

Davis’s Law – Describes how soft tissue models along imposed demands.

I-Just-Threw-My-Face-Into-a-Brick-Wall-Because-I-Became-Dumber-For-Having-Listened-To-What-You-Just-Said Law – Describes the spontaneous reaction that results when someone says something stupid.4

We can’t always live in a bubble or “safe space” filled with non-threatening exercise, pink dumbbells, and Adele radio playing on Pandora.

It behooves us to teeter with end-ranges of motion and to sometimes tinker with someone’s ability to just do more.

Lets take the squat.

A common argument against it – again, for some, not everyone – is that it should be avoided because it stresses the knees.

Well, when done incorrectly I’d agree.

There’s much that can go awry with the squat.

However, some trainers/coaches take it to delicate flower levels that I can’t begin to comprehend. To the point where, if there’s any deviation from perfect, they’ll start hyperventilating into a paper bag and shut the set down faster than you can say “When’s Season 3 of Stranger Things coming out?

Sometimes you have to let people figure things out for themselves and stop over-coaching.

The knees caving in isn’t always bad.

“Caving” to neutral is a lot different than actually falling into knee valgus.

Don’t be so quick to pump the brakes on people.

Hell, the point of someone going to physical therapy is to do something physical. Those therapists who tend to get the best and most efficient results tend to be those that include strength & conditioning to compliment the clinical side of the equation.

If you’ve done your job as a coach and properly progressed your clients/athletes it’s okay to allow them to deviate from perfect. It’ll help them in the long run.

I’d make the case it’s beneficial to allow people to experience compromising positions anyways. That way they’ll know how to get out of them if or when they happen again (and they will).

It’s imperative to make the body do more work in order to adapt and make progress. To steal a quote from Nick Tumminello:

“It’s all about creating STRESS (to stimulate adaption) W/O DISTRESS (that exceeds one’s tolerance and causes injury).”

We need to challenge the body.

We need to stress it.

Categoriescoaching Exercise Technique Program Design

Programming Considerations: When To Choose Sumo Over Conventional Deadlift

If there’s one topic I’m asked to write more on it’s programming.

What, when, why, and how do I do what I do?

I may make this more of weekly or monthly series depending on how this first iteration goes.5

Lets see what happens.

Copyright: ozimician / 123RF Stock Photo

When To Choose Sumo Deadlift Over Conventional

I like to think of myself as a middle of the road kinda guy. I try not to veer too far to the left or right on any given topic.

Except for Attack of the Clones.

That was and always will be a dumpster fire of a movie.

On pretty much anything else however, especially as it relates to strength & conditioning, I tend to default to the more temperate “it depends” defense.

Back squat vs. front squat? It depends.

Concurrent vs. undulated periodization? It depends.

Raspberry ketones vs. purified unicorn tears filtered through a Leprechaun’s beard ? Kale.

What about deadlifts?

Well, you guessed it…….

…… depends.

Despite the title of the post I’m not in favor of one variation over the other. In fact, if I had to choose a variation I feel is the best fit for most trainees most of the time I’d pick the trap bar deadlift.


If I had to place a number on it, I’d say 90-95% of the clients I have historically worked with – this includes eight years at Cressey Sports Performance – started with the trap bar deadlift and progressed from there.

75-80% have kept the trap bar as their “home-base” deadlift variation throughout their training career.

However, when it comes to choosing between the sumo deadlift (wider stance, hands inside the knees) and conventional deadlift (narrower stance, hands outside the knees) the key determining factor(s) are:

  • What’s the person’s goals?
  • Which variation puts them in the best position to be successful and not shit a facet?

So in the spirit of “this is just information, relax, I still have my clients/athletes conventional deadlift” here are a handful of reason’s why I’d gravitate towards sumo.

1) Anatomical Considerations

Taller people or those with long femurs/torsos are likely going to have a hard time pulling conventional.

Anyone who has worked with basketball players can appreciate this. Long spines require attention to detail.

The trap bar is a great choice with this population, but so too are sumo deadlifts or block pulls (where the barbell is elevated to a height that allows them to get into a maintain good position).

Another point to consider are those who picked the wrong parents. For example, people with shorter arms will have a challenging time with conventional deadlifts.6

We also have to consider general movement quality. We live in a day and age where people don’t move a lot, and as a result have the movement quality of a pregnant rhinoceros.

If someone doesn’t posses the requisite ankle dorsiflexion, hip flexion, and/or t-spine extension to get close(r) to the floor without “falling” into lumbar flexion, why are we trying to force conventional deadlifts on them?

2) Previous Experience and Injury History

The conventional deadlift requires more forward lean compared to its sumo counterpart.

This places much more shear loading on the spinal erectors.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Conventional deadlifts are a fantastic option for those who deem their back a weak link and may be looking to strengthen their spinal erectors.

However, sometimes we need to pump the brakes.

Anyone with a history of back issues/injuries may find the conventional deadlift too aggressive. To that point, some may prefer the sumo deadlift and find it more suitable since they’re able to keep a more upright torso.

3) Speaking of Weak Links

The sumo deadlift, as counterintuitive as it may sound, is more quadricep dominant than people give it credit for. Strength coach Kevin Cann of Total Sports Performance (located in Medford, MA) puts it more eloquently than I:

The sumo deadlift is basically a high squat. The greatest quad demands in the squat are coming up out of the hole. Since the sumo deadlift begins higher than the sticking point for the squat, the demands on the quads will be less than the squat, but greater than the conventional deadlift.

I’ve found for those trainees who need to work on their quad strength the sumo deadlift is often a great accessory movement to consider.

4) Because, Fuck Purists

I dislike absolutism.

I lose respect for those coaches who act like children and allow their egos to dictate how they interact with others.

The “my way is the only way to train people” diatribes gets old.

I’ve had more than a fair share of coaches get defensive with me because I like the sumo deadlift and because I tend to use the trap bar with many of my clients/athletes.

I remember a case in particular where a coach chastised me on social media for having the gaul of utilizing the sumo deadlift over conventional with a new client (even though, as I had explained, she had repeated occasions of the latter hurting her back).

  1. In both her passive and active assessment she was unable to prevent her spine from going into excessive lumbar flexion in conventional stance (from the floor, and to a lesser extent elevated). This was likely due to anatomical barriers. I wasn’t certain, because I don’t have X-ray vision, but it was my best guess.
  2. We reverted to sumo stance and sha-ZAM: she was able to maintain a pristine position with her spin AND it didn’t hurt her back.

Anyhoo, despite my attempt at marinating in a moral victory, this particular coach went on to wax poetic that “well, I’ve never had anyone walk into my gym and not be able to conventional deadlift….so you SUCK Tony.”

I was like….


I could be projecting and I honestly have no idea why some coaches are so steadfast with their infatuation with the conventional deadlift. If I had to guess it’s because there’s this notion that sumo deadlifts are cheating.

Last I heard there’s no gold star given out to people who only conventional deadlift.

If we wanted to get all sciency and stuff, the hip extension demands are THE SAME for both variations. Unless you’re Gandalf (if so, can we hang out?) and can lengthen someone’s femur, the moment arm (the distance between the joint’s axis and line of force acting on it) doesn’t change.

Furthermore, to steal another gem from Kevin Cann, the distance you lose in sagittal plane when adopting a conventional stance, you tend to pick up in the frontal plane when you switch to sumo.

Generally speaking, in terms of which is “harder:”

  • Sumo Deadlift = more difficult off the ground, easier at lockout.
  • Conventional Deadlift = easier off the ground, more difficult at lockout.

In the end, it has nothing to do with cheating. It’s about recognizing that the two variations are just… different.7

And that some people are just insufferable fuck-faces.

Categoriescoaching Exercise Technique Program Design

A Few Ways to Progress and Groove the 1-Legged RDL

I know, I know.

Talking much less writing about the 1-Legged RDL isn’t the most exciting thing in the world. Here’s where it ranks on my “Stuff That Gets Me Really Excited About” List:

1: Ice cream.
2-717: Reading Wikipedia pages for every Wu-Tang Clan member.
718: Cleaning up my cats weekly furball vomit.
719: Valentine’s Day.
720: 1-Legged RDL’s.
721: Poodles/Ebola.

But hear me out…this is important shit.

Copyright: peogeo / 123RF Stock Photo


While many may echo the same sentiment above, it’s hard to downplay the importance of the 1-Legged RDL.

Being able to access the hip hinge (and being able to perform it on one leg) is crucial for a variety of reasons: Ranging from improved joint health (specifically dissociating hip movement from lumbar movement) and improved movement quality to improved hip/rotary core stability and enhanced athletic performance.

BONUS: And, for what it’s worth, I’m pretty sure “good hip hinge” is one of the top criteria people search for when puttering around on Tinder.

Even if that’s not the case I’m willing to bet if you put something like “Hip Hinging Is Hot” as your profile heading and followed suite with some candid pictures of you deadlifing a variety of things like a barbell, a bag of groceries, a litter of bunnies, you’d get more matches.

Do it.



Getting back on task, today I wanted to highlight some of my favorite exercises and drills to help groove and progress the 1-Legged RDL.

I find a lot of trainers/coaches are quick to add these into a client’s program, when the fact of the matter is…they’re a rather advanced movement.

Taking the time to properly progress someone based on their current ability level (and needs) will go a long ways with breeding success and rapport with your clients.

Lets dive in.

But First: Some Universal Coaching Cues

Two common technique flaws I see with most people are:

1. Helicopter Hips
2. Letting go or “losing” their shoulders.

Helicopter Hips

This is where you’ll see someone’s hips kinda rotate upwards towards one side as they hinge back into their leg.

No, no, no, no, no, no, NO.

Don’t Lose Your Shoulders

This is probably the most common snafu with the 1-Legged RDL. Simply put this is where someone will round their shoulders/upper back as they hinge back.

I said, NO.

Progressing the 1-Legged RDL

For most people I think it’s smart to start from the ground, work to standing variations, and then add movement/load after that.

NOTE: What follows isn’t an exhaustive list, but will get the job done for the bulk of people.9

Handcuff Hinge

I feel it only makes sense to start with BOTH hips. We have to master the bilateral hip hinge before we have any shot at mastering single leg variations.

I think Dan John was the first to popularize this drill. There’s just something about this variation that provides the requisite feedback to “feed” the hinge.

NOTE: I also think your standard variety Glute Bridges and Hip Thrusts work well here too.

Split Stance RDL

I also like to call this one a “Fake 1-Legged RDL.”

While still technically bilateral, this variation allows the trainee to front load the front leg while simultaneously using the opposite leg as a balance point as they hinge back.

 Skater Hinge RDL

A fantastic progression from the above exercise.

This one really begins to set the table for increasing range of motion as well as grooving the hinge itself in addition to hip separation.

I like to tell people to think about driving or pushing the KB through their chest and to “protect their rib cage with their arms” to help create more full-body tension.

Wall Assisted 1-Legged RDL

Once they mastered the “hinge” component, now it’s time to take away a point of contact. However if balance is still an issue an easy fix is to use the wall to assist.

Start with bodyweight and then add external load once they get comfortable with that (and can extend the leg fully).

Assisted 1-Legged RDL w/ Reach

Another option would be this gem I stole from the crew over a War Horse Barbell in Philadelphia, PA.

Don’t Worry: Even though the Pats lost the Superbowl to the Eagles this past weekend, we’re still friends. I guess.

1-Legged RDL ISO Hold

Many will scoff at this drill as easy.

Many will suck at it.

It’s okay to LOL at them.

1-Legged RDL ISO Hold w/ KB Swap

And if you really want to LOL at your clients, give them this drill.

They’ll feel stuff firing they never knew existed.

Deadstart 1-Legged RDL

One trick I keep in my back pocket to help people really get a feel for this exercise is to start in the bottom position.

I’m sure there’s some hoity toity term I could be using here to explain things, but all I’ve got for you is that there’s something about starting in the “end” position that helps people contextualize the pattern.

Try it.

I think you’ll agree.

I’m Done

There’s more I could add but 1) no one made it this far, did they? and 2) I’m hungry.

Hope these help.


How The Matrix Can Make You a Better Coach

It’s no secret I love movies.

I always joke that if I weren’t a strength coach I’d try to finagle a way to watch movies for a living. I don’t know know how I’d make a living doing that, all I know is that it’s pretty much my life’s dream (outside of owning my own real-life Airwolf).

I can’t think of an instance in my life where I haven’t been transfixed or excited to head to the theater to catch a flick.10The ones that really stick out in my mind, that made my jaw drop and were almost biblical in how they affected me are…Return of the Jedi (of course), Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, Avatar, and The Matrix.11

Who can forget that opening sequence with Trinity? Remember how it started off with her taking out that whole SWAT team single-handedly, with that slow motion 360 degree camera shot, then building to a chase scene crescendo out-running an “agent?”

Nerd boner city.

You knew, after watching that, that the next two hours were going to be something special.

And, arguably, maybe one of the more iconic lines/scenes of the movie was when Neo first visited The Oracle and he had the “bending spoon” conversation with the little girl.

“There is no spoon.”

Copyright: fergregory / 123RF Stock Photo


The whole point of that interaction, at least to me, was to provide some much needed perspective to Neo.

To demonstrate to him that, sometimes, all you have to do is shift your perspective to see someone’s else’s truth. 

The Matrix is real, and you know, the spoon isn’t there.


In the health and fitness industry, and in particular as a health and fitness professional, understanding someone else’s perspective is a crucial and germane talent to posses.

I + XI = X

Take for instance the equation you see above.

Is that a “true” or “false” statement?

I snaked this little gem from author Dan Brown’s latest novel, Origin.12

You’re looking at the equation and thinking to yourself:

“One plus eleven is ten? That’s false Gentilcore. Idiot.”

Alas, when the main character in Brown’s novel, Robert Langdon, wrote out the same equation in sand during a pivotal moment in the story, and presented it to another character (named Ambra)…he received the same perplexed reaction.

When told that the equation is “absolutely false,” Langdon responded with “And can you see any way this could be true?

No, the statement is definitely false,” replied Ambra.

Langdon then reached out and gently guided Ambra’s around to where he was standing.

It was only then that she saw the equation from his vantage point.

The equation was upside down:

X = IX + I

“Ten equals nine plus one.”

I was sitting in bed when I read that tidbit and chuckled to myself. “That’s good,” I thought to myself. I then reached over and wrote the equation on the little notepad I keep at my bedside figuring I’d use it at some point to make a blog post out of it.

SPOILER ALERT: This is that blog post…..

Many of us are steadfast in our beliefs in this industry.

I remember when Mike Boyle caught a metric shit-ton of flak years ago when he told the strength & conditioning world that he had omitted back squatting from all his programs.

I think he could have live streamed himself clubbing a baby seal and that would have been more universally accepted.

From his perspective, however, he saw a correlation between back squats and the vast number of athletes experiencing back discomfort and in worse case scenarios…missing playing time due to injury.

He switched gears and opted to emphasize building single-leg strength instead. For the record, he’s still producing world renowned athletes (and he’s seen a reduction in injury rates).

This is not to insinuate I agree with all of what Mike has to say about back squats – if it’s any consolation, I still use them with my athletes – but rather it’s to note that he’s not wrong.

He just has/had a different perspective.

He’s still getting results.

And the world is still spinning.

Likewise, I recently saw a thread on Facebook with a personal training attacking Jenny Craig.

She went off on how she’s frustrated with one of her client’s who decided to enroll in the program.

I’m paraphrasing but she said something along the lines of:

“It’s just a foo-foo fad diet, and she (her client) is just wasting her money.”

Don’t get me wrong, I too have a hard time not rolling my eyes at Jenny Craig. It is a touch “faddy,” and I believe most are better off not adopting an often unhealthy relationship with food by following a point system.

Hamburger w/ wheat bun: 719 points

Celery sprinkled with sawdust: 1 point, Mmmmmmm.

That being said, it does work for a lot of people and it does serve as a way for many to learn to appreciate portion/calorie control.

That’s not a bad thing.

Are there better, maybe more long-lasting and sustainable avenues to take?

Yeah, maybe.

But from a client’s perspective, Jenny Craig may be the most un-intimidating starting point to take.

And that’s a huge win. Assuming they follow the rules to a “T” and stay consistent, it stands to reason some cool things will happen.

What they don’t need is their trainer/coach discouraging them.

Perspective goes a long ways.

It helps to explain why some coaches don’t use back squats, or don’t incorporate a lot of overhead pressing, or maybe omit the olympic lifts from their programs. You may not agree with them, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong.

In addition it’ll help to better understand where your clients are physically and emotionally, and what will likely be the best course of action to take to set them up for long-term success.

I’m not even sure what my overarching rationale was for writing this post. Maybe it was to note that Keanu Reeves is capable of making good movies.13. Or better yet, to encourage you not to be an uppity dick.

No one is saying to turn your back away from your experience and expertise. I implore all fitness professionals to use both to educate their clients/athletes.

But too, try to make a habit of walking around to the other side, to see the vantage point from their perspective. You’re only going to be a better coach in the end.

Categoriescoaching personal training

Top 3 Lessons I’ve Learned From My Clients

Man, I’ve got a treat for everyone today. Charles Staley, mentor, strength and conditioning connoisseur, and titan in this industry, reached out recently and asked if he could write a little sumthin, sumthin for the site.

Is water wet?

Is grass green?

Is Aragorn, also known as Strider, and son of Arathorn II, the High King of Gondor and Arnor?

Um, yeah.

Enjoy my friends. This is good.

Copyright: venezolana74 / 123RF Stock Photo

3 Lessons I’ve Learned From My Clients

It’s probably just natural to assume that in a teacher/student relationship, the transfer of knowledge only travels in a single direction. Over the years however, I’ve found that this assumption is far from the truth. In fact, there’s even a well-known saying that you may have heard:

“When one teaches, two learn.”

In fact, if I’m being honest, the primary reason I became a coach in the first place was to learn more about the subjects I intended to coach. I’ve often remarked that you might be confident in your knowledge of a topic, but only when you attempt to teach this topic successfully do you discover the gaps in your understanding.

In fact, Cal Newport, the best selling author of the highly acclaimed book Deep Work, passionately advocates a studying technique that he claims will dramatically reduce the time it takes to learn a subject — it’s called Active Recall.


This method is disarmingly simple, yet it requires a very high level of discipline.

Very simply, you first read the materials you’re attempting to learn, and then (this is where the rubber hits the road) you stand up in front of an imaginary classroom and teach what you just learned (or more often than not, what you thought you just learned).

Very quickly, you’ll be painfully aware of the gaps in your understanding. So, back to the books, then deliver another lecture to your imaginary students, rinse and repeat until you’ve got it down cold.

In a very real sense, the methods and philosophy I currently impart to my clients is almost entirely built upon the backs of my previous clients: these are the people who, through their successes and failures, not to mention their often challenging questions, are largely responsible for what I know today.

So with those thoughts as an introductory backdrop, here the top 3 lessons I’ve learned from my clients over the years:

Lesson # One: The Clients Who Communicate With Me The Most, End Up Doing The Best

It’s very common for my clients to apologize when they think they’re asking too many questions, but what they probably don’t appreciate is that I’m actually relieved when clients ask lots of questions, because that demonstrates that they are highly invested in what they’re learning.

Translation: long-term, happy client.

Translation #2: Happy coach.

By contrast, the worst thing I can hear from a new client is along the lines of “Please just tell me what to do.” Words to this effect send a strong signal that my client need a high level of external reinforcement, which leads me to…

Lesson # Two: I’m Not Everyone’s Cup Of Tea (And That’s OK With Me)

Now don’t miss my point — there’s nothing “wrong” with just wanting to be told what to do. If I were to hire someone to help me with something I found particularly challenging, I’d probably do the same thing.

Of course, whenever you need significant external support from a teacher or coach, your chances of long-term success are reduced. Thankfully however, there are some very good coaches who are remarkably successful with clients like this — I’m just not one of them.

And that’s OK — a cardinal rule of marketing is to avoid trying to be all things to all people.

Identify and constantly reinforce your specific strengths, and then restrict your marketing efforts to that narrow slice of the population who can benefit most from what those strengths happen to be. My primary market is highly-motivated (although not necessarily advanced) “over-40” men and women (And, for reasons that continue to elude me, for some reason, nearly all of my local clients are women, and nearly all my online clients are men. Seriously, I have no idea why).

It’s very common for new coaches and trainers to feel they don’t know enough to train other people, and while that may be true, I’ve been studying my craft for over 30 years, and in complete honesty, I have never had more questions than I have today.

Sure, I’m very good at a small handful of things, but I’m also completely incompetent in a much, much larger number of subjects and topics. The key to managing your competencies and shortcomings is to 1) know the difference between the two, and 2) stay within your wheelhouse when working with your clients. When issues arise that you’re not qualified to deal with, refer them out to other pros who are.

Both client and colleague will respect you for this.

Lesson # Three: It’s OK To Be Weird

In case you haven’t noticed, the fitness marketplace is a very crowded place. If you’re just like everyone else, well, you kinda get lost in the sauce, don’t you?

Lots of coaches have insecurities about the various idiosyncrasies and/or perceived inadequacies that they may have, but to them I say, embrace and even promote whatever makes you stand out.

In my own case, I don’t know if I’m weird exactly, but compared to most trainers, I probably stand out in a couple of different ways:

  • I’m older than most trainers (58 to be exact). Yes, the average age of the American population is slowly increasing, but fitness coaching is still a young person’s game by and large.


  • I’m not especially well-built. Don’t get me wrong — my physique probably puts me in the top 1% of guys my age. But, compared to some of the guys I respect and look up to, I’m nothing special at all.

  • The previous two points actually work in my favor as it turns out, and here’s why: Although I’m of retirement age and “skinny” (6’2” and currently 190 pounds), I’m actually pretty strong. And (I almost forgot to include this point) I’m not all busted up like a lot of my older lifting buddies. In recent months, I’ve deadlifted 465 for 3 reps, done 8 pull-ups with 25 pounds strapped to my waist, and I’ve benched a pair of 90-pound dumbbells for 10 reps. And, I have no pain at all, ever. Nothing hurts. Now what’s interesting about all this is that, as much as I’d love to be a conspicuously muscular 240 pounds, I’ve found that many of my current male clients hired me specifically because they know they can’t be, or don’t want to be big muscular dudes. But, they DO want to be strong and athletic. And those guys my age who are bigger and stronger than me? I’m not their cup of tea obviously, and that’s perfectly understandable.


  • Finally, although I assure you that I’m not terribly smart, I do seem to attract an intelligent breed of client. This is no doubt due to all the writing I’ve done over the years, or it may also be because I probably resemble a university professor more than a bodybuilder. Or (and I’d like to think this is closest to the truth), through my writing and coaching, it’s clear that I’ve thought a LOT about what I teach. And it’s also abundantly clear that I walk my talk. I’ve been living and breathing this stuff for over 3 decades now, and I’d like to think it comes across to prospective clients.


  • I don’t really give a shit what other coaches do or don’t do. Now just to clarify, there are MANY coaches who I deeply respect and who I seek to learn from whenever I get the chance. What I mean here is that I am confident in my approach and what teach, and it doesn’t sway me one bit that my methods are different than many of my colleagues.  I don’t have clients do direct arm, calf, or ab work when they train with me — most trainers do. I don’t use “functional training,” whatever that is. I don’t use stabilization exercises. I don’t like forced reps, and I don’t text with my buddies or perv on nearby women as I’ve seen many, many trainers do. Again, I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.

Bottom line: You might view some of your unique characteristics as shortcomings, when in truth they may actually be strengths. Be yourself and embrace whatever makes you “weird,” because that’s what will help you stand out to all the folks who actually appreciate your weirdness.

Coaching Is A Privilege That I’m Deeply Grateful For

One sad aspect of my professional community that I sometimes notice is an unsettling tendency for some trainers to view their less-fit clients as somehow inferior, simply because they might be carrying a few extra pounds, or because they don’t know how to lift.

As if fitness is the only thing that matters in life.

News flash: You can (and many people do) live a perfectly long, healthy, and satisfying life without EVER exercising or counting carbs — crazy right? Imagine — some people actually focus their energy on their careers, or their family, or other hobbies. The idea of a perfectly balanced life sounds good in theory, but it’s terribly difficult to pull off in reality.

So to my trainer friends, please remember that your clients have lots of skills and talents (and challenges for that matter) that you probably don’t even know about. And to my client friends, thank you for all you teach us during our time together in the gym. We can’t do what we do without you.

About the Author

Charles Staley is known as an iconoclast and a leading influencer in the fitness arena. His reputation and self-effacing style have lead to appearances on NBC’s The TODAY Show and The CBS Early Show, along with numerous radio and podcast appearances. He has authored more than 1000 articles for leading fitness publications and websites, and has lectured to eager audiences around the World.

 Charles is not only a thinker, but also a doer: At age 58, he competes in the sport of raw powerlifting, and is a 3-time World Champion (220 and 198-pound weight classes). His popular online coaching program (Staley Strategies) allows people to train under his expert guidance, regardless of where they live.

 Find Charles online HERE.

Categoriescoaching fitness business

Online Coaching Is NOT Easier

There’s a common theme I’ve seen gaining traction amongst fitness professionals of late – mostly from the young bucks out there, but from some experienced trainers too – stating something to the effect of “online or distance coaching is easy.



Pffffffft, riiiiiiggggghhhhtttt.

  • Beating an eight year old in a game of H.O.R.S.E is easy.
  • Warming up a Hotpocket is easy.
  • Swiping right is easy.

Running a successful online training business?

Not easy.

I can understand the delusion, though. We’re seduced into thinking that those coaches/trainers who decide to pursue online coaching will, in a matter of months (or even weeks), be traveling the world enjoying libations on the beach one week and the culinary delicacies of Paris the next.

Their only source of stress….a reliable WiFi connection.

As a matter of fact there are some fitness pros who have built this sort of lifestyle for themselves. But I can tell you with almost certainty it didn’t happen overnight, or in a matter of months.

But lets omit the outliers out of the equation anyways.

Lets talk about you and what it takes to build a successful online business.


I picked up my first online client back in 2006. I was moving from Syracuse, NY to Danbury, CT and a client of mine back in the ‘cuse still wanted to work with me.

He asked if I could just, you know, still write his training programs and send them to him via email.

I was like, “yeah, alright, sure.”

Actually, come to think of it, Bobby K. invented online training! Well done Bobby.

Back then all I did was send out a monthly Excel sheet – the present day equivalent of messenger pigeon – and if Bobby was ever flummoxed by anything I programmed, I’d just record something with my digital camera and send that along as well.

I didn’t know what the hell I was doing and it’s any wonder I was able to send anything over the internet without burning down my apartment.

As I started writing more and getting my name out there, I started receiving more inquiries from people to provide online programs. One client turned to five, five turned to ten, and eventually things evolved to the point where online coaching turned into a viable revenue stream for me.

Mind you, it wasn’t private jet trips across the Atlantic levels of revenue. But, I was able to start using the income I made from coaching people online to help pay for my car and/or student loans.

Fast forward a few years, it wasn’t long before I found myself with what seemed like a second job. I was still coaching people at Cressey Sports Performance full-time, only to come home at the end of each day to an inbox full of questions and programming tweaks from online clients.

It was exhausting.

Demand was high…

But there was only one of me, and I wanted a life outside of starring at my computer screen for hours on end (answering emails, writing programs, invoicing, developing/updating an exercise database)….not cool.

Something had to change. I had to find some form of distance coaching Darwinian natural selection process that would make my life easier or more efficient.

TA-DA: The Online Trainer Academy

Full-Disclosure: Most of (if not all) successful online coaches I know were first really good in-person coaches. There are innumerable nuances that go with coaching people in person that it’s almost impossible – I feel – to be a good online coach without having first mastered that.

How are you going to be able to tweak someone’s deadlift technique over the internet if you have zero or little practice doing it in real-life?

Likewise, it’s not as if all you have to do is set up a YouTube of Instagram account and post a bunch of selfies or videos of you breaking down optimal bicep peak exercises and the floodgates will all of a sudden open.

There are a thousands of trainers vying for everyone’s attention, and I wholeheartedly believe that those who do well virtually are those who have experience coaching people in-person and have more of a “feel” (<— non-creepy) when it comes to human interaction.

Having said that…I also believe that those who do well are those who are organized and have their shit together.

They have systems in place.

This can entail everything from:

  • What sort of liability insurance should you get?
  • Do you have a waiver system in place? LLC?
  • How do you collect data to best ascertain if someone’s a good fit for you?
  • What’s your assessment/screening process look like?
  • How do you send out programs? How and when do you update them?
  • How, when, and where do people get a hold of you?
  • What system do you use to demonstrate to clients appropriate exercise technique?
  • How do you track and collect payments?
  • How do you keep people accountable and on track?
  • How do you gauge progress? How do you know when to make programs more challenging or less challenging?
  • Why did Carrie break up with Aiden?14

Doesn’t seem so “easy” now does it?


It’s been more than a decade since I started building out my online training programs. Since then, I experimented with dozens of different systems and programs, finding out what worked and what didn’t work through months and years of trial and error.

I wish I didn’t have to do that back then.

I wish I’d been given a proven system that works.

That’s why I love the Online Trainer Academy’s in-depth program materials. Developed with input from 40+ professional online trainers, marketers and business owners, it’s perfect for you if you’re tired of chasing tips and tricks and feel energized by the idea of finally learning everything you need to know to build your own profitable online training business.

That’s the good news. The bad news?

There’s only less than 24 hours left to enroll in the Academy this year. Once it closes, no one will be able to enroll in this game-changing course until September 2018!

Plus, next year the cost goes up by $500. But if you register today, you have lifetime access to all future updates at today’s price!

You have just hours left to get in, get access to the business-building materials, and become one of the first certified online trainers (OTC) in the world. It all comes with a 90-day, 100% satisfaction guarantee.

—> Get In Before Enrollment Closes <—

Categoriescoaching Exercise Technique

Plan On Lifting or Squatting Something Heavy? Check Your Neck

Today’s guest post comes courtesy of frequent contributor, Dr. Nicholas Licameli. He covers a topic that’s sometimes controversial:

Neck position when lifting heavy things.

Some people play close attention to it (as they should), while others play it off as “no big deal” and point towards really strong people who seemingly have never had any issues with their neck(s).

“See! They do it.”

Yeah, well, you’re not them. And most other people aren’t either.15

Copyright: olegdudko / 123RF Stock Photo

Plan On Lifting or Squatting Something Heavy? Check Your Neck

One of the most common issues I see in the deadlift and squat (and plank, push-up, bent over row, etc.) even in experienced lifters, is forgetting to “set” the head and neck.

  • Feet gripping floor with 3 points of contact? Check.
  • Pelvic floor engaged? Check. Transverse abdominis braced? Check. Diaphragm engaged? Check.
  • Shoulders and scapulae tucked down and back, squeezing the armpits? Check.
  • Neck straight and chin tucked?…

The hip hinge is the foundation to all movements that involve bending over or squatting. A proper hip hinge starts at the hips (naturally) with your spine in a neutral position.

But “spine in neutral position” does not just refer to the lower back. It includes the often-neglected cervical spine, too.

Too often I see the head and neck extended in an otherwise perfect hip hinge (see image below). I lie awake at night wondering why we lose so many good men out there (playing for the Yankees?16) to poor mechanics and why this mistake is so common…here’s what I came up with.

The extended position of the cervical spine can be very dangerous.

It is akin to having a hard arch in the lower back (the facet joints and neural tissues become compressed) except that the joints, muscles, nerves, and other structures of the neck are smaller and more delicate.

Add the maximal contraction of pretty much every muscle, as seen when performing a deadlift or squat, and it is clear to see why this can be dangerous.

So why do so many of us assume this faulty position?

Part of the reason is because our heads always want to be looking upright. Our brains subconsciously want to position our heads so that we are looking at the horizon.

We all know that the end goal is to stand up straight. We feel as if “looking where we’re going,” will help us get there. In order to maintain proper cervical positioning, we have to fight our subconscious, which is never easy.

[Another reason could be that we want to catch ourselves in that perfect lighting for that perfect selfie…]

But I think a big reason why extending the head and neck is so common is because it creates a shortened lever arm, which improves the biomechanical efficiency of the lift.

Let me explain.

When you bend forward in a proper hip hinge, the hip becomes a fulcrum. As a result, a lever is formed from the hip to the top of the head. The longer the lever arm, the harder the load is to move.

Think of the difference between picking up a dumbbell out to the side of your body (as in a lateral raise) versus tucked into your side (as in a shrug).

When lifting out to the side, the shoulder joint is the fulcrum, the lever arm is the arm, and the load is in the hand at the end of the lever.

Lifting with your arm straight out to the side produces a longer lever arm than lifting close to the body, which makes the load more difficult to lift. This is the same reason why many coaches cue lifters to keep the load as close to your shins as possible during a deadlift. The further the load is from the fulcrum (your hip), the harder it is to lift.

What does it all mean Basil?17

It means that extending the head and neck during a deadlift may be the body’s subconscious attempt to improve the biomechanical efficiency of the lift. It essentially shortens the lever arm by about a “head’s length.” (see images below).

             Shortened lever arm by about a “head’s length

To ensure proper positioning, tuck the chin and align the neck with the rest of your spine before lifting the load (see image below).

So next time you deadlift, yes, make sure your hip hinge is on point (and you get that perfect lighting for that selfie), but don’t forget about your vitally important and often neglected head and neck.

Resist the urge to look up!

Your discs, joints, muscles, and nerves will thank you.

Video Explanation


About the Author

Every single thing he does, Nick believes in giving himself to others in an attempt to make the world a happier, healthier, and more loving place. He wants to give people the power to change their lives. Bodybuilding and physical therapy serve as ways to carry out that cause. His knowledge of sport and exercise biomechanics, movement quality, and the practical application of research combined with personal experience in bodybuilding and nutrition allows him to help people in truly unique ways. Love. Passion. Respect. Humility.   Never an expert. Always a student. Love your journey.





Addressing My Coaching Gaps

I am an imperfect coach.

I don’t know everything and I don’t pretend to.

One of the most admirable qualities I think any coach should possess is having a modicum of humbleness that acknowledges their “gaps.”

Copyright: convisum / 123RF Stock Photo


Some coaches are stellar at teaching the “big 3” but are unable to break down sprint mechanics.

Others are nutrition nerds and can break down the Kreb’s Cycle by heart, yet have limited experience coaching the nuances of the Turkish Get-Up.

And then there are those who feel the kipping pull-up is a good exercise:


I keed, I keed18

As coaches we can’t be everything to everyone. However, that doesn’t mean we should avoid making our coaching gaps less “gappy” altogether.

Throwing myself into the fire I’ll be the first to admit I’m garbage when it comes to coaching the Olympic lifts. In fact I wrote an entire article on why I don’t use them in any of my programming.

A few weeks ago I had a client ask me if I could coach him up on the ballistic KB movements: I.e., kettlebell cleans and snatches.

[Cue crickets chirping]

I was honest.

I told him I could probably finagle my way through it and demonstrate a competent clean and snatch, however I knew he’d benefit from keener eyes on the matter. So I set my client up with a few sessions with Coach Justice Williams, a local StrongFirst certified coach here in Boston.

To that end, I wanted to narrow my own coaching gap and asked Justice if he’d be willing to film a few videos with me breaking down the clean and snatch.

He enthusiastically agreed.

Today is video #1….breaking down the swing/hip snap. Because, first and foremost: if you don’t own the swing/hip snap, you will not own the clean or snatch.

In this short tutorial we go through his coaching tips as well as common mistakes people may make along the way.


CategoriesAssessment coaching Program Design speed training

Bottoms-Up Squat Patterning Is the Jam

I was livid.

Not long ago I had a female client come in for an initial assessment and she divulged to me the previous coach she had worked with, in not so many words, inferred she was “dysfunctional” and that she’d likely never be able to perform a decent squat.19

What kind of BS is that? Within ten minutes of the first session you tell someone how much of a walking ball of fail they are? Awesome business model, dude.

I took it as my mission to use that initial session with her and demonstrate to her success; to prove to her she could squat. Maybe not with a barbell on her back, ass to grass, but I wanted to show her that 1) not many people are able to do that in the first place and 2) there are many different iterations of the squat and it was my job to showcase what her best options were given her ability level, injury history, and goal(s).

Screw that coach.20

The interaction above took place several months ago.

And, not to be too braggadocious, I was able to successfully get her to “squat” within that first session after taking her through a thorough screen and using more of a bottoms-up approach to pattern her squat.21

It all came down to getting her nervous system comfortable in the bottom position and to own it.

Cliff Notes Version:

  • Perform a hip scour to ascertain general anatomy limitations
  • Assess both passive AND active squat pattern(s).
  • See if active “matches” passive ROM (Range of Motion).
    • If so, do they demonstrate enough motor control to, well, control that ROM?
    • If not, is it a mobility or stability issue? I find it’s rarely the former. However mobility tends to be everyone’s “go to” scapegoat.
  • Implement appropriate patterning drills that match the trainee’s ability level and don’t bore them to tears with too many corrective drills that don’t accomplish much of anything.

Non-Cliff Notes Version:

Read THIS —-> Building the Squat From the Bottom

Bottoms-Up Is the Jam

Using the BOTTOMS-UP approach to introduce specific movements – in this case, the squat – is a foolproof way help build your client’s confidence in the movement and to start to nudge a training effect.

NOTE: a baby dolphin dies every time you default to 30 minutes of “ankle mobilization” drills.

This past weekend I was fortunate enough to attend the Clinical Athlete Workshop in Springfield, MA with Dr. Quinn Henoch, Dr. Zak Gabor, and Matthew Ibrahim.

Quinn brought to light two more drills I’m immediately going to add to my arsenal and I wanted to share them with you here.

Check these bad boys out.

Quadruped Rockback Squat Patterning


Tall Kneeling Squat Patterning


Pretty cool, right?

Play around with them yourself. Use them with your clients. Demonstrate to your clients that they can do stuff, and that oftentimes it’s just a matter of breaking down movements into more digestible parts to show them success.

Go to work my Padwans.


Why You And I Need a Coach

It may come as a surprise to some reading, but I have a coach, someone who writes my programs and to whom I’m accountable towards. It’s one of the best things I have ever done.

Likewise I have a number of coaches as clients myself, and I feel it’s one of the highest compliments I can receive. One such individual is Shane McLean who’s a personal trainer in Texas.

He took the time to write up this short summary of why he chose to hire a coach and why he feels it’s an important component for anyone to consider, coach or not.

Copyright: venezolana74 / 123RF Stock Photo


Why You (And I) Need a Coach

It was the middle of July in the sweltering, unforgiving Texas heat and my football coach was making the team run 200-meter sprint repeats at the END of practice. As you can imagine, we were all thrilled and no one complained at all.

After a few intervals, most of the team was gassed and we still had a few more to go. When my turn came around, I took off sluggishly and the coach was none too pleased. He started to scream a few choice words in my direction.

It was nothing that bears repeating here because what’s said on the field stays on the field, just like what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

However, among the expletives, he dropped a pearl of wisdom.

“Practice should be harder than the game, so the game is easy.”

That was all the motivation I needed. I sucked it up, dug deep and ran out my final intervals without compliant.

That’s the beauty of having a coach.

The coach picks you up when you’re feeling down and makes you dig deep when you’re spent and can still see the good in you when nothing is going your way.

Coaches Need Coaches Too

Being a personal trainer, I see the value of coaching from both sides of the fence. I coach clients in a one-on-one setting and I also reach out to fellow professionals for advice when I’m struggling with my own progress.

Because there are times when coaches need coaches.

You can benefit from having a coach in your corner at some time in your life, whether you’re already a coach or you’re looking for something bigger and better in your life.

A little of Drill Sergeant Lou (or Tony Gentilcore) can be just what you need.

He’s a thinking man’s coach.

And because Lou was busy, I reached out to Tony (lucky for me he responded) because I was struggling with my own progress. My goal was and still is to deadlift twice my bodyweight.

However, after a back injury and long break from deadlifting, I had no clue where to start.

Tony loves to lift heavy things and I wanted to lift heavy things, so doesn’t this sound like the start of a beautiful bromance?

However, I was in a bit of a pickle because I couldn’t afford to pay him what he’s worth, so we came to another arrangement.

That tells you what kind of person he is.

He’s not only a man who makes people suffer for a living, he has a heart also.


After a year of online training with Tony, I realized what good coaching is and I decided to share this bromance knowledge with you.

Now, if you’re on the fence about hiring a coach, hopefully my experience with Tony will push you over the edge.

1) Coaches Bring Out Your Best

I’m a believer that you already have the tools inside of you to be a success.

You weren’t put on this Earth to be ordinary, you’re put here to be extraordinary. You may feel like this is new age mumbo jumbo but bear with me for a moment.

Like a lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client, you fail to look at yourself objectively. You’re either too hard on yourself or fail to see the good inside of you. You cannot see the forest through the trees.

This just makes us human and not Sheldon Cooper.

However, do you know who can help you access those tools and bring out the best in you? A good coach, that’s who.

Several times during the year, I got down on myself because I was either injured, not lifting what I thought I was capable of or struggling with certain lifts that I suck at, like squats.

The moment I’d express this sentiment to Tony, he would quickly turn the tone around and offer me encouragement, advice and exercise cues to help me keep crushing my workouts.

Being on the receiving end of a pep talk is very empowering.

2) Coaches Provide Knowledge

After 25 years of lifting and over 8 years of coaching clients, I thought I had my shit together.

However, after being exposed to different programs, philosophies and training techniques, I realized that my way wasn’t the only way of doing things.

Imagine that?

Every new program and interaction I had Tony was like a sponge moment. All I needed to do was soak it all in.

3) Coaches Provide Accountability

One of the reasons why people hire coaches is to provide them with accountability because they’ve made an investment of money and time in the pursuit of better health and fitness. It always helps to have some skin in the game.

However, if they don’t show up, they’re wasting their money and the trainer’s time. This can result in one pissed off trainer. Trust me, you don’t want to upset the person who writes your exercise programs for a living.

Before Tony I had the dreaded case of do as I say, not as I do and I was accountable to no one. Now I feel accountable to Tony because he has eyes everywhere (like a ninja) and I also report in every week.

A good coach will help keep you on the straight and narrow.

Wrapping Up

You cannot go through this life alone. At some stage, you’re going to need some help. That’s what a good coach will do, help you be more awesome than you already are.

And who doesn’t want that?

About the Author

 Shane “The Balance Guy” McLean, is an A.C.E Certified Personal Trainer working deep in the heart of Texas. Shane believes in balancing exercise with life while putting the fun back into both.