Posts in "Rehab/Prehab"

So Your Shoulders Are Depressed (So Sad)

So Your Shoulders Are Depressed (S0 Sad) Despite the cheekiness nature of the title, you can relax: I’m not suggesting that your shoulders are “depressed” in the literal sense of the word. I mean, it’s not as if they just got word they contracted ebola or that their heart just got ripped out by some… Read more

Lift Big by Bracing, Not Arching

As far as current fitness debates are concerned the argument over which is better for long-term progress in the gym – bracing vs. arching – is right on par with people arguing over whether or not a potato is considered “Paleo, (1),” whether or not high- rep Olympic lifting (ALA: CrossFit) has any efficacy (2),… Read more

Deadbugs: The What, Why, and How

I know what some of you may be thinking:  “Really, Tony, a post on deadbugs?  What’s next….telling us how much you love Twilight or that you’re adopting another cat?  You haven’t gone soft on us now have you?” <—– LOL, get it??  I actually put a picture of a “dead bug” here, when I’m actually… Read more

Managing Laxity in Lifters and Athletes – Part 1

Note from TG:  Given the special, niche population we work with at Cressey Performance – baseball players – it’s no coincidence that we deal with many athletes who walk in on day one with a preponderance towards being “lax.” Too, it’s not uncommon to see this in the general population as well, as we’ve also… Read more

Post Rehab Essentials 2.0: An Inside Look

For most of you who read this blog on a regular basis, I don’t really need to introduce Dean Somerset.  The man is quickly climbing the “kind of a big deal” ladder in the fitness community, and has really gained a reputation for being one of the brightest minds in the industry. For those who… Read more

Don’t Let That Injury Derail You

Today’s guest post comes from a former distance coaching of mine, Australian strength coach Shannan Maciejewski. Shannan started working with me when he was coming of a pretty serious ankle injury, and he hired me to help him sift through the program design process as he worked his way back to playing competitive rugby. As… Read more

Deadlift Cueing and Fixes

A few weeks ago I received an email from a DPT student in central Florida detailing a research project that he’s doing alongside a fellow student (as well as with one of the faculty at his school) looking at ways to use the deadlift pattern to treat patients with low back pain in a therapy… Read more

Why Shoulder Injury Prevention Programs Are Failing

I recently had the opportunity to write an article for Stack Magazine, which is an online resource for high-school athletes and coaches. When I was originally contacted and asked if I’d be interested I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to write about.  Then it hit me:  Um, dude – you work with a crap… Read more