Posts in "Rehab/Prehab"

6 Reasons Why You’re Always Hurt

Everyone has that one crazy uncle in their family. The one who burps in public, says inappropriate things at the most inopportune times, and who’s social filter is otherwise…always a little off. By that same token many of us – the fitness minded ones, the gym rats – tend to have that one friend who’s… Read more

Prioritize Your Mobility

Today I have an excellent guest post by Boston based strength coach, Matthew Ibrahim. I love pointing people in the direction of coaches in the industry who are on the up and up, and Matthew definitely falls into that camp. He’s someone who I feel provides a ton of great content and has a lot… Read more

Stretching Isn’t Always the Answer: 3 Common Mistakes

I’m an avid reader. At any given time I’m reading 3-4 books at once. I’m always working my way through something related to my field. These are what I like to call the “hafta reads.” Meaning, I hafta read “x book” in order to stay sharp and on top of things related to my profession… Read more

A Response to Anyone Who Feels Deadlifts Are Destroying Everyone’s Spine

A HUGE thank-you to Bret Contreras for his contribution to this post. You’re my boy blue! A little backstory.  A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away A few years ago – back in 2010 – I wrote a blog post in response to someone claiming that deadlifts were “one of the worst… Read more

Add Some “Flow” to Your Warm-Up

I could easily pull a fast one and just tell everyone to start playing some Tribe Called Quest or Nas during their warm-ups and call it day. Done, you just added some flow. But I feel that would do nothing but yield a bunch of weird looks and not really give me much “cred” as… Read more

Steps You Can’t Afford to Skip: The Warm-Up

Yes, this is an article on warming up (both the pre-lift ritual as well as how to warm-up for your main lift of the day). Yes, most people are going to read the title and subconsciously yawn. Yes, these are the same people (athletes included) who tend to get hurt more easily, have more nagging… Read more

The Lowdown on Femoral Acetabular Impingement. Trust Me: Not as Geeky as It Sounds.

When I first moved to Boston – roughly seven years ago – I was working at a swanky, fancy-pants commercial gym in the downtown area and I remember on one of my days off Eric Cressey and myself took a little road trip to Worcester, MA to take part in an impromptu and informal workshop… Read more

Where Does Unstable Surface Training Fit In? (Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)

Q: I’ve frequently read that unstable surface training in a non rehabilitate setting isn’t of that much use, particularly due to the fact that the increased muscle recruitment doesn’t necessarily become functional in other athletic activities. Im curious where stir the pot comes into all this? I certainly get great anterior core recruitment but am… Read more