I recently had the opportunity to write an article for Stack Magazine, which is an online resource for high-school athletes and coaches.

When I was originally contacted and asked if I’d be interested I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to write about.  Then it hit me:  Um, dude – you work with a crap ton of baseball players, why not start there?

Seemed like a logical course to take, and that’s exactly what I did.

Now understandably, not everyone who reads this site is interested in throwing a baseball 90 MPH and could probably care less about “arm care.”

Besides chicks dig the long ball, right?

But I’d venture a guess that even though this article is geared towards baseball players, there are some universal nuggets dealing with shoulder health that has a lot of applicability towards the general population as well – especially with regards to the “true” function of the rotator cuff (and how to train it) and how the anterior core enters the equation.

That said, I want to demonstrate to Stack Magazine that the TonyGentilcore.com entourage can reach P-Diddy levels.

I’d really love for everyone to check out the article, give any feedback (positive or negative; hopefully mostly positive), and if you feel so inclined, “Like” it and share it on Facebook and Twitter.


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