
You Give Personal Trainers a Bad Name

This blog post is dedicated to the personal trainer who works weekends at my sister’s gym near Albany, NY.

First a little back story: Cliff Notes Version

1. My sister calls me not too long ago and mentions that she wants to get into shape; in her words, “for real this time.” As you can guess, we’ve been down this road before…..(wink wink, nudge nudge).

2. As a mother of two, her days are typically filled with fake light saber battles with my nephew (Jedi Name: Harza Genis for your information) and playing “Pretty Pretty Princess” with my little niece. All of this on top of making sure the house is clean, laundry is done, and that dinner is on the table every night. Honestly, I don’t know how she does it. Suffice it to say, the last thing on the “to do” list is go to the gym.

3. I finally convinced her that following recorded episodes off of Fit TV were about as useful as used a tampon and she joined a local gym a few weeks ago.

4. Of course as a new member of the gym, she was offered a free session with a trainer. Beforehand I had her buy a copy of “New Rules of Lifting for Women,” so she had a general idea of what types of things she should be focusing on. Namely, lifting free weights, steering clear of the treadmill, etc.

5. What does the trainer do? Shows her how to use the machine circuit and then demonstrates how to press the buttons on the treadmill to increase the speed. All of this despite the fact that my sister asked if he could show her the free weights. Mind you this was a personal trainer, not some person involved with a general orientation to the facility.

Anyone with the intelligence of I don’t know, a bowling ball can show someone how to use a chest press machine. I wouldn’t be surprised if this trainer’s certification is made out of Scooby-Doo stationary and said, “World’s Greatest Personal Trainer. Love Mom” in glitter paint. The whole experience just turned my sister off to personal trainers all together. Can you blame her?

Needless to say, I made the trip out to Albany this past weekend to help my sister out. We went over simple foam rolling drills, a proper dynamic flexibility warm-up and I even showed her how to deadlift in less than five minutes. I also caught a glimpse of the trainer that worked with my sister a few weeks ago. Right on cue, he was busy showing a new member how to perform leg curls. Brilliant! Why didn’t I ever think of that?

Special Side Note: to all personal trainers who read this blog (especially new trainers), don’t be a stereotype. There’s a reason why we’re often seen as uneducated, meat heads. Do yourself a favor and read Jimi Varner’s book “A Trainer’s Dozen: 13 Principles for Personal Training Success.” Don’t be like the nimrod above, you’re better than that.


Q and A (PS: Lift Heavy Stuff. It’s Good For You)

Q: I was wondering if you are familiar with the Jari Love Ripped weight-training dvd’s and what your opinion is of them?

A: To be honest, up until today I’ve never heard of Jari Love or her Ripped dvd series. But my initial thoughts are this- I’m in the business of getting people stronger (whether they’re an athlete or a soccer mom) and I’m very reluctant to recommend any product where someone poses with 3 lb dumbbells in their hands and calls it “weight training.”

I’ll give credit where credit is due however. The Ripped dvd series does a fantastic job at motivating people to get off their lazy butts and move. In the grand scheme of things, that is what’s important. Additionally, the dvd’s advocate the use of compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, rows, various lunges, etc while at the same time discussing the importance of progressive overload in order to advance one’s fitness level.

However, what I can’t get past is the fact that we’re looking at a glorified group exercise video where participants are taken through a cookie-cutter routine, are asked to use partial ranges of motion with super slow tempos, and are told that a progression is increasing their weight from a feather to a pencil. Okay in reality a typical progression would be 5-8 lbs, but what’s the difference? Either way you look at it, they’re recommending submaximal weight for high repetitions. Sigh.

Like I have always stated in the past- what builds muscle, maintains muscle. If you train light, you’ll keep enough muscle to be able to continue to train light. But given this doesn’t take a lot, from a relative and individual standpoint (i.e. it takes more muscle to lift a weight that limits you to 8 reps than it does to lift a weight that limits you to 20) you’ll keep what you need to accomplish these generally ‘easier’ tasks. Look at many of the people who advocate the same principles (train with low weight for high reps)- they look frail and weak, which in my opinion isn’t an attractive look.

For your money, you’re better off buying “The New Rules of Lifting for Women.” There you’ll learn that the key to a lean, hard body is a nice balance between nutrition, energy system work, and low(er) rep, heavy weight training. Limiting yourself to loads of 10,20,40 lbs for high reps is going to reap less than stellar results long term, trust me.


Myth Busters (Microwaving Vegetables).

In recent years there has been some debate over whether or not it’s a good idea to microwave your vegetables. I decided to nip this nasty rumor in the bud and asked my friend Cassandra Forsythe for her insight on the matter. Apparently the source of this tomfoolery stems from a study published in 2003 in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture where Spanish researchers claimed that microwaves killed the nutrients in broccoli and presumably in other vegetables as well.

From the Washington Post, 2006:

The researchers cooked broccoli florets in four ways: microwaved, steamed, boiled and pressure-cooked. Among other things, they measured the percentage of healthful flavonoids removed from the vegetable by each cooking method. Flavonoids are phenolic compounds that are widely distributed in fruits and vegetables. In addition to giving these foods their colors, they behave as antioxidants; that is, they destroy the free radicals that can damage our DNA, possibly leading to cancer, stroke and other diseases. Flavonoids are therefore among the “good guys” in our foods.

The Spanish researchers reported that microwaving broccoli removed 97.2 percent of its flavonoids, boiling removed 66.0 percent, steaming removed 11.1 percent and pressure-cooking removed 8.8 percent.


A more thorough look at the actual study done by Robert L. Wolke, professor of chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh revealed the following:

1. The researchers only measured the before and after totals of total flavonoids, as well as two flavonoid derivatives while totally neglecting the plethora of other antioxidants and vitamins and minerals found in broccoli. Generalizing these results to ALL nutrients is unfair.

2. During microwaving, the broccoli was immersed in water, while the steamed broccoli was placed on a rack above water. Flavonoids are water soluble, so it stands to reason that many of the flavonoids would be “lost” during the microwaving process and would explain the huge discrepancy between the two.

3. Microwaving was done at 1000 watts for five minutes; an arbitrary “scenario” that was chosen for the study. Whatever that means.

4. Cooking causes nutrient loss no matter what the mechanism. In other words, cooking (ie: heating) food changes its properties in ways we call “cooking.” As Wolke noted, the more heat — that is, the higher the temperature and the longer the food is held at that temperature — the more cooking changes take place. And all cooking inevitably causes a certain amount of nutrient loss.

All in all, Wolke suggested we should cook our veggies with as little heat and with as little water as possible. We can’t do away with heat while cooking, but we can control the amount of water used. Fear not people, microwaving your vegetables is totally safe and it wont cause as much nutrient loss as you think. In other words, TV Dinners are still a viable way to romance your woman. Rest assured gentlemen, nothing says “I love you” more than microwaved meatloaf with brussel sprouts (and all their “mostly” flavonoidally intact glory). Don’t forget the boxed wine. P to the IMP, son!


Having Some Fun

Normally I’m not the type of guy that will go out of his way to “call people out,” but today is a rare exception. I just learned this past weekend that the Olsen twins were asked by Hugh Hefner to pose for Playboy Magazine.

What tha……..what?!?! Shame on you Hugh! Yeah, you’re right, nothing in this world would be more sexy than to see two emaciated waifs naked. And by “sexy,” what I really mean is “make me want to throw up.” Why not just ask Paris Hilton to join them? Wait a second. You could totally stage a pillow fight between the three. Except instead of pillows, you can use a brick, a lead pipe, and an AK-47. Sign me up!

Needless to say, that news put me in a fowl mood and there just so happens to be another person I feel the urge to “call out.” Last week a reader of my blog (thanks for reading by the way) made a comment in regards to an old post I made on “5 Exercises You DO NOT Need To Be Doing.” Apparently he didn’t agree with me. I’ll just let him do the talking and post what he wrote word for word.

certified personal trainer…

heres a real life example where you use leg press…any time you jump in the air you idiot, eg a basketball player, aerobics class, etc…not only are your principles rediculous, but your assuming that there is only one way to “skin the cat” with training. Which you are completely wrong, the body adapts to many different types of stressors, if you stress it the same way every workout, your body becomes resistant to that type of exercise meaning you cant make any progress. Working at a college and a gym where bosu balls, leg presses, and arm curls are all implemented in many programs…i think i’ll stick with our training type and you can be a neanderthal in terms of training.


Dear “Random Gym Guy” from Bloomsburg University (in Pennsylvania),

Dude, come on! If you’re going to call me an idiot, at least have the common decency to practice proper grammar. Pssst, here’s a hint: chicks prefer guys who know how to differentiate between your/you’re. The sooner you learn that, the sooner they’ll actually want to hang out with you. You can thank me later.

To make things easier, lets break this down sentence by sentence:

“heres a real life example where you use leg press…any time you jump in the air you idiot, eg a basketball player, aerobics class, etc…not only are your principles rediculous, but your assuming that there is only one way to “skin the cat” with training.”

So this must be the reason why your men’s basketball program hasn’t won a conference title in over 25+ years; not enough leg pressing, right? I’m not even going to broach the topic of aerobic classes, because it’s clear that you’re about as intelligent as a ham sandwich.

“Which you are completely wrong, the body adapts to many different types of stressors, if you stress it the same way every workout, your body becomes resistant to that type of exercise meaning you cant make any progress.”

How many ways can you alter the leg press? What, change an individual’s foot position from a narrow stance to a wide stance? Wow, I really think you’re on to something. Never mind the fact that you’re completely ignoring basic functional anatomy and forcing one to lift a weight in a fixed plane of motion while at the same time placing tons of compressive and shear force on their lower back. I thought the main goal as fitness professionals was to keep people healthy?

Now lets look at the squat and all the various ways we can alter it so as not to, as you would say, “become resistant to it.”

Free Back Squats: using various bars (olympic bar, safety squat bar, cambered bar, etc).

Box Squats: again using various bars and now we can add varying box heights.

Front Squats: with varying bars and boxes.

Single Leg Squat variations: Split Squats, Bulgarian Split Squats, Pistols, etc.

We can also add chains, bands, etc which undoubtedly place a different stress on the movement. We can also change foot positions on certain forms of squats to “tweak” the stress. Not to mention I haven’t even discussed the plethora of different set/rep schemes we can use, or tempos for that matter. There are endless ways to train the squat compared to a leg press. An athlete could go all four years through college and never have the same squat variation programmed twice in a row. Leg presses will do nothing but make them great at pushing a weight up an incline and messing up their back. Point. Blank. Period.

“Working at a college and a gym where bosu balls, leg presses, and arm curls are all implemented in many programs…i think i’ll stick with our training type and you can be a neanderthal in terms of training.”

1. Wow, you actually work in a college gym? We all know that people who work at college gyms are highly trained (special note: I’m being sarcastic here). They get hired because they don’t have class at a particular time – and they spend their days wiping down equipment. Congrats.

2. Arm curls are great. It gives you and your frat boy friends an opportunity to cut the sleeves off all those shirts you bought at Baby Gap and show off those 14 inch guns.

3. Outside of rehabilitation, BOSU balls are useless. Unless of course you’re in the the business of producing inferior athletes.

Kind Personal Regards,



1985 Called. It Wants Its Pointless Fitness Accessory Back.

This is a picture I came across last week of actress Lisa Rinna. Many will recognize her as a past participant of “Dancing With the Stars.” To be honest I’ve never watched an episode of that show. However, back in the day I did watch “Melrose Place” religiously every week where she played a character called Taylor McBride. While some may think it’s silly that I would ever admit to watching that show, I’ll have it be on the record that everything I know as far as how to treat women I learned from “Melrose Place.”

For instance, sleep with as many as possible within a one block radius. If one happens to get knocked up and starts asking for alimony, all you have to do is come up with a diabolical scheme such as blow up her apartment; preferably with her in it. Another option would be to remove the breaks from her car so she drives off a cliff. Either way, problem solved. WHEW! That was close. Hey did you happen to catch the episode where Billy and Allison end up together? I totally called that from the start. They’re so cute together.

Anyways, I don’t know what disturbed me more about the picture above. The fact that she looks like the Queen of the MerPeople (hello Botox) or that she’s running with pink dumbbells in her hands. I’d ask her where her leg warmers are, but she already succeeded in bringing back women’s fitness about 20 years. $10 says she listening to “Let’s Get Physical” on her iPod.


Is It Worth It?

Major League star, and first baseman for the Milwaukee Brewers Prince Fielder stated last week that he is now a vegetarian.

From the Milwaukee Sentinel:

“It wasn’t always this way. Fielder used to enjoy a stacked burger or a juicy steak as much as any carnivore, but a few weeks ago he received a book from his wife, Chanel, that changed his outlook on what he puts in his massive frame. The book described how certain animals are treated and slaughtered for food.

“After reading that, (meat) just didn’t sound good to me anymore,” Fielder said. “It grossed me out a little bit. It’s not a diet thing or anything like that. I don’t miss it at all.”

All I have to say is men love to eat meat. The statement, “I don’t like to eat meat” is a more verbose way of saying, “I have a vagina.” Figuratively speaking of course. For the record, I know plenty of women who love to eat a variety of small, furry animals. Lets just say Prince has been asked to kindly leave the “man” table where he can join the others like him who probably drink Zima and watch musicals with their girlfriends. Don’t forget your Jazz hands!

Alright, that was kind of mean. I can respect Prince’s decision to stop eating meat. More power to him. But it does raise an interesting question: is it worth it?

Without getting into a discussion on the moral issue of vegetarianism, I want to briefly discuss the different types. On one end, you have the less “extreme” individuals who will still eat things such as fish, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese, and other types of dairy. Lacto-ovo vegetarians are those who consume milk and eggs, but no fish, chicken or red meat. The most radical are Vegans, who won’t allow any animal source into their diet what-so-ever.

Depending on which type of vegetarian we’re talking about, it’s safe to say that most can still get sufficient protein in their diets from various other food groups. Those who just eliminate red meat from their diet, can still easily acquire protein from other animal sources such as chicken, fish, etc. Lacto-ovo vegetarians are still ingesting milk and eggs, which is “doable.” Not to mention utilizing various sources protein powder (whey, casein, soy, milk, pea, hemp, rice) helps tremendously. Vegans on the other hand are often going to have to consume massive amounts of “bulk” in order to obtain the protein required in their diet (this is especially true for those who are athletes or live an active lifestyle).

Additionally, as several highly respected authorities in the fitness industry have noted time and time again, it’s been well documented that those who are non-meat eaters tend to have a lower body weight and less lean mass than those who eat meat. Not necessarily an ideal situation for a professional athlete who needs to perform at an elite level day after day. That’s not to say that it can’t be done, it just throws a monkey wrench in the grand scheme of things.

As well, when referring to vegetarians, there are other “issues” that have to be dealt with. Mainly the fact that when you go out of your way to eliminate a macro-nutrient from the diet (in this case, protein), you’re going to encounter what Susan Kleiner, author of “Power Eating,” calls nutritional danger zones- namely, iron, zinc, and B12 deficiencies. These deficiencies can hurt exercise performance. So what can one do? Again, I reiterate that this will all depend on what “degree” of vegetarian someone is.

1. Include more Heme Iron sources in your diet: all animal protein sources contain the more easily absorbed form of iron, heme iron. Red meat is by far the most abundant source of heme iron. However, for those that don’t eat red mean, chicken and fish also contains heme iron, albeit to a lesser extent.

2. Consider Iron and Zinc Supplements: unfortunately, our bodies do not absorb the iron that comes from vegetables as well as the iron that comes from animal foods. Nonmeat eaters (especially the more active you are) would be wise to include an iron supplement daily. The same can be said for Zinc

3. B12 deficiency can lead to irreversible nerve damage, due to the fact that the body needs trace amounts daily in order to manufacture red blood cells and nerves. Including more foods with fortified B12 or supplementing with a B12 vitamin would bode well for many vegetarians (especially vegans).

4. Another thing to note is creatine. Creatine is typically low in vegetarians. Supplementation for those who are athletes and compete in strength/power sports and/or activities is definitely recommended.

I think from a performance and/or body composition standpoint, oftentimes (read: not all) vegetarians shoot themselves in the foot. In the case of Prince Fielder, clearly body composition is not at the top of the list. But performance is, and I give him two months before he reverts back to his old ways. Matter of fact, I think his wife even mentioned that if she notices any decrease in his power production, she’s going to feed him a steak.


The Day After

This is Steph, a client of Cressey Performance who is in the midst of preparing for her 2nd Boston Marathon. As our resident Fashionista, it’s safe to say that Steph has an impeccable fashion sense based on the types of shirts she wears when she comes to train during the week.

While most people preparing for a marathon would gasp at the thought of strength training, Steph has embraced it as an integral part of her programming. In the past, she would do nothing but log endless miles on the road or treadmill thinking that the only way to improve was to run till the cows came home. For those of you not from Upstate New York like myself, that’s a long time.

As I blogged about a few weeks ago, the majority of endurance athletes tend to follow a particular cycle:

Train (run)………..Get Injured……….Rehab/Physical Therapy. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Before she started training with us at Cressey Performance, Steph was no different. She would typically run 4-5 times per week, only to re-injure herself not long thereafter. You can imagine her frustration.

Being the trooper that she is, she started training with my good friend Eric Cressey prior to her first Boston Marathon in 2007. With only a few months to prepare, he was able to fix her up and she completed her first marathon in memory of her mother who tragically died during the attacks of 9/11. Afterwards she vowed she would never run another marathon.

That lasted all of a couple of months, and Steph decided that she wanted to do it all over again. However this time, she’s doing it the right way. While she still gets her tempo and distance work in, she cut down her overall mileage considerably and replaced it with lifting heavy stuff and other tomfoolery:

The above video is Steph the day AFTER running 18 miles performing glute ham raises at our satellite facility in Saxonville, MA. How bad ass is that?

Coincidentally, the last time I ran 18 miles, the city of Boston held a ticker tape parade in my honor and I totally made out with Giselle Bundchen afterwards. True story………………………………………… my dreams. PS: I hate you Tom Brady.

All in all, Steph has never felt better (she’s injury free) and she’s a perfect example of what hard work and dedication can do. She works her tail off and always does it with a smile. She’s totally going to dominate her time from last year.

Side Note: This year Steph is running in the spirit of things that her mother dedicated her life towards. She’s raising money for the Boston Medical Center. You can visit her donation page here

Any help would be immensely appreciated.


“But I Don’t Want To Get Big and Bulky”

Are your ears bleeding yet? Cause mine do every time I hear a woman utter those words whenever someone mentions strength training.

Note: much of the post below was part of an article I originally wrote for last year titled “4 Things Your Girlfriend Should Know.”

Newsflash, ladies: You will not get “big and bulky” just because you’re strength training. That statement is akin to me saying, “Eh, I don’t want to do any sprints today because I don’t want to win the 100m gold medal next week.” Getting big and bulky isn’t easy, just like winning the 100m gold medal isn’t easy.

If anything, it’s an insult to all those people who’ve spent years in the gym to look the way they do. It didn’t happen overnight, which is what you’re assuming by saying something so absurd.

Besides, getting “big and bulky” actually entails lifting appreciable weight. Or in the case of J-Lo, looking like you’re going to give birth to two twin 747’s.

Let’s be honest, most people (men and women) won’t work hard enough to get “big and bulky” in the first place. It’s hard enough for a man to put on any significant amount of muscle, let alone a woman. Women are physiologically at a disadvantage for putting on muscle due to the fact that they have ten times less free Testosterone in their bodies compared to men.

That being said, you still need to get the most bang out of your training buck, and that includes ditching the glute-buster machine and focusing more on the compound movements. Joe Dowdell, owner of Peak Performance in NYC, trains many of the top female models in the city and their programming includes squats, deadlifts, chin-ups, bench variations, sled dragging, and tons of energy system work.

Yes, Victoria’s Secret models are doing squats and deadlifts. And yes, that’s completely hot. Guess what they’re not doing? Watching Oprah every day while walking on the treadmill for 60 minutes.

Just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean you can’t train like a man and lift some serious weight. I never bought into this whole mindset that women are these delicate creatures that can’t hang with the boys.

UPDATE: Apparently J-Lo’s uterus doesn’t defy the laws of human nature and she actually gave birth to two twins (one boy and one girl) last night instead of two 747’s. Bummer, I was totally going to try to use up my frequent flyer miles.


Carbohydrate Conundrum

Q: Tony, I know you always tend to advocate that people fluctuate their calorie (and as a result, their carbohydrate intake) on training days compared to non-training days. Can you elaborate on this a bit? I am trying to lose some fat and don’t know how many carbs I should be eating per day?

A: You’re absolutely correct. I do HIGHLY advocate that people try to fluctuate their caloric intake to correlate with their daily activity, especially if one’s goal is fat loss. For a quick primer on my thoughts dealing with carbohydrates, check out this article that I wrote for

The Carbohydrate Conundrum

However, if you have the attention span of a kid with ADHD (it is a long article), here are some quick thoughts:

1. It makes no sense to me to keep calories the same on non-training days as on training days if one’s goal is fat loss. You need to provide some sort of caloric deficit in order to burn fat. It stands to reason that you won’t be expending as many calories on non-training days, so you won’t “need’ as many calories.

2. For fat loss, low(er) carbohydrate diets trump high(er) carbohydrate diets in every way; even if caloric intake is kept constant. That is, given the same caloric intake (say 2000 calories per day), a diet that is lower in carbohydrates will lead to greater fat loss compared to a diet that is higher in carbohydrates. Assuming of course that 2000 kcals constitutes a deficit. Technically, low carbohydrate diets would entail any diet where carbs are kept to under 100 grams per day, but I think people tend to be a bit too carb-phobic anyways. This is where nutrient timing comes into play. To keep it simple:

Non-training days: keep the bulk of your carb intake to the first 1-2 meals of the day. Rest of the day should be focused on green veggies and protein/fat.

Training days: Pre/Post training drink, followed by some starchy carbs (oatmeal, sweet potato, pasta, bread, etc) with your next 1-2 whole food meals.

It’s important to realize that the body is going to burn whatever fuel is most readily available. If you’re eating carbs all day, your body’s ability to burn body fat is nilch (that’s a nice way of saying you’re going to stay fat). This is why I find it so absurd when clueless dieticians still advocate diets that are upwards of 60% carbs for fat loss. They don’t take into consideration the hormonal effect that it has on the body. They also don’t take into consideration the probability that I’ll want to punch them in the face with a brick. ***For those mathematically challenged, read below.

3. As I stated last week, substrate utilization has been shown to not be effected during the post-training window, even when carbohydrates are ingested. Read: your body will still be burning body fat even if carbs are ingested post training.

*** Probability: very high


Scientist Are Really Smart?

According to this story published in Reuters Health a few weeks ago, researchers in Italy discovered that an individual’s body fat determines need for weight loss.

“Measuring body fat, rather than body mass index (BMI), appears to more accurately identify people who need lifestyle interventions to lose weight, study findings suggest.”

Wow, that just blew my mind. Fat people are fat? It may be a good idea for them to lose some weight? No way! And here I thought scientists were wasting time performing studies that concluded with things we already knew. I guess the jokes on me.

In a related story: Amy Winehouse likes her crack.

All kidding aside, I think it’s great that people are FINALLY catching on to the notion that the BMI is a complete farce and should not be used as a tool to categorize adults as “healthy” or “not healthy”. As Dr. Ottavia Colombo of the University of Pavia in Italy stated:

“The use of BMI alone does not discriminate between fat mass and fat-free mass, nor reflect the fat mass distribution.”

Colombo and colleagues recruited 23 men and 40 women, aged 20 to 65 years, to undergo body composition analysis in the Human Nutrition and Eating Disorders Research Centre at the university. The volunteers were healthy, but led sedentary lives and were not following a low-calorie diet.

Using the standard BMI, the study identified only 11% of the participants as needing strong recommendations to lose weight. Conversely, when waist circumference measurements were taken, 25% would need strong recommendations to lose weight.

In a nutshell, when used with an “average” population, the BMI tends to underestimate those people who would normally need to lose some weight to improve their health profile. Additionally it tells people who are 6-1, 145 lbs that they’re “normal” when in fact they need to eat.

Conversely, when BMI is used in a unique population such as elite athletes (the NFL for example), it OVER-estimates. A 5-9, 210 lb tailback (albeit with 11% body fat) would be considered “obese” according to the BMI chart. Heck, I’m 6-1 and 205 lbs and am considered “slightly overweight.” This despite the fact that my abs can deflect bullets and my arms have been registered as lethal weapons in 23 states. My case is still pending in Wyoming.