The third and final installment of my “30 Days of Shoulders” series went live today over at All three parts cover everything from shoulder assessment and tips on shoulder friendly pressing t0 how to improve shoulder health and performance.
Collectively it’ll make all your hopes and dreams come true.
I’m writing this from my most favorite place in the world…
…a room full of cute and cuddly kittens.
Just kidding, I’m in London.
I’m here because I have a few speaking engagements lined up – a half-day Shoulder workshop for a crew of Equinox trainers in Kensington on Saturday, my Coaching Competency Workshop in Dublin on Sunday, and then mine and Luke Worthington’s Strategic Strength Workshop back here in London next week.
Spots are still available for both the Dublin and London events (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).1
I just checked into my hotel after an overnight flight from Boston and I feel like a zombie.
Needless to say I am not in the writing mood, but I do\ have a little sumthin, sumthin to share today.
This is Part II of my latest series over at dealing with anything and everything shoulders: How to make them bigger, how to make them feel less like a bag of dicks, you know, the usual.
You can check it out —> HERE (also includes link to Part I in case you missed it).
Enjoy and keep your eyes peeled for Part III coming next week!
I’m willing to bet that if you’re reading this if you have two shoulders.2
I’m also willing to bet that, given the two shoulder scenario, and given this is a blog dedicated towards strength & conditioning, you’re interested in:
Keeping your shoulders healthy.
Making your shoulders stronger.
Building shoulders that resemble boulders.
Argon. You know just because it’s a cool element.3