Categoriescontinuing education

Workshop Announcement: De-Constructing the Deadlift and Squat

If there’s one thing I’m known for it’s my affinity for Lord of the Rings, cheese, cute kitty pictures, and killer groutfits,

But outside of those, if there’s one thing I’m known for it’s my man-crush on anything & everything related to the deadlift.

I’m partnering with Brad Cox of ACUMobility to put on all-encompassing 1-day workshop where we (de)-construct the deadlift and squat.

(De)-Constructing the Deadlift & Squat

The Juicy Deets

When: Sunday, January 26, 2020.

Where: Titan Barbell, Stoneham, MA.

Time: 9 AM – 4 PM.

Cost: $199.00 $149.00.

Pants Optional?: I don’t know, are they?

Sign Up —-> HERE

NOTE: Due to space we are limiting this to 35 attendees only. We aren’t saying this to be marketing sleezeballs and to create a false sense of urgency. Like, for real, space is limited. You better jump on this quick if you’re interested.

This workshop is “user friendly” for the masses. Whether you’re a personal trainer, strength & conditioning coach, physical therapist, or just someone who likes to dabble in the lifting of heavy things…you’re bound to benefit and learn something that will help you better serve your clients and athletes.

—> Click here for more info and to register <—

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work Uncategorized

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 1/5/18

Why hello everybody.

I took a brief blogcation this past week because I was down in Dallas, TX visiting family (and eating copious amounts of carrot cake). It was cold as balls down there – in the 20’s, what the hell? – only to return to Boston two days ago to be met with even colder than balls weather…something called a “Bomb” Cyclone.

Parts of downtown Boston flooded and now there’s about two feet of ice in the streets. Thankfully none of that affected us. What’s more, with the wind-chills today, it’s reported we’ll see balmy temperatures of -30 degrees.1

We’re hunkered inside with really nothing to do so I figured I may as well cut  my blogation short.

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo



1) Mark Fisher Fitness Presents: Motivate & Movement LAB

I’ve had the honor of presenting at two previous iterations of the Motivate & Movement LAB (the brainchild of MFF’s Harold Gibbons) and it’s unequivocally one of the most unique events in the fitness industry.

Think: TED Talk, but with deadlifts and lots of f-bombs.

Anyways, the next LAB is this coming February, and will feature myself, Dan John, Pete Dupuis, my wife (Dr. Lisa Lewis), and several of the MFF coaching staff including Brian Patrick Murphy and Amanda Wheeler.

2) Spurling Spring Seminar

JUST ANNOUNCED: I’ll also be making a cameo up in Kennebunk, Maine this Spring for the Spurling Spring Seminar.

It’s not until April, but you can save BIG now ($100 off) by purchasing an (early) early bird ticket by clicking the link above.

[Link also provides details on all the presenters and topics covered]

There aren’t many industry events that come into this neck of the woods, so hope to see you there!


When To Progress and When To Not Progress Your Exercises – Jarrod Dyke

It can be tricky to figure out when it’s appropriate to progress an exercise for a client/athlete and when they should probably stay put.

Jarrod offers some insights that may help make the water less murky.

How To Fix Your Knee Pain In the Squat – Brad Cox

I always appreciate the content Brad puts together and the cool things that can be done with some of the ACUMobility protocols.

In this article/video Brad breaks down squat assessment and in particular hones in on both one’s ability to rotate their tibia and adductor length and how they can affect squat performance.

4 Ways to Include Density Sets For Hypertrophy – The Strength House

REALLY enjoyed this article from the guys over at The Strength House (Greg and Tony). If you’re looking for some quick-n-dirty ways to add muscle….density sets are a fantastic way to do so.

Social Media Shenanigans



CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 4/7/17

Lisa and I (and Julian) are traveling back to Upstate NY this weekend to visit family and to both present at the SUNY Cortland Health & Wellness Conference. As you’re reading this we’re en route (and likely on our 11th pit-stop, give or take, to change a diaper or feed our little Gremlin).

Lets jump right to this week’s round-up.

Copyright: urfingus / 123RF Stock Photo


Stuff to Check Out Before You Read Stuff

1) Strong Body-Strong Mind – Toronto

Lisa and I are happy to announce we’re bringing back our Strong Body-Strong Mind workshop.

Last year we had the privilege of presenting together in Austin, TX and London, UK, and we’re elated to be heading to Toronto, Ontario to pick up where we left off.

In a nutshell I speak to a little assessment talk, program design, and breaking down technique on a few common lifts such as the squat, deadlift, get-up, and blindfolded chainsaw juggling, and Lisa speaks to more of the mindset side of the equation and how we can help build better rapport and “buy in” with our clients/athletes.

For more information and to sign up, please go HERE.

2) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando

Our Vancouver shindig in April sold out, but Dean and I have recently announced a stop in Orlando, FL later this year, October 21-22nd at Spark Fitness.

I’ve never been to Orlando. There’s no way in hell I’m visiting Disney World.

You can go HERE for more details and to sign up.

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work

Complete Sports Conditioning – Mike Boyle

Sha-ZAM this is a doozy. I was sent an advance copy of Mike Boyle’s latest resource and while I’ve only just begun watching it, what I have seen is really, really, really good.

I mean, come on…it’s Mike Boyle.

The man has been coaching for 35+ years and knows a thing or two about how to prepare athletes well. I appreciate Mike’s candidness and no BS, commonsense approach.

You can currently purchase the entire set at $100 off the regular price, but it the sale ends TONIGHT (4/7).

Check it out HERE and hurry!

How to Improve Ankle Mobility and Stability – Brad Cox

The Biggest Problem for Personal Trainers – Michael Keeler

The “problem” doesn’t = lack of program design skills or the ability to name all the muscular attachments to the scapulae in alphabetical order (and in Latin). Nope, it has everything to do with a skill that’s becoming rarer and rarer in the fitness industry.

Lack of people skills.

Social Media Shenanigans



CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 8/19/16


Dean Somerset and I will be in Minneapolis, MN the weekend of October 15-16th putting on our Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop. Not only will this be our last event together in 2016, but it’s likely to be our last LIVE CSHW event for the foreseeable future.

It’s kind of on par when N’SYNC performed for the last time. Except it isn’t.

So don’t miss out, go HERE and hopefully we’ll see you there.

3 Ways to Clean Up Your S.L.R.D.L – Sean St. Onge

Pay no mind to the asshat demonstrating the really shitty S.L.R.D.L above. It’s just for show…;o) Sean St. Onge of 212 Health & Performance breaks down some tried and true ways to clean up your single-leg RDL. Awesome stuff!

Happy Before(s), Happy After(s) – Jen Sinkler

I don’t live a slouchy, sad-faced life, regardless of what my body-fat percentage or state of muscularity is. Right now or ever.”

I’ve never read anything like this before. Leave it to Jen to always surprise me with her candor, no BS zest for life, and amazing prose.

Improving Overhead Position and Shoulder Mechanics – Chris Duffin & Brad Cox

I’m a huge fan of two things in this article:

1. Acumobility products. I was fortunate enough to bump into Brad (Cox) and Julian (Cardoos) at the Perform Better Summit in Providence a few weekends ago where they handed me a few of their products to try out. All I have to say is RAVE reviews from myself and my clients.

2. Chris Duffin himself. The man is a beast (and super smart). Nuff said.

3. Also, shoulder shenanigans. That’s three things, but what can I say: I’m a shoulder nerd.