
2 Big Mistakes

Had my latest article posted up on T-Nation recently:

Chances are if you’re reading T Nation you’re interested in muscle, and you’re interested in packing on as much of it as possible.

Whether it’s to improve performance on the field, look better naked, or to stop the, “Hey, you look like that skinny kid from the movie Road Trip” taunts, it stands to reason that a fair share of the people reading this have gone through a bulking cycle or two.

And failed miserably.

Bulking isn’t easy – it takes a lot of hard work, time, and dedication. But if you’re someone who’s consistently making the same two mistakes below, then it’s time to make some changes.


Also (See Below for a Stellar Gwyneth Paltrow/Tracy Anderson Burn)

Everyone and their Little League coach is seemingly making the trip to NYC this weekend to support my boys John Romaniello and Adam Bornstein for the book launch of their new book Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha Male.

Unfortunately, while I was invited, I won’t be able to make the trip because I’ll be presenting at the Elite Training Workshop (alongside Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson, and Mike Reinold) at Cressey Performance this weekend.

As I noted earlier in the week, John is offering some pretty sweet additional bonuses for those who purchase the book on the official Engineering the Alpha website HERE.  Offers that end tomorrow (Saturday, April 20th at noon).  These offers ALSO apply to those who buy the Kindle version (so long as they forward their receipts of purchase).

If that’s not incentive enough I have one more ulterior motive to entice you to purchase the book that I want to throw your way.  The current #1 Hardcover Health/Advice book on the New York Times best sellar list is It’s All Good: Delicious, Easy Recipes That Will Make You Look Good and Feel Great by none other than Gwyneth Paltrow. The same Gwyneth Paltrow who, while being BFFs with “celebrity” trainer Tracy Anderson (of the “no woman should lift a weight heavier than three lbs” and “baby food diet” fame), was also diagnosed with osteopenia (a precursor to osteoporosis) two years ago; in no small part to the extreme diets and food restriction she has long advocated.

What a bunch of BS.

So, if you don’t buy Man 2.o (a book that’s actually written by two well-respected people IN the industry) and help it climb to #1, you’re essentially supporting Paltrow Skeletor and Anderson Mephistopheles.

Okay, that’s a bit harsh, but hopefully you see my point.

Ladies, This Means You, Too.

Understandably, a book not starting with the words 50 Shades of.… and revolves around how to go about increasing T-levels isn’t high on a woman’s “to read” list. To that end, John has placed his best-selling program Final Phase Fat Loss on sale as a “peace offering” for any women out there feeling left out and still interested in getting some top-notch information in their hands.

You have to act quickly, though, because the offer ends tomorrow (Saturday, April 20th).