Today marks a full month that we’ve been quarantined here in Boston. And it’s looking as if it’s going to be more of the same for yet another month.
I’d like to sit here and say I’ve used my “bonus” time to pick up a second language, read War and Peace, or, I don’t know, organize my entire DVD/Blu-Ray collection autobiographically.
What does that even look like?
Well, for instance, if I wanted to watch the movie, say, Go…
…I’d have to remember I put that in the Spring 1999 (but saw in the theater alone) section.
Moreover, if I wanted to watch Notting Hill I’d have to remember that’s also Spring 1999, but in the Took a Friend to the Movies Who Happened to be the Opposite Sex (but Wanted Her to Be More Than a Friend, but She Stayed a Friend) section.1
Alas, none of that has taken place.
Most of my time has been spent having lightsaber battles with my 3-year old and eating an embarrassing amount of cheese.
I’ve also been CRUSHING Ozark on Netflix.
My wife, Lisa, had watched the previous two seasons without me and I never caught up. Season three was released a few weeks ago and she said she’d re-watch the first two seasons so we could watch the most recent one together.
Season 1 = Insanely good. What a treat to watch a well-written show that takes pride in character development and pacing.
Season 2 = I’m only half way through and it’s still really, really good.
Season 3 = NO SPOILERS.
Something else to check out (if you haven’t already) is Questlove’s 7+ hour tribute to Q-Tip and A Tribe Called Quest that he posted on his YouTube channel last weekend. I’ve been listening to it non-stop this entire week.
I love the intermittent breaks he takes throughout to give us a history/music lesson. There’s a point where he takes 5-10 minutes to discuss a rare sample that producer J-Dilla (RIP) used to produce Tip’s hit Breath & Stop, finds it, and then fucking shows how Dilla incorporated it into the song.
It’s so sick.
Part I
Part II
Social Media Shenanigans
I am a simple coach who prefers writing simple programs.
I am not creative in the least when it comes to writing at home programs.
This is pretty much how I feel after writing each one… pic.twitter.com/tgIaqNc8D2
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) April 16, 2020
Stuff to Read While You’re at Home Not Wearing Pants
On Motivation, Discipline, and Coaching – Jonny Pietrunti
My boy Jonny took a break from social media and writing for a while, but he’s been back WITH A VENGEANCE of late.
Lower Extremity Injury Prevention & Rehab – Christopher Havens (TD Athletes Edge)
I’m a big fan of the team at TD Athlete’s Edge in Salem, MA
This is article is one of the reasons why.
Awesome content and info.
Niched – Pete Dupuis
If you’re craving for a podcast recommendation I can’t say enough good things about my good friend and former business partner, Pete Dupuis’s, latest venture.
It highlights “unconventional” entrepreneurs who have taken alternative paths to their success.
Pete’s an engaging interviewer and the stories told are fascinating.
(waiting for him to interview me so I can talk about my biceps for 60 minutes).