Categoriescontinuing education

Entire Complete Shoulder and Hip Blueprint Series on Sale

Many of us have a bit of extra time on our hands of late.1

You’ve finished Tiger King on Netflix.

You may have even gone a step further and watched every episode of Love is Blind.


The next logical choice in this line of binging, of course, is something revolving around shoulders & hips.

Copyright: mihalec / 123RF Stock Photo

Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint and (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint on Sale

(Tony pulls up a chair)

Dean and I had planned to go through with this sale about two months ago, but obviously world events gave us some pause.

We went back and forth with the idea of selling during this time because we knew many people would be going through some financial struggles and we didn’t want to come across as too tone deaf.

That being said, we also understood the fitness industry has been put on pause for the foreseeable future and there are a lot of personal trainers, coaches, and physical therapists trying to figure things out and/or are sick of posting their 47th variation of split squats on Instagram.

This is an opportune time to sharpen your skills and get smarter.

Dean Somerset and I have put the ENTIRE Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint series on a hefty sale starting today (with finance options for those who’d prefer to spread out their payments).

You have two choices:

What’s In It For You?

  • Continuing Education Credits via the NSCA.
  • 30 day money back guarantee.
  • Immediate access to digital content.
  • A special discount code to Tony’s reenactment of the entire Star Wars saga (with shadow puppets).2

If you’re still on the fence or skeptical on just how much this series will melt your face here’s a few sneak peeks on the some of the content Dean and I cover:

1. Squat Set-Up

A ten minute clip outlining how we determine a client’s ideal stance for their squats based on their individual anatomical considerations.


2. Shoulder Stability Training

Almost 13 minutes of drills to help improve shoulder stability while getting a training effect along the way.


3. Breathing for Mobility

A nine minute video outlining how we use positional breathing drills to access more range of motion, plus make exercises instantly more challenging.


4. Plyometrics for the Elderly Client

Say what? Yep, you can use a stretch-shortening cycle with older clients to improve power output and keep their functional capacity as high as possible for much longer than slower movements. This 8 minute video shows the how and why.

Whether you’re a fitness professional or just someone who likes to lift heavy things and geek out over scapular upward rotation and the miracles of posterior pelvic tilt, the Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint series will undoubtedly provide you a TON of actionable, real-world, evidence-based content to help you connect the dots between assessment and helping your athletes/clients perform at a high(er) level.

We’re limiting this sale through this Sunday only (4/5/20), so take advantage while you can.

—> All the Cool Kids Are Doing It <—

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 1/6/17

Lets get right to things shall we?

Copyright: vimvertigo / 123RF Stock Photo


Stuff to Check Out Before You Read Stuff

1.Push Pull Legs Podcast

My wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis made an appearance on the Push Pull Legs Podcast recently discussing the psychology behind lifting heavy things, getting women to strength train, and training during pregnancy. She’s a superstar!

Check it out HERE.

2. The 3-Week Beginner Workout Plan

I was asked to contribute to THIS recent article on detailing a beginner 3-week workout plan outlined by stud trainer BJ Gaddour with myself taking the reigns on what to do after the initial three weeks.

3.  The Lifting Dead

I also had an article go up recently on outlining the benefits of dead exercises. Namely, how the Dead Squat, Dead Bench, Dead Row, and Dead 1-Legged RDL can help you blast through sticking points.

You can check that out HERE.

5. I’m Coming to Vancouver

Dean Somerset and I just booked out first speaking gig together for 2017, and it’s in lovely Vancouver the weekend of April 1-2nd. We’ll be putting on our Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint workshop.

For all the deets you can go HERE.

5. COREssentials

And lastly, we’re getting prepped to launch our 6-week beginner course at CORE. Granted I’m biased but I feel this program is going to help a lot of people and help them get over the hump of being intimidated by strength training.

What will differentiate this program from others is that, in addition to the sick techno & house music the stellar coaching on teaching the basics, there will also be a nutrition and mindset component too. The idea is to meet up in 2x per week in a group training format with (optional) nutrition and mindset 60-90 minute breakouts every other weekend.


The course will start in a few weeks and there will only be 10 spots made available.1

For more information please use the Contact function HERE.

And on that note lets get to this week’s list of Stuff to Read…

Is Your Upper Body Holding Your Back Squat – Andrew Millett

An often overlooked snafu with regards to one’s ability to back squat well is shoulder mobility; or lack thereof.

In this article Andrew offers some excellent drills to help you be less sucky in that area.

Basic Anatomy of Stretching the Quads – Dr. Ryan DeBell

Ryan helps to break down the (basic) anatomy of all the quadricep musculature and how to more effectively stretch them.

IASTM & Foam Rolling: Do They Work How You Thought? – Dr. Jarod Hall

This is an older article (but it’s new to me). It’s awesome.

HINT: foam rolling does not break up adhesions and scar tissue.

Social Media Highlights



CategoriesAssessment coaching Corrective Exercise Exercise Technique Program Design

A Peek Inside Complete Shoulder and Hip Blueprint

WHEW – talk about a whirlwind day yesterday. I spent the bulk of it glued to my laptop1 making sure things ran smoothly with the launch, answering questions and emails, and trying to stay on top of social media engagement.

1) THANK YOU to everyone who has gone of their way to mention and/or plug Complete Shoulder and Hip Blueprint. Your support means a lot.

2) To those who may be on the fence, how about a sneak peek?

Copyright: eenevski / 123RF Stock Photo


This sucker contains 11+ hours of content covering everything from upper and lower extremity assessment, corrective exercise strategies, numerous hands-on breakouts, as well as program design and exercise technique troubleshooting (with maybe, 37 seconds worth of Star Wars references).

Here are two sneak peak segment from both Dean and I.

The One Where Tony Discusses Scapular Motion


The One Where Dean Talks Hip Integration (and makes a bunch of fitness pros groan)


And there is tooooooons more where that came from.

If you’re a fitness professional I can almost guarantee you’ll pick up something valuable (hopefully several) that will help your clients or athletes. And even if you’re not a fitness pro, and just like listening to two dudes talk shop about training or you’re just looking to pick up some cool new exercise variations to keep your shoulders and hips healthy this resource would be a home run.


Complete Shoulder and Hip Blueprint is on SALE all this week (until midnight on Saturday, November 5th) at $60 off the regular price.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 10/28/16

Forgive the visual, but I’m doing everything I can not to destroy the back of my pants right now. T-Minus 3 days until the launch of the Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint. (<- that’s the actual site).

Check it out. DO IT.


I’m excited, of course. I mean, hello: First fitness product.1

This is a resource I feel is going to help any fitness pro who works with anyone with shoulders and hips (Read: everyone) better hone their skills with assessment and program design. Having the opportunity to help others on a more of a mass scale is pretty cool. I’m also excited because I’m expecting to win an Academy Award.

If not for Best Presentation on Scapular Upward Rotation definitely for Best Biceps in a Smedium T-Shirt.

I’m nervous, too.

I think anytime you put yourself out there, whether it’s writing your first blog or producing your first fitness resource, there’s an inherent feeling of “WTF did I just do?” that washes over you and you want nothing more than to curl up in the corner of a room in the fetal position.

I mean, what if no one likes it? What happens if the site crashes? Or, what if, oh shit, what if there’s some sort of glitch in the videos where we have some sort of situation like what happens in The Ring?



Needless to say, next week is going to be huge. I can’t wait.

Some Stuff to Check Out Before You Read Stuff

1) I’m heading into Week #4 of John Rusin’s Functional Hypertrophy Training program. Faaaaaaaaaaaack that guy.

It’s definitely been a change of pace for me with the high(er) rep approach, but that’s a good thing. It’s been years since I’ve performed a high-volume based program, and what’s more John designed it to be joint friendly, and it’s been exactly that.

I hate him, but I love him.

If you’d like to jump in on the action go HERE and then use the code TG10 to save a little money off your purchase. Lets get jacked (and commiserate) together…;o)

2) The Strong Women Lift Each Other Up video series by Girls Gone Strong will disappear after this Sunday, October 30th.

20+ hours of presentations and hands-on demonstrations from the entire GGS Advisory Board, along with Dr. Susan Kleiner, Dr. Krista-Scott Dixon, Ingrid Marcum, Elsbeth Vaino, Marni Sumbal, and Jennifer Vogelgesang-Blake.

It’s made by women, for women.

The information is all female-specific and covers everything from carbohydrate intake to menopause to pelvic floor dysfunction to body embracement and personal power. And there’s a fair bit of discussion on lifting heavy things too…;o)

You can go HERE for more details.

Like I said, it won’t be available after this weekend…..sooooooo……..

3) My wife and I bought a crib last weekend. Shit’s getting real.

Fitness Professional vs. Fitness Celebrity: Who to Follow – Erica Sutter

I’ll give you hint: it’s not the celebrities…..;O)

Awesome rant from Erica.

Also, side note: I should totally write an ebook about how to deadlift cats. (<– click the link and read the article and this will make sense).

Mobility Myths: Scapular Winging – Dr. Quinn Henoch

I know I swear a lot on this site, and I apologize. But when I say an article/video is fucking good, it’s fucking good.


Simple Analogies to Use When Coaching the Deadlift to Beginners – Nancy Newell

Analogies are a coach’s best friend. Cressey Sports Performance coach, Nancy Newell, shares some of her favorites when working with beginners on the deadlift.


I see many of my colleagues doing this and figured I’d jump in on the action. You know, cause I’m important.



CategoriesAssessment Corrective Exercise Program Design

It’s Coming: The Complete Shoulder and Hip Blueprint

Much like Winter in Game of Thrones……It’s coming.


Except, you know, in this case “it” has less to do with the Night King, White Walkers, and the impending doom of man, and more to do with shoulder and hip assessment, corrective exercise, strength & conditioning, and programming strategies to optimize performance in the weight room.

Dean Somerset and I filmed our Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop in Oslo, Norway this past spring and we’re excited to give everyone a sneak peak on what to expect:


Yes, the music is a bit dramatic. We were originally gonna go with “Wu-Tang Clan Ain’t Nuthin to F*** Wit” or “You’re the Best Around” from the Karate Kid soundtrack, but figured both were a bit more dramatic.1

In any case, we’d be honored for you to take a look. And stay tuned for a release date in the very near future.

Seriously, it’s coming…..