
I Did a Podcast With Lee Boyce

I’ve been woefully vacant with writing content of late, and I am so sorry.

Life. Is. Busy.

As I type these words I’m sitting in Logan Airport waiting for my flight to Philly where I’ll be speaking at the Mid-Atlantic NSCA Conference this weekend.

Who ever thought that having a 10-month old cruising around the apartment would be time consuming?

Oh, and it’s my Birthday today.1

So, yeah….unfortunately, writing has been taking a back seat to other shenanigans of late. I hope to be picking up the pace soon though.

Copyright: dr911 / 123RF Stock Photo


In the Meantime

All of this isn’t to imply I haven’t been busy in other avenues of fitness. Last week I was invited back onto the Cut the S#!t Get Fit Podcast with host Rafal Matuszewski.

This time, though, there was a special circumstance.

Almost as special as a double rainbow.

I was part of a DOUBLE GUEST episode alongside my man Lee Boyce.

We had a blast.

We spent the first 15 or so minutes catching up and discussing our favorite movies and tv shows of 2017. You know, important shit that any fitness podcast would want to cover.

But after that we get into the nitty gritty particulars of lifting heavy things and just go off.

So sit back, relax, and listen to the succulent sounds of strength & conditioning’s version of Ebony and Ivory.


Cut the Sh!t Get Fit Podcast Appearance

I had the pleasure of being invited onto the Cut the S#!t Get Fit Podcast recently hosted by Rafal Matuszewski.

Needless to say he hooked me at the title.

Copyright: dr911 / 123RF Stock Photo

The only way you could possibly name a podcast more suited for my personality would be if you named it “The Deadlift Show” or, I don’t know “Dead Animal Flesh is Delicious Show.”

Nevertheless, it was a pleasure to be invited onto the show (which, coincidentally, has had several other esteemed guests such as Dan John, Krista Scott-Dixon, George Fear, and Jordan Syatt, to name a few).

Rafal and I discussed several topics, including fat-loss specific training (my take on it is a bit different than most), training for women, and my experience taking the Pinnertest.

It’s a short and sweet interview – 50 minutes – and is perfect if you’re looking to pass a little time today if you’re driving, at work, or stuck on public transit. Or if you just like listening to my voice, that’s cool too.

You can check it out HERE.