CategoriesCorrective Exercise Rehab/Prehab

Introduction to Spinal Health and Core Training

Some of you may recall I took a little trip out to Edmonton, Alberta back in June to take part in the Spinal Health and Core Training seminar alongside my fellow cohorts Rick Kaselj, Dean Somerset, and Dr. Jeff Cubos.

While I’d like to sit here and state that what transpired was a Hangover inspired two-day extravaganza of hookers, cocaine, tigers, and babies wearing oversized sunglasses, what really transpired was completely not that.

Nope, our Wolfpack was all about program design, corrective exercise, assessment, and anything and everything that you can think of as it pertains to core training and spinal health.

Okay, maybe there was a tiger involved……but that was Dean’s idea, not mine.

All kidding aside, it was an amazing weekend and everyone who attended walked away with a gulf of information.  Lucky for you we taped the entire thing and plan on releasing it as a product in the very near future.  And by “very soon,” I’m talking about within the next few weeks.

To wet everyone’s palette, Rick K. is releasing a series of “sneak peeks,” and for those interested below is a quick 22-minute clip of my presentation.

And there’s A LOT more where that come from. I ended up speaking for close to three and half hours that day (how, I have no idea), and Dr. Cubos finished off with another three hours himself.

Day 2 revolved around Rick and Dean, and while I had to take off for Vancouver that day for a friend’s wedding, I heard it was equally as informative and awesome.

Like I said, we’ll be divulging more information on the actual release within the next few weeks, so keep your eyes and ears peeled.


Spinal Health & Core Training Seminar

I have some pretty cool news to share today, and I’m not even going to sugar coat it.  Instead, I’m just going to cut right to the chase and say it:

I’m going to Canada, baby!!!!!!!

More specifically, I’m heading out to Edmonton to participate in what should be a pretty kick-ass weekend of learning, networking, and immersing myself in Canadian culture.  Which is to say, watching hockey and listening to Jagged Little Pill……on repeat. Get it? Canadians love hockey and Alanis Morissette. LOL!!!  Okay, I’ll shut up.

In all seriousness I’m heading to Canada to participate in the Spinal Health & Core Training seminar, which is just the abbreviated title. The actual title is a bit too Tolkein’esq to use as the lead for a blog post.

Here it is in all it’s glory:

Spinal Health and Core Training:  An Interdisciplinary Approach for Health, Fitness, Rehabilitation, and Performance.

Now THAT’S a title. The only thing that’s missing is a huge neon light and a dancing Ewok (or two).

Much like I was with Muscle Imbalances Revealed – Upper Body, I’m honored to be included in such a cast of other top-notch fitness professionals as Rick Kaselj, Dr. Jeff Cubos, and my brotha from another motha, Dean Somerset.

I like lists, so here’s the general breakdown of pertinent info:

1. As the title suggests, the seminar will cover anything and everything as it relates to spinal health and performance. Furthermore, it will include assessment, programming strategies, exercise technique, and will contain a heavy hands-on emphasis.

2.  I really need to update me head shot.

3.  The date will be Saturday, June 2nd and Sunday, June 3rd at the World Health Centre Club in Edmonton, AB, Canada.

4.  Registration starts TODAY (3/13) and costs $295.  We’re limiting this to roughly 30 spots, as we’d really like to make this as intimate (non-creepy) an event as possible.

Everyone who signs up BEFORE Friday (3/16) can save $100 off the regular price by using the coupon code ‘Edmonton.’

All you need to do is go HERE.

Like I said, this should be a really cool event, and a great opportunity for any fitness professional interested in taking their skill set to the next level.