
Deadlift and Chill: Appearance on the Fit Info Club Podcast

Deadlift Black and White Attempt

Guy Bortz was kind enough to invite back onto his show for a second time this past week, and the link is now live.

I know there are a lot of fitness podcasts out there jockeying for your attention, but Guy is building quite the empire with the guests he’s been able to line up:

  • Dan John
  • Dr. John Rusin
  • Nick Winkelman
  • Greg Nuckols
  • Dean Somerset
  • Mark Fisher
  • Tony Bonvechio
  • Pete Dupuis
  • Kamal Patel
  • Max Shank
  • Mike Israetel
  • Mike Boyle
  • General Hawk from GI Joe

You should listen – he’s doing an awesome job. And I think what I like most about this podcast is that it’s very conversational in tone.

Just two dudes talking shop.

This time around we discuss my leaving Cressey Sports Performance, branding, how to do it well, and we also touch on training hips, shoulders, and deadlifts.

And there’s some small-talk about movies at the start….;o)

You can go HERE to listen.


I’m, Like, So Popular. Making the Podcast Rounds.

It’s Columbus Day here in the States. It’s a national holiday. Which means Lisa has the day off. Which means I’m going to get sucked into a day of husbandly domestication hell.

[cue Jaws theme music here]

Yep, all the guys reading know what I’m alluding to: Target.

On the bright side I’m supposedly receiving a huge shipment of equipment today…namely, my power rack from Rogue Fitness.


So it all evens out in the end.

Lisa and I are actually up early this AM and about to hit up the gym, and then we’re off to the races. I PROMISE I’ll be writing some more content later this week. Scouts honor.

In the meantime, as of late, I’ve been invited onto a bunch of podcasts and I wanted to share another one with you today.

—> Appearance on the Fit Info Club Podcast with Guy Bortz <—

I had a blast recording this one. Guy and I discussed everything from strength training to movies, programming to my affinity for eating cereal.

If you’re stuck at work today, put on a pair of headphones and enjoy. And if you’re not at work, maybe you can still find some time to listen.

I’ll be back tomorrow with some new content.

Off to Target1