CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 8/19/16


Dean Somerset and I will be in Minneapolis, MN the weekend of October 15-16th putting on our Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop. Not only will this be our last event together in 2016, but it’s likely to be our last LIVE CSHW event for the foreseeable future.

It’s kind of on par when N’SYNC performed for the last time. Except it isn’t.

So don’t miss out, go HERE and hopefully we’ll see you there.

3 Ways to Clean Up Your S.L.R.D.L – Sean St. Onge

Pay no mind to the asshat demonstrating the really shitty S.L.R.D.L above. It’s just for show…;o) Sean St. Onge of 212 Health & Performance breaks down some tried and true ways to clean up your single-leg RDL. Awesome stuff!

Happy Before(s), Happy After(s) – Jen Sinkler

I don’t live a slouchy, sad-faced life, regardless of what my body-fat percentage or state of muscularity is. Right now or ever.”

I’ve never read anything like this before. Leave it to Jen to always surprise me with her candor, no BS zest for life, and amazing prose.

Improving Overhead Position and Shoulder Mechanics – Chris Duffin & Brad Cox

I’m a huge fan of two things in this article:

1. Acumobility products. I was fortunate enough to bump into Brad (Cox) and Julian (Cardoos) at the Perform Better Summit in Providence a few weekends ago where they handed me a few of their products to try out. All I have to say is RAVE reviews from myself and my clients.

2. Chris Duffin himself. The man is a beast (and super smart). Nuff said.

3. Also, shoulder shenanigans. That’s three things, but what can I say: I’m a shoulder nerd.