CategoriesExercise Technique Program Design Strength Training

9 Ways to Progress the Landmine Press

At the expense of coming across as the cantankerous, meanie-head strength coach for saying it, I’m going to go a head and say it anyways:

Exercise, for most people, most of the time, should be mind-numbingly monotonous.


It should be boring.

Copyright: AlienCat / 123RF Stock Photo


I get it: boring isn’t sexy. And it sure as shit doesn’t help sell DVDs or keep people’s attention at 3 o’clock in the morning watching the latest infomercial on how performing 47 different bodyweight calisthenics while juggling two machetes – you know, to keep the body guessing – is the key to your ultimate body.

BONUS: If you order within 30 minutes you’ll also receive a month’s supply of grass-fed acai berries soaked in the belly-button sweat of a Centaur.

Because, why the fuck not? And, science.

People have been sold on the idea of incessant novelty and variety being the determining factor in getting results at the gym.

I disagree.

“The greatest gap in most people’s training isn’t lack of novelty, but rather lack of mastery.”

It’s telling, then, that many of the most popular training programs around and top coaches in the industry often predicate their roots and training around these basic movements: squat, hinge, push, pull, lunge, carry.1 That’s it.

That’s about as un-sexy as it gets.

However, what’s often lost in the age of exercise ADD is that those six categories alone can be broken down into hundreds of iterations when you factor in variances in grip used, stance used, sets/reps, load, tempo, speed of movement, not to mention barbell vs. dumbbell vs. kettlebell vs. bulldozer (depending on how ginormous of a human you are).

There’s more than enough variety to keep even the most strident exercise enthusiast satiated for a fitness lifetime.

To that end, I can see why some people aren’t as enamored with the Landmine Press as others.

Upon first glance it’s the vanilla ice-cream or NASCAR of the strength and conditioning world.

“Oh, you mean, like, you just press the barbell up and down like that? At an angle? Repeatedly?



It’s nerds like me who can see the bigger picture and can appreciate how valuable of an exercise/drill the Landmine Press is.

I’ve waxed poetic enough in the past on the importance of overhead mobility and people’s lack of ability to do so in a safe and efficient manner.

You can check THIS article out; or THIS one; or THIS one; or not.

I’m cool either way.

In the end, it’s a fantastic, joint-friendly way to perform “fake” overhead pressing for those who lack the requisite range of motion to do so.

Pressing up and down, at an angle, indeed, while seemingly boring, helps keep people out of their “danger zone”…yet still glean an effective training effect that helps build strong shoulders, core, and general levels of badassery.

And as much of a champion of monotony as I am, I can appreciate that, after a certain amount of time, it’s often prudent to up the ante and provide more excitement and, GASP, variety to the movement.

Here Are Some of My Favorite Progressions/Regressions/Lateralizations (Whatever Word Piques Your Interest Most) of the Landmine Press

1) A Quick Primer on Set-Up and Execution


In general, much how I program my warm-ups, I prefer to progress my landmine variations from the ground to standing. When you adopt a tall kneeling or half-kneeling stance you take joints out of the equation (ankles, knees, hips, lumbar spine) and provide less of a window for people to default to aberrant movement patterns that can cause injury or exacerbate any painful symptoms they may have.

2) Tall Kneeling 1-Arm Landmine Press


I should note there are a handful of tenets with regards to technique across the board:

  1. Abs and glutes engaged. Both will nudge people into a little more posterior pelvic tilt and less likely to crank through their lumbar spine.
  2. If you are performing these 1-arm at a time I like to cue people to make a fist with their free hand to encourage more full-body tension.
  3. The shoulder of the working arm should not “dip” or round forward on the lowering phase.
  4. Keep the chin tucked.
  5. When appropriate, there should be a slight “reach” (or shrug) at the top to more fully engage the upper traps (which play a role in scapular upward rotation).
  6. Also when appropriate, play some Wu-Tang.

3) Half Kneeling 1-Arm Landmine Press


This is probably my favorite variation regardless. I like this one because we’re hitting a lot of problematic areas at once: shoulder health (upward rotation), rotary stability, hip flexor length, and glute activation (on kneeling side).

I prefer to coach people to dorsiflex the toes of the back foot (dig them into the ground), but in the end it comes down to whatever feels better for the person.

4) Half Kneeling Sideways Landmine Press


This is one I stole from my buddy Dean Somerset.

Here we’re training more in the frontal plane, which is important…cause we should get people out of the sagittal plane once they master it.

NOTE: you could also combine this one into a 1-arm clean-to-press hybrid movement if you wanted.

Honeybadger don’t give a shit.

5) Plain Ol’ Boring Standing 1-Arm Landmine Press


You can toss in a few curveballs here. You can adopt a staggered stance (one foot in front of the other), which makes things more challenging due to a narrower base of support.

You can also add bands into the mix.

6) Band Resisted Landmine Press


I like adding bands because it provides an added challenge to the anterior core musculature, in addition to forcing the lifter to control the eccentric portion of the lift more.

We can also make the case it “saves” the shoulders even more in that the band automatically decelerates the movement at the top.

Also, on a side note: When the hell are Jon Snow and Daenerys going to hook up on Game of Thrones?

7) Side to Side Landmine Press


This is a great option for when you want to be a little more aggressive with loading.

8) 2/1 Technique Landmine Press


The 2/1 technique is a concept I picked up from Christian Thibaudeau years ago, and something I’ve used in my own programming and that of my clients ever since.

We all know that we can handle more weight on the yielding (eccentric) portion of any lift compared to the overcoming (concentric).

The 2/1 technique takes this into account.

The idea is simple: Press up with both arms (preferably, in an explosive manner) and lower with one under control.

9) Deep Squat 1-Arm Landmine Press (<– Only For Those Who Want to Hate Life)


I hate this one so much. And by hate, I mean love.2

Assume a “deep” squat position and press away.

This can also be performed 1-arm at a time.3.

10) Z Landmine Press


I wasn’t sure where to place this one, so I guess I broke my “from the ground up” rule here.

Whatever, it’s my blog, I can do whatever I want.

Like, yell out “I’m Batman!” or post a picture of a unicorn shitting rainbows and cupcakes.

This one is a doozy and requires someone exhibits sufficient t-spine extension to perform well. Even though it’s a ground-based variation I’d be reticent to place have beginners perform this one.

That’s It, Folks

I hope you learned a few new variations in today’s post. If you have some of your own you’d like to share please feel free to post them in the comments section here or on Facebook.

BONUS Option

Because nine sucks, here’s a 10th variation.

Viking Landmine Press


If you have the Viking attachment (which you can purchase HERE) you can add another nice variation, which includes a neutral grip option.

Helmets sold separately.

Categoriescoaching Exercise Technique

Landmine Press: Cues and Mistakes. And How To Make It More Functional

I’ve long been an advocate of the landmine press. Not only is it one of my favorite “shoulder friendly” pressing variations, but it’s one of my favorite pressing variations in general.

It gets you jacked and ripped and your shoulders feeling like a million bucks. If it’s performed correctly.

The landmine press doesn’t come without it’s own set of snafus and mistakes. Below is a quick video I shot that breaks down a few “big rock” things to consider as far as execution and common mistakes people make when performing it.

(Cough, cough, hint hint): If you want to dig a little deeper on shoulder (and hip) shenanigans you should check out Complete Shoulder and Hip Blueprint, currently on sale at $100 OFF the regular price through July 5th.

Do it. DO IT.

Landmine Press Cues and Mistakes


BONUS “Functional As Shit” Landmine Variation

CategoriesExercises You Should Be Doing

Exercises You Should Be Doing: Band Resisted Landmine Thrust


It’s coming.

Except in this case, what’s “coming” isn’t something nefarious like Wildlings from north of the Wall or White Walkers.

Hell, to say “it’s coming” doesn’t always have to imply something dark or foreboding does it?1

I mean, maybe what’s coming is a 2 for 1 burrito bowl sale at Chipotle, or, I don’t know, a light breeze?

Both would be lovely, but neither are it.

What is coming – finally, to purchase – is The Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.


Dean Somerset and I are set to release this sucker to the masses next week (November 1st). It’s an 11+ hour digital product that we’re both really proud of and feel will help a lot of fitness professionals out there looking to improve their assessment and program design skills.

Needless to say, a week out, it’s the chaos before the storm. We’re both gearing up for a hectic week and attempting to generate a ton of quality content for launch week next week.

Can you dig it?


Don’t be too bummed out that I may be less prolific for the next 10-14 days with my own content on this site. I’m still gonna try my best stay on top of things.

However, posts may be a bit more brief than usual. Like today….;o)

Exercises You Should Be Doing: Band Resisted Landmine Thrust


Who Did I Steal It From: Coaches such as Ben Bruno, Bret Contreras, and Chad Rodgers.

What Does It Do: For those who struggle with overhead pressing – yet still want to train the pattern – this is a nice alternative. Landmine variations in general are a good fit for those who lack overhead mobility because they tend to keep trainees out of the “danger zone” with regards to “usable” ROM with shoulder flexion.

What does adding the band do?

1)  I feel it helps engage anterior core more, which will help prevent any excessive overarching from the lumbar spine.

2) It helps “slow down” the bar at the top of the movement, which can make it a little more joint friendly for those with cranky shoulders.

3) You’re forced to control the eccentric (lowering) portion to a higher degree in an effort to resist the pull of the band.


4) It’s just looks badass.

Key Coaching Cues: It’s hard to see in the video due to the lighting, but one end of the Monster Mini-Band is wrapped around the barbell and the other end is underneath my feet (I’m standing on top of it).

Be cognizant of not allowing the shoulders to roll forward too much, cue yourself to keep your chest up. From there “thrust” the barbell up in an explosive manner making sure to keep abdominals braced and glutes active throughout. Lower controlled, again being aware not to allow the shoulders to roll forward.

Give this one a try and let me know what you think.


CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 6/17/16

As this post goes live I’m in route to Austin, TX with my wife Lisa to take part in our inaugural Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop.

We’re excited because we both feel this is an underserved “niche” within the fitness community. The stuff I’ll be speaking about is nothing new – program design, breaking down squat and deadlift technique, why Darth Maul is the best Sith Lord ever, you know the important stuff.

While I feel I offer a unique perspective on all of those things and feel I have expertise, they’re all topics that are covered by many other coaches.

However, it’s the stuff the two of us will be speaking about in tandem – The Art of Coaching & Behavior Change, how to increase motivation and autonomy with your clients, how to assess your client’s willingness to change – that’ll be the real treat to the attendees attending.

Well there’s that, and the 0.01% chance they all witness a marriage crumbling before their eyes. This is mine and Lisa’s first attempt at working with one another.

Either the weekend ends as a glorious success, complete with high-fives and a ticker-tape parade, or we’ll be hiring divorce lawyers and fighting over custody of the cat.

And who gets the VitaMix.1

The 6 Biggest Lies About Eating Meat – Mike Sheridan

I always appreciate articles like this.

Coincidentally, best read while eating a steak….;o)

How to Reduce Your Risk of Injury – Ann Wendel

Girls Gone Strong resident physical therapist, Ann Wendel, chimes in with some sage advice on what “functional training” really means.

Optimizing Movement – Eric Cressey & Mike Reinold

With their 4th installment in the Functional Stability Training series, Eric and Mike break down “movement,” from the assessment process to the gym floor.

The sale price ($30 off) only lasts until the end of this weekend, so act quickly while you can to take advantage.

How to Test Overhead Mobility – Me

In my latest article for Men’s Health I break down one of the easiest ways to “screen” for overhead mobility, and what you can do to improve it.

Epic beard not included.

CategoriesExercise Technique Strength Training

The Truth About Overhead Pressing

With all the overhead pressing articles being posted up on T-Nation as of late I figured I’d join in on the fun and I invited myself to the party.

Overhead pressing isn’t for everyone.

To be fair, I’m not adamantly against ALL overhead pressing.  As a strength coach I’d be remiss not to recognize that overhead pressing is a staple with regards to well-balanced programming, not to mention it’s kind of important from a shoulder health and building delts the size of boulders standpoint.

That said, I truly feel most trainees need to earn the right to overhead press.

As sad as it is, most people have the movement quality of a pregnant turtle or the Tin Man on a good day.  As such, walking up to a barbell and haphazardly hoisting it above our heads might not be the best decision.

In the article I link to below I discuss some simple screens to help people ascertain whether overhead pressing in the right fit for them, as well as dive into one of my go to “shoulder friendly” pressing variations.  Give it a look and let me know what you think!

===> The Truth About Overhead Pressing <====