CategoriesProduct Review Program Design

Lets Talk (Over) Conditioning

Today I have a guest post from the one and only (and lovely), Jen Sinkler. It’s a timely post because 1) I’m in Australia and Lisa would kill me if I spent all my free time working and 2) Jen’s just released her updated Lifts Weights Faster 2.0.

I loved the first version when it came out last year; and to be speak candidly, outside of the athletes I train who need more specificity with their conditioning, when it comes to writing conditioning based programming (whether for myself or for my general fitness clientele) I tend to flip through LWF 1.0, find something the fits (10-30 minute workout), and sucktitude follows. But in a good way.

LWF 2.0 is 10x better and Jen has gone out of her way to provide an epic product that I feel is one of the best of its kind.

But that doesn’t come without a brief caution: OVER-conditioning. It’s a topic that Jen discusses below.

Lets Talk (Over) Conditioning

If you’re feeling pressure to make all your workouts the hardest, biggest, and most intense ever or else you’ll end up like this guy, you’re not alone. The go-hard-or-go-home mentality is pervasive, making many people fret worry that if they don’t do a body-crushing session every time they work out, they’ve failed.

In reality, the truth is nearly exactly the opposite. You can still make progress without destroying yourself. In fact, you can make bigger strides, more consistently and for the long term, when you don’t leave it all on the gym floor.

That doesn’t mean take it easy — it just means don’t run your body (and along with it your mind and spirit) into the ground by forcibly pushing past your limits every workout (maybe even any workout). You’ll find that this bod-friendly approach will net you even more positive results in the long run.


As a culture, we are obsessed with extremes. And maybe we don’t need to be. One of my fellow trainers at The Movement Minneapolis, “Cardigan Mark” Schneider, puts fitness on a spectrum — from ill to athlete.

From a marketing standpoint, the “athlete” end of the spectrum is sexy, but it can come at a high cost, in the form of overuse or acute injuries, chronic wear-and-tear on the body, and amount of time invested.

So let’s flip the script: What can you gain by easing off the gas slightly? Fewer injuries, less stress on the body, and a more sustainable fitness regimen — which is clutch, considering consistency is one of the keys to long-term success. Consider it a huge deposit in the bank for your future self; the you 10 years from now will be eternally grateful that you didn’t empty your account and push your body to the point of injury today.

Not always turning the dial up to 11 will also net you more time, money, and energy. If every workout has a cost, overdrawing our accounts means our bodies simply won’t function well — not ideal if your fitness goals include feeling better, moving better, and living better. A consistent, positive balance will better support your fitness goals.


When we talk about conditioning, short, intense-enough sessions are the answer to keeping your account in the black and your fitness on track

A well-structured conditioning circuit will often move you out of the sagittal plane that many of the big movements (such as squats and deadlifts) in by asking you to rotate (or resist rotation), perform more unilateral movements, and crawl, roll, or jump.

You’ll involve different energy systems when you incorporate different levels of intensity by performing a variety of different movements with a spectrum of different tools and weight used. All of it adds up to more adaptation (i.e., progress), and more adaptation equals a stronger, fitter you.


So…how do you keep your intensity in check? Easy — monitor how you’re feeling during the circuit.

When a conditioning circuit calls for five rounds, you don’t want to flame out after round three. Don’t push to failure on the repetitions and, if need be, take a longer rest than what is assigned in the workout. In the end, you’ll likely up the number of quality reps performed — and reap the gains from your hard (hard-enough) work — without having to deplete your account to do so.

One last thing! When deciding how hard to workout, consider the sum total of your stress.

Your body can’t differentiate between workout stress and other stress. So if you’re experiencing a lot of heart-rate-raising, cortisol-spiking events in your daily life, take the opportunity to chill and scale back your workouts for a while.

When life quiets down, your workouts can ramp up again. You do the math on who makes more progress: The person who goes hard for 52 minutes or the person who works within their limits for 52 weeks?


If you’re looking to amp up your conditioning in creative and productive ways, I’ve put together a mammoth 181-workout pick-and-choose library called Lift Weights Faster 2.

Complete with a full exercise glossary that includes written descriptions and photographic demonstrations of nearly 270 exercises (from classic moves to more unusual ones — the Jefferson deadlift, anyone?), a video library that includes coaching on 30 of the more technical lifts, 10 challenge-workout videos, plus a dynamic warm-up routine, I’ve combined my training and athletic experience with my long background in magazine publishing to create a clear-cut, easy-to-use resource that you’ll want to turn to all the time.

Every workout is organized by the equipment you have available and how much time you’ve got, with options that last anywhere from five up to 30 minutes.

Lastly, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention I teamed up with my husband, David Dellanave, to create a strength program companion resource called Get Stronger Faster 2 to help you take your strength level to the next level. This completes the total workout package and helps you get results, faster.

Click below for more information.

Lift Weights Faster 2.0 

Jen Sinkler is a longtime fitness writer for national magazines such as Women’s Health and Men’s Health. A former member of the U.S. national women’s rugby team, she currently trains clients at The Movement Minneapolis. Jen talks fitness, food, happy life and general health topics at her website,

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 3/3/15

Before I get into this week’s list I wanted to share with everyone a cool event coming up in the very near future that I’ve been invited to participate in. No, it’s not the NorthEast Regional Star Wars Geek Fest Extravaganza.

But it is something just as nerdtastic……..

Movement and Motivation LAB

Let my good friend and MFF coach, Harold Gibbons, explain….

On Saturday, April 25th, the Mark Fisher Fitness team is hosting our first Motivation and Movement LAB (M/M LAB) for fitness professionals. 

Our take on the fitness conference is a laboratory — one that lets health and fitness professionals like you explore progressive strategies to enhance your life and the lives of your clients.

We’re building a learning experience that’s better for trainers. Long lectures can work for some, but we’d like to try something we think can be more effective.

Instead, we’re focusing on power 30-minute presentation, followed by 45-minute workshops where attendees and presenters work together to build action plans that can be smoothly implemented in their personal practice. It’s the “Monday Morning” take home, with a personal system to make it a success.

You’ll gain insight into just how Mark Fisher Fitness built a multi-million dollar fitness business in less than three years. We’ll be joined by guest star, Jedi Knight and fitness super hero Tony Gentilcore and together we’ll explore strategies to improve your coaching and your business in an innovative format.  Each speaker (four total) will offer a 30-minute lecture and a 45-minute interactive work session to allow for a more complete integration of the concepts covered.  

You’ll leave with a clear list of actions steps for Monday morning and the M/M LAB effect will lead to immediate positive impact on your clients and your career.

You can learn more at the M/M Lab website, and ENROLL to join us on April 25th for new ideas, new results, and a new you.

NOTE from TG: Early bird registration ends on March 8th, so there’s only a few days left to take advantage of the savings. Not only is it more expensive to wait to sign up, but in order to gain access to the party all non-early bird registrants have to either lip sync a Lady Gaga song (in full, with dancing) or wear a leopard print leotard during my presentation.

Now lets get to this week’s list:

Female Fat Loss Hierarchy – Stacie Schaedler

Stacie is a local trainer here in Boston who’s about as diverse as they come. She’s has an extensive background in yoga, but is also an accomplished kettlebell instructor and loves to lift heavy stuff.

She and I have crossed paths several times in recent years, and it was recently, at Chad Wesley Smith’s Juggernaut Workshop that we connected and talked some shop.

In short, she’s the shit.

I think many people who read this blog will enjoy Stacie’s work and tone. And I think many people will especially enjoy this article.

The World We Live In…Man Has It Changed – Curt Schilling

Curt trained at Cressey Sports Performance briefly back in 2008 when he was contemplating a comeback. I don’t think I have to tell everyone reading that it was an awesome opportunity and experience.

Yes he’s opinionated, and yes he likes to talk (a lot), but it’s hard not to respect someone who isn’t afraid to stick to his guns and stand by his word.

The story is now national news, but for those unaware Curt shared an experience on his website recently regarding a disturbing “incident” on his Twitter page. In short it goes like this:

1. Like any proud father would do, he posts a congratulatory Tweet about his daughter being accepted to college where she’ll also be an athlete on the softball team.

2. Several young men go on to post vulgar, sexual, abusive, disturbing messages about his daughter.

3. Curt “ousts” the culprits on his website.

I felt it was a VERY well written article by Curt and more than warranted. Kids nowadays have grown up behind a keyboard, and it’s unfortunate that because of this, many have grown up with a sincere lacking of a social filter…to the point where some feel immune to any consequences of their words and actions.

This is a mantra that we try to instill with our own high-school and collegiate athletes at CSP. I can count numerous times where we’ve seen “questionable” posts and Tweets by athletes of ours to the point where we felt it necessary to sit them down and tell them if WE see this, who’s to say that a future coach or employer won’t see it?

In any case, it’s a vital message that needs to relayed to today’s Millennials…their words matter and have consequences whether said to someone’s face (which, not coincidentally, never happens) or on the computer screen.

Three Rotational Movements to Give Your Conditioning a Twist – Jen Sinkler

In anticipation of the release of her updated version of her popular Lift Weights Faster program, appropriately titled Lift Weights Faster 2.0,[footnote] My vote would have been Lifts Weights Faster Too, Ya Fool….followed by an endorsement by Mr. T. But that’s just me. I also thought Eminem wasn’t going to last, so what do I know?[/footnote] Jen Sinkler is releasing a treasure trove of FREE videos this week to help wet the palette of those looking to, well, lift weights faster.

The title is misleading because it’s NOT about twisting and contorting your lumbar spine with rotational movements like med ball throws and the like. Boooooooooooring.

Rather the video breaks down three baller movements which help improve your hip and t-spine mobility to battle things like back pain and SI joint pain.

You’ll have to provide your email address to watch the video, but 1) it will be worth it and 2) I can vouch for Jen and assure you she’s not an asshole and will up using your email to spam you incessantly.

She’s good people…you should (nay, need) to listen to her.