CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 8/14/20

Copyright: neirfy / 123RF Stock Photo


1. #Achillesgate2020 Update

I’m out of the boot!

Well, kinda.

In the past week I’ve spent a little more time out of the boot walking around the apartment and occasionally living live dangerously and walking around the neighborhood.

It seemingly took me a week to walk to the bank and back the other day, but it was a nice “win” for me nonetheless. I still have a ways to go before I am doing anything remotely athletic – running seems as unlikely as time travel at this stage – but it feels great to be making progress.


2. You can now purchase CORE @ Home for whatever it is you want to pay.

During quarantine I started a platform where I’d deliver 20-40 minute workouts that could be performed in everyone’s living room using minimal equipment.

In all I curated 36 workouts using nothing but bodyweight, bands, and kettlebells and/or dumbbells. With many people still reticent to head back to their regular gyms (not to mention the scarcity of gym equipment out there to purchase) I figured this would be a nice opportunity to help.

Whether you want to spend $1 or $100, the workouts are ready and available to start.

For more information go HERE.





Is It Safe to Exercise With a Mask? Is It Safe to Go to Gyms? – Michael Stare

There are few more controversial topics given all the disarray with current events.

I appreciated this well written and thought out article.

The Post I’d Never Thought I’d Hit Publish On – Chris Cooper

Social media, if nothing else, has amplified the notion that everyone’s life is hunky dory, that nothing ever goes wrong, and that everyone is on cloud nine 24/7/365.

This is especially the vibe in the health/fitness industry.

Everyone hits PRs every workout and looks like a model in their Lulus.

Mental health is not something to scoff at or be cynical about; yet the prevalent thought process – still – is that it’s a taboo subject and that one should just suck it up and deal. I LOVED this post by Chris and how honest, open, and REAL it was.

Give it a read.

Oh, and also check out his Landmine Everything resource he just released. (<– not an affiliate link). It’s pretty baller if you ask me.

The Forgotten Art of Squatting Is a Revelation for Bodies Ruined by Sitting – Rosie Spinks

Stolen from Dan John’s weekly recap – Wandering Weights – this was a delightful article to read.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 11/30/18

It’s my 42nd Birthday today.


I’d like to sit here and say I have something cool planned today – like watching a Jason Bourne marathon, or, I don’t know, going to Sears – but, honestly, it’s just a normal Friday for me today.

Writing programs, writing this blog, training, and then maybe a celebratory pizza…;o)

Tomorrow, however, is the real show. My wife and I have a date at Del Frisco’s and then we’re going to go see Widows.


Nonetheless, lets get to this week’s stuff to read (and don’t be afraid to send me a Happy B-day note).

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint 1.0 on Sale

Dean Somerset and I have placed our flagship resource – Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint 1.0 – on sale all this week at 60% off the regular price.

As if learning anything and everything about shoulders and hips wasn’t enough, I’m going to donate $5 of every sale (from my links) to a local animal shelter here in Boston called Kitty Connection.

This was the shelter my wife and I adopted out cat, Dagny, from when we first moved in together and I like to donate to their cause each year.

The sale only last though this Sunday (12/2), so act quickly.

Help save a kitty (or dog) – HERE.





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Clearly, there’s one person in this picture series who wasn’t having it.

A post shared by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on


Never Have “Bad Luck” Again – Nia Shanks

Regardless of the choices we face or the events that happen throughout the day, we have two lenses we can choose to view them from. In one hand is the lens that distorts events as being “bad luck” or “shit” or “unfortunate.” In the other hand is the lens that homes in on what has happened, what is — free from distortion or distraction — and gives us the power to glimpse and choose to see “beauty” or “good” or, at the very least, reality. Without any messy extrapolation.

^^^Applies to dieting and training.

Read more of what Nia has to say.

The Truth About Stand Up Desks – Dr. Michael Stare

Well, that was interesting.

Total Youth Soccer Fitness – Erica Suter

Kids aren’t professional athletes.

Erica is a stud coach and she’s developed a stellar program geared towards youth athletes that every coach, parent, and player needs to read.

It’s on sale for another two days (ending on 12/1) and you can save $30 off the regular price.

Check it out HERE.

CategoriesCorrective Exercise Rehab/Prehab

The Truth About a Healthy Spine – Part II

Here is Part Two of Dr. Michael Stare’s guest post on spinal health from yesterday.

Enjoy the weekend!

In part one I focused on discussing the debate about bracing or hollowing the spine for optimal stability, and revealed evidence suggesting that focusing on just on muscle is a flawed method of improving stability and treating low back pain.Rather, I suggested that the focus should be geared towards improving position sense, or lumbopelvic proprioception.

Then I discussed why imagining has a very limited and potentially negative role in helping diagnose and treat low back pain.

In part 2 I’ll offer insights about whether spinal flexion and rotation is really bad for the back, then provide suggestions for preventing and treating low back pain.

Are spinal flexion and rotation bad or not – What gives?

This issue seems to confuse many, mostly because like most things it can’t be discussed in absolutes. Plenty have offered their opinions, but few of those opinions are from those who treat back conditions for a living.

So here’s my take:

Flexion and rotation of the spine is just fine. But when you do it repetitiously without breaks, with high speeds, and heavy loads or light loads held away from your body, or sustain these positions for long durations you are asking for trouble. Still, under these circumstances, healthy spines won’t have many problems.

Now this is the key point that I believe gets lost on most: very few people have healthy spines!!

The fact is, many of us have abused the bajeesus out of our spines. In this context, rotation and flexion become even more risky, especially under the conditions described above. Then, let’s consider the state that many people are in – acute pain. Under these circumstances, rotation and flexion are like chewing on a steak with an abscessed tooth.

Now there are some back issues (extension sensitive spondylolisthesis and stenosis) where flexion might be just fine, but for most with disc issues, the above statement applies.

Like most things, the appropriateness of flexion and rotation applies to context.

So the follow-up to this, then, is what about athletes or fitness folks with little to no low back pain that want to keep it that way? Should they avoid exercise that involves flexion and rotation?

The best way to answer that is: what are the benefits of these movements compared to the risks?

A simple way to look at this is to view the programming of those who treat high level athletes. Several have taken a cue from McGill and greatly reduced the amount of flexion and rotation based exercises in favor of anti-flexion and anti-rotation exercise, or emphasizing full body rotation (emphasizing the hip and thoracic spine versus lumbar spine). This approach has a strong biomechanical rational, considering the high failure rate lumbar tissues experience during flexion and rotational based motions, as well as data suggesting that many sports motions involve limited segmental rotation or flexion of the spine. It’s hard to argue the success with such an approach.

Just ask Tony and Eric about the mph they add on pitchers doing mostly heavy compound lifts.

Here’s some more interesting biomechanical data about the lumbar intervertebral disc as it relates to rotation. Studies show that the lumbar annular fibers can lengthen to about 4% of their resting length, after which point annular fibers tear. After these fibers fail, the next constraint to rotation is the facet joints.

And yes, as you can imagine, repeatedly smacking facets together can lead to joint damage and fracture, giving rise for spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis.  This maximal lengthening tolerance of the annular fibers occurs at about 3 degrees of segmental spinal rotation. Given 5 segments of the lumbar spine, we are looking at 15 degrees rotation total. That’s not much.

Accordingly, it seems to behoove us to focus on getting more motion from other areas best suited for rotation. Yes, that means hips and thoracic spine.

So, considering that most of us beat up our spine enough by sitting at computers and doing stupid things throughout our twenties rendering these tissues less capable of withstanding abuse, I’m going with the approach that minimizes flexion and rotation during training. Many herniated L5-S1 disc and other happy backs I treat agree.

Note from TG:  Granted the guy in the video isn’t in his 20s, but this is the kind of batshit craziness the good Doc is referring to (I think.  Well, I’m pretty sure it is.  Wait, what are we talking about again?):

So what should you do to prevent back issues?

Prevent is the buzz word, but I think what we really mean is reduce likelihood of back problems while being very active and doing what we want. If you really wanted to “prevent” back issues, don’t use a computer, play golf, row a boat, or have kids. With that out of the way, try the following:

1. Don’t sit without changing positions longer than 15 minutes. Don’t sit longer than 30 minutes without getting up. Don’t sit longer that 7 hrs total a day, including driving.

2. When lifting heavy things, focus on keeping the object close to you. Good spine position is important, but not helpful if the object is at a great perpendicular distance from your spine.

3. Don’t be in any position without moving every few minutes, especially if it is away from neutral spine.

4. Learn to distinguish the warning signs of back issues. Forget distinguishing muscle from joint issues. Few can do it. Nothing good happens after the back fatigues, so that counts. Don’t freak out, keep moving, but reduce intensity and frequency, and start thinking about what might have caused it. Find it and change it.

5. Learn to improve proprioception of your spine. You should be able to easily anteriorly and posteriorly tilt your spine from any position to find neutral spine. Start by practicing in easy positions, like hooklying, and palpate your spine to verify. Challenge it with arm and leg movement. Progress to quadruped and standing. People usually skip this part, especially those who are very strong but have chronic pain. It requires a skilled coach to help you develop and recognize better motor patterns. Here’s a video of me teaching a basic means of using pressure biofeedback to teach proprioception.

6. Have a qualified strength coach develop a conditioning program for you – there’s too much to give it justice in this article. Key points would be trunk endurance, producing power with the hips, learning how to pull with your scapula versus arms, avoiding stupid high risk stuff, etc.

What should you do to treat back issues?

I’m sure you appreciate that no good clinician will tell you in an article exactly what you need to do to fix your back. The process involves too much human interaction to articulate a comprehensive solution for your specific scenario. However, there are a few generalities that should help clinicians, coaches, athletes, and patients move towards an effective treatment solution.

Consider the 3 points below:

1. Of course the best option is to see someone who evaluates and treats backs for a living. As a PT I have to say that. I really do believe it, as it will save you a boat load of time and frustration.

And see one quickly.

I unfortunately get disaster cases that come far and wide after two or more failed episodes of “care”. Studies clearly show that the quicker you see a PT, the quicker you get better and the less health care dollars we spend (by the way, I’m sure good chiros would see the same – just reporting on what the research said).

The main reason you want to see a spine specialist for your back issue is to rule out red flag issues that require immediate non-conservative care (requiring a referral to a surgeon or PCP to address non-musculo skeletal causes of LBP).

This scenario is rare, but can prevent a serious problem from getting worse. The other major reason you want to see someone is so they can educate you about self management strategies before you inadvertently make things worse.

2. Spend a lot of time investigating why the pain is there. I tell patients and colleagues this all time during my seminars: the patient always has the answer.

It’s up to the clinician to help them reveal it. There are many parts of the history that are used to reveal the answer, but the following questions are vital for tricky cases when the pain gradually comes on overtime with no clear event. If you are seeking treatment, make sure you have answers to the following:

  • What makes your pain worse? Or put another way, if you were to receive $500 to bring on your pain, what would you do? When you get your answer, avoid this activity, think about other activities that involve similar motions and avoid those as well. As soon as symptoms calm down, then work to modify those activities. In cases when those activities can’t be avoided, immediately work on strategies to modify them.
  • What activities make your symptoms better? Again, this tells you a lot about what to do to treat your back. For example, if someone feels better laying on their back with their knees bent and feet resting on an ottoman, then I’m fairly certain deloading activities will help them. Check out my T-nation article from several years ago for some pics of some deloading exercises.
  • How has your life changed in the weeks prior to the onset of symptoms? Many times, changes in jobs, moving, weather (ie lots of shoveling, raking, or gardening) or less often changes in your workout, may serve as a catalyst for the onset of low back pain. This is vital to know, because it tells you that your treatment must eventually involve modifying these catalysts so the issue doesn’t resurface. Failing to do this is the reason why LBP so frequently reoccurs.

Remain as active as possible. Movement can help the diagnostic process, facilitate healing, prevent fear avoidance behaviors, keep you sane ( a big issue for fitness freaks like me and probably you as well who need to exercise), and has profound effects on the neurophysiology of pain. This can seem overwhelming or impossible, so yet again a great reason to have a good clinician/coach to help.

I hope you found this to expand your view of low back pain. I believe understanding the above issues with allow you to better prevent and treat low back problems while continuing to seek optimal performance. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions – I would love to help!

Author’s Bio

Dr. Stare is the Director and Co-owner of Spectrum Fitness Consulting, LLC, in Beverly, MA, where he trains clients of various fitness levels seeking weight loss, improved health, and performance enhancement. Mike received his BS in Kinesiology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, his MS in Physical Therapy from Boston University, and his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the Massachusetts General Hospital IHP. Mike is a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists and also practices with Orthopaedics Plus in Beverly, MA as a Physical Therapist.

In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Stare lectures nationally to fellow clinicians regarding the proper treatment and prevention of lumbar spine disorders and  fitness. He also provides seminars locally on weight loss, performance enhancement, and rehabilitation for young athletes to seniors. Dr. Stare has obtained the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) distinction, which is regarded as the gold standard certification in the fitness industry. Mike is also a Board Certified Nutritionist by the American College of Nutrition, and has been training clients for over 15 years. Mike resides in Windham, NH with his wife and three girls. To learn more about Spectrum Fitness Consulting, go to

CategoriesCorrective Exercise Rehab/Prehab

The Truth About a Healthy Spine – Part I

Today’s guest post comes from physical therapist and strength coach Dr. Michael Stare.  Mike is wicked smart, wicked fit, and wicked good looking.  I hate him because I’m not him….;o)

I’ve known Mike since I moved here to the Boston area in 2006 and have corresponded with him intermittently in that same time frame.

I’m not going to lie:  This post may rub some people the wrong way, as Mike delves into the whole bracing vs. drawing in debate as well as burns some sacred cows with regards to the efficacy behind MRIs.

HINT:  they’re not as “helpful” as you would think.

Nonetheless, I think you’ll all enjoy this one for sure.

I love sharing and gathering information about health and fitness, so when a recent exchange with Tony lead to him suggesting I guest post about lumbar spine issues, I was thrilled to jump at the chance. And when given the license to get all nerdy and drop some geeky science because he says his readers are super smart (no surprise given who Tony is), well how the hell could I not get excited?

I’ve been very fortunate to obtain some great perspectives into treating and managing lumbar spine pathology from formal education, clinical experience, and personal experience as a patient. From that vantage point, I wanted to share some insights addressing some of the most controversial issues regarding spine health, and provide some suggestions about prevention and treatment. This should be should be very important information to you because:

1. As fitness fanatics you want to push the envelope of human performance, which often means walking a fine line between adaptation and injury,

2. 80% of the population will experience low back pain in their life, and 90% of first time episodes will reoccur. Translation: in all likelihood – you will experience a back injury so you best learn how to reduce your chances and manage it properly when it happens. And finally,

3. based on the above, in all likelihood someone you know and care about, or even advise, is dealing with back pain.

I’m not going to bore you with the oft regurgitated platitudes like “we need to stabilize more” or “this exercise is the root of all evil and will make your spine disintegrate” nor will I tell you that sitting up straight will cure every condition. Instead, I want to get at some hot button topics and provide some practical solutions rooted in evidence and real world results. Part 1 will deal with the debate on drawing in vs bracing and the usefulness of imaging for determining the cause and treatment of low back pain.

The bracing vs drawing in debate

Ever since the smarty pants Aussies in the late 90’s (Hodges, Richardson Spine 1996) released some great studies about motor control dysfunctions being common in those with spinal disorders, it seems like there has been more confusion about how we should train the torso to affect back issues. I think it’s like that game “telephone” you played when you were a kid. Each time the message gets passed on, it gets distorted so that by the end of the line, it rarely resembles what the original message was.

So let’s get to the original message:

These researchers had a hunch that motor control errors were occurring in those with low back pain. In particular, they believed those with LBP would not recruit their stabilizers properly in anticipation of a routine destabilizing event, like moving the limbs. So they tested this on subjects with and without low back pain. Subjects alternately lifted an arm and testers recorded patterns of truck muscle activation.

There was a subtle, yet consistent difference between those with LBP and those without. In the LBP folks, there was a delay in recruiting one muscle group by a milliseconds compared to those without LBP. This muscle group was the now famous transverse abdominus.

The conclusion: there appears to be a subtle delay in recruitment of the transverse abdominus in a subset of those with LBP versus those without LBP. Yet, as the message penetrated the ranks of PTs’ Chiros, Trainers, butts and cuts class leaders, yoga instructors and pilates folks, the message sounded a little more like this:

“The Transversus abdominus is the most important stabilizer, the transversus must be selectively activated to stabilize and improve motor control, and the best way to recruit the transversus and thus stabilize the spine is to perform a hallowing out maneuver.”

Sound familiar? Well, this isn’t really what the original research concluded. And research since hasn’t supported that the above is actually true.

For example, it has been determined that the drawing in or hallowing maneuver actually reduces spinal stability. This makes a lot of sense. Imagine the abdominal muscles are like a bunch of friends lifting a couch. Then you ask 3 of them to take a rest, leaving just one to do most of the work. As a result, you’d probably have a hurt friend or broken couch. Clearly, it’s best to have all the muscles recruited to stabilize in anticipation of movement or loading, which is what a bracing maneuver facilitates.

Remember, the research did not say that those with LBP are not recruiting the TA. Instead, it was just recruited slightly later – in a small subgroup of those with low back pain. Many studies since have shown that delayed activation of other key muscles, like the spinal erectors, the QL, and the latissimus have also been found in subjects with back pain. Training to brace in anticipation of instability in various positions would satisfy the anticipatory recruitment while also ensuring all muscles were involved.

So the preoccupation with the drawing in maneuver or transverse abdominus is not supported by the research and is missing the point in finding a solution for low back pain. Both Mc Gill and Hodges agree that the days of looking for one dysfunctional muscle for the low back solution is ill advised.

I think the best insights gleaned from this are that:

  1. LBP may be caused by, or the result of (chicken or the egg thing) anticipatory motor control impairments. This means the brain must learn to recruit stabilizers before movement.
  2. All stabilizers are important, and it might not be practical or possible to selectively activate or train them separately anyways.

Lumbopelvic Proprioception – lost in the shuffle?

I believe it is at least as important, if not more important, that people focus on lumbopelvic proprioception versus muscle activation.

To illustrate this, think about this scenario: You are about to throw a punch with your wrist cocked. How well would that workout for you when you make impact? Clearly, not well, and you’d probably end up with a broken wrist. Now, imagine doing the same thing, except your forearm muscles are jacked and maximally recruited, with your wrist still bent. What’s the result? Yup – the same thing – a badly damaged wrist. So the point here is that muscle activation is critical, but not unless your joint is positioned such that it can optimally distribute forces imposed upon it.

The Very Limited Role of Imaging in treating Low Back Pain

For all the wonderful things technology and imaging has done for our healthcare system, I think MRI is responsible for our health care system taking a major step backwards in dealing with the low back pain epidemic, not to mention the hefty financial burden.

The facts are that MRI is very poor tool to help determine the cause, the source, and the best treatment for back pain. These facts are well established in the literature.

For example, one study revealed that 90% of people without back pain were found to have disc herniations on MRI (Boden SD, et al J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1990;72:403-408). Another study looked at a large population also without low back pain, and took baseline imaging (Carragee E. et al Spine J. 2006;6:624-635.

They were followed for 5 years and inevitably, a percentage of those people went on to develop LBP. These people were then reimaged, and their findings while suffering from LBP were compared to their baseline findings before they had pain. The conclusion? In 84% of them, their “in pain” images were either unchanged or actually better than their pain-free baseline images!

Clearly, the correlation between pain and imaging is poor. What the research suggests is that these pathologies may be painless aberrancies and conversely that pain can be present in spite of the absence of significant structural damage, as suggested by Deyo et al (NEJM, 2001) who found no pathology in 85% of people with LBP symptoms.

OK, so now we are clear that MRI doesn’t tell us the source of pain or exactly how to treat low back pain. So when should MRI be used? Whether you are gym rat or clinician, this is important to know:

1. If there are red flag signs suggestive of systemic pathology (like tumors, cancer, etc) like fever, vomiting, night pain, unexplained weight loss, etc or a past history of cancer. All clinicians are well trained to recognize these signs.

2. If there is saddle anesthesia (suggestive of cauda equina) or progressive neuro compromise (continued loss of motor, sensory, or reflexes). Again, these are easily discernible by clinical exam (however, I must say I am shocked by the number of PTs, PCPs, and surgeons who don’t know how to do a proper neuro exam. I can tell you, that if you know anyone who went through the IOMT residency or fellowship in nearby Woburn you can guarantee they do a proper neuro exam)

Otherwise, MRI or other imaging won’t be helpful.

In fact it might actually cause harm for a few reasons.

For example, increased radiation exposure, exposure to contrast materials (CT), and increased risk of surgery are significant concerns. A less appreciated risk is what happens when people are labeled with a pathology (again, one that as discussed above may actually have little to do with their pain and dysfunction). Many people respond to that with a logical question: “But won’t it just make people feel better knowing they got it completely checked out, and extensive pathology was ruled out?”

Based on the research, no it won’t. First, it doesn’t do a better job of doing these things as using the above criteria is enough, and second studies reveal that it did not improve patient satisfaction or ease anxiety (Chou R,et al. Lancet. 2009;373:463-472.). Evidence indicates that those who are labeled with pathologies from imaging may actually have worse outcomes (Fisher ES, JAMA. 1999;281:446-453).

I see this all of the time. People will be in a holding pattern, waiting to address the obvious causes of their back issues until the smoking gun can be revealed by the MRI. We all have a need to be validated, believing such suffering can only be explained by the most elaborate technology, and anything less trivializes the severity of our condition. People sometimes feel offended when simple explanations are offered to explain their problem, even if addressing these issues leads to less pain! What people really want is someone to listen, then patiently and persistently seek the cause and explain the solution. In absence of this, they will stray, looking towards some elaborate technical gizmo which ultimately disappoints.

I wish everyone could see the face of my patients when they come in with their radiology reports. They read the scary terms with fear and uncertainty, giving rise to the paralysis by analysis syndrome at best, and at worst, fear avoidance behaviors. I am often the first to explain to them terms like “degenerative disc disease”, “decreased disc height”, “facet arthropathy”, or “mild to moderate bulging of L5” as common findings found on the majority of MRIs of people without any symptoms. Unfortunately, this might be after all the negative effects of paralysis by analysis have already set it, so I’ll have my work cut out for me.

Hopefully the take away here is that we cannot use machines to reduce our responsibility for problem solving. This requires us to ask focused questions to match patient tendencies with the natural history of LBP based on the available evidence, and observe and correct impairments associated with many types of back pain – possibly in addition to the imaging findings. We can all play a role in this by empowering patients to be a part of the problem solving process and fixing their back.

Stay tuned to Part 2, dealing with the issue of whether spinal flexion and rotation in training is bad, as well as suggestions to prevent and treat spine issues.

Author’s Bio

Dr. Stare is the Director and Co-owner of Spectrum Fitness Consulting, LLC, in Beverly, MA, where he trains clients of various fitness levels seeking weight loss, improved health, and performance enhancement. Mike received his BS in Kinesiology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, his MS in Physical Therapy from Boston University, and his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the Massachusetts General Hospital IHP. Mike is a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists and also practices with Orthopaedics Plus in Beverly, MA as a Physical Therapist.

In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Stare lectures nationally to fellow clinicians regarding the proper treatment and prevention of lumbar spine disorders and  fitness. He also provides seminars locally on weight loss, performance enhancement, and rehabilitation for young athletes to seniors. Dr. Stare has obtained the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) distinction, which is regarded as the gold standard certification in the fitness industry. Mike is also a Board Certified Nutritionist by the American College of Nutrition, and has been training clients for over 15 years. Mike resides in Windham, NH with his wife and three girls. To learn more about Spectrum Fitness Consulting, go to