CategoriesMotivational Product Review

Thoughts on “Dad Bod”

I think it was a year or two ago when the term “thigh gap” was all the rage.

It seemed I couldn’t log onto any of my social media accounts or peruse the internet without being bombarded by the phrase. The premise was pretty dumb.

Women (not all of them mind you) were transfixed by the notion that a “healthy” or ideal body was dictated by the “gap” between her thighs. If you didn’t have it, you weren’t one of the cool kids. And you were an evil person with no friends.

Countless articles were written and many mind-numbingly, soul-crushing stories were shared on various media outlets describing, in detail, how to achieve this (what I’d like to call) unattainable (pointless?) look.

It set back female fitness 15 years. If not more.

Basically, if Susan B. Anthony were still alive today she would have Sparta kicked CNN, Fox News, The Today Show, YouTube, Tracy Anderson, and every editor of every fitness magazine or website who took this trend seriously.

And now it’s the guys turn.

Introducing “Dad Bod.”

I don’t know how it started or who started it….but it’s equally as annoying as thigh gap.

In short: apparently it’s now “in” to be average; or maybe a better term is “just there.” I guess women prefer non (overly) muscular dudes now.


If I had to guess, though, it’s not that women prefer non-muscular dudes…they just prefer a guy who’s entire life doesn’t revolve around his training schedule, posting selfie picks from the gym locker room, and/or shitting a gluten free Paleo brick if he eats a brownie on the weekend.

Lets be honest: at the end of the day, what does all of this even mean? Some women prefer bald heads. Some women prefer hairy chests. Some women prefer dudes with abs, others not so much. I’m willing to bet there’s even some women out there who go bat-shit crazy for dudes with a third nipple.

None of it really matters in the end. People like what they like.

But who wants to venture a guess that the “Dad Bod” trend was started by some random guy who’s not remotely muscular; or maybe just really frustrated that he’s spent the past five years in the gym with little to show for his efforts?

It’s like me saying “hey, ladies, don’t mind that guy driving the Porsche. It’s allllllll about the Hyundai Elantra.”

In all seriousness, it’s all good in my book. I don’t care what society tells me is ideal, and I certainly don’t care what people find attractive or what makes them feel like the best version of themselves possible.

If a guy doesn’t want abs or pecs that can cut diamonds, who am I to judge?

Interestingly, it’s kind of eff’ed up that at one end of the spectrum (women) we’re told that the ideal body-type is this more or less unattainable thing that’s highly dictated by genetics and one’s own unique anatomy and anthropometry (and that maybe 1-2% of the population could achieve anyways); and at the other end (men) we’re told “eh, that’s good enough. You’re already there dude.”

Gotta love double-standards.

Putting things into perspective: you’re on a site who’s theme is “because heavy things won’t lift themselves,” so it’s safe to assume you’re someone who’s interested in muscle, looking good neked, and not being average.

My good buddy, Bryan Krahn, wrote an excellent post not too long ago on how to help guys with “Dad-Bod.” You can check it out HERE.

To reiterate my mindset towards the trend (and to steal a line from Bryan):

“For those who don’t know, a “Dad Bod” describes a guy whose body isn’t fat or thin, but somewhere in-between. Physically he’s just like, you know, whatever.

You might assume that I would rail against this movement, say that it’s lame or weak or unmanly.

On the contrary. I think it’s fine. Provided it’s how you want to be.”

There’s really nothing revolutionary with regards to the best approach to fixing “Dad Bod” if that’s something you’re interested in. Dial in your nutrition, don’t eat like an a-hole, train for both strength and hypertrophy, train hard and with intent, and be consistent.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

You’ll look like The Rock in no time flat. Or 15-20 years.

I find it’s the whole consistency factor that acts as the monkey-wrench for most trainees. We’re far too impatient and want results now, dammit!

If one’s consistent and puts in the work…almost always good things are bound to happen.

However, lets say you’re there.

You have abs, you have that vein running down the front of your bicep that many guys covet, and you have a posterior chain that would make any person weak in the knees.

But you’re still having a hard time taking things to the next level. You just can’t seem to shed those last 5-10 lbs of fat.

It’s here where things get a little more complicated. It’s at this point where paying attention to the more intricate, finer details – things like macronutrient breakdown, meal timing, hormones (leptin, ghrelin, growth hormone, testosterone, estrogen, cortisol), and varying training parameters enter the picture.

And here’s your answer, and something that will scissor kick “Dad Bod” in the face.

The OMEGA Body Blueprint

My good friend and ambassador to all things sexification and fat loss, John Romaniello, launched his latest project – The OMEGA Body Blueprint– last week. It’s the perfect answer to anyone looking to take their physique to the next echelon of “Dad Bod” pwnage.

Everything you need from both the training AND nutritional side of things is covered. And like I said: if there’s anyone I’d trust with body composition advice, it’s Roman.

The last day of the sale is TODAY,1 May 25th, so act quick before it ends.

Go HERE. You won’t be sorry.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work Uncategorized

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 5/22/14

Guess who’s Bachelor Party is tomorrow??

This guy:

While I’d like to sit here and say the whole event entails Vegas, Victoria Secret models, vodka, and F-16 fighter jets (in no particular order)….lets just say there’ll be no jets.

Or Vegas.

Or models.

Vodka? Probably.

Either way, fingers crossed the night won’t turn into some replay from the movie The Hangover where I get stuck on the rooftop of the “Pru” in downtown Boston while the rest of the guys wake up the following morning in a haze of confusion trying to piece together the previous night’s shenanigans.

Part of the plot of The Hangover included Mike Tyson (and his pet tiger). Ironically, Saturday night starts with the bunch of us heading to Agganis Arena to watch good friend and CSP athlete, Danny O’Connor, fight.

I don’t think Danny has a pet tiger.

Anyways, it’s going to be an awesome night. I can’t wait.

Here’s this week’s stuff to check out:

The OMEGA Body Blueprint – John Romaniello

If there’s anyone I’d label a “fat loss guru” it’s my good friend (and fellow nerd), “Roman.” The OMEGA Body Blueprint is the direct descendent of his breakout hit from a few years ago, Final Phase Fat Loss.

Full Disclosure: I haven’t done this program personally. But I know John, I know his programming style, and I know he always puts out quality information and content.

I’ve been able to peruse the program, and it’s top-notch.

This is an advanced fat loss program, however. The idea here is that it’s harder to lose those last 5-15 lbs than it is the first 20, 30, or even 50 lbs.

This program is designed to target those “trouble areas,” the stubborn fat (for lack of a better term), and it does so by explaining the relationship of certain hormones in the body – leptin, ghrelin, testosterone, estrogen, to name a few – and how each can be manipulated (via specific training & nutrition protocols, heavy emphasis on the latter) for improved body composition.

If you’re looking to lock yourself in and really take your fat-loss efforts to the next level, John is your man.

The OMEGA Body Blueprint has been on sale all week, and the sale ENDS THIS SATURDAY (May 23rd). Don’t miss out. Check it out HERE.

The Science Behind Caffeine –

There’s a reason why caffeine is the world’s #1 stimulant. Well, the world’s #1 legal stimulant anyways…..;o)

Does it work? Yep.

Does it have benefits? Absolutely.

But, there are limitations, and this nice summary helps explains some of them.  Be sure to check out the links for even more astoundingly thorough information and research!

Better yet: sign up for’s Supplement-Goals Reference, hands down the best, most researched, UN-BIASED supplement resource in existence.

Deadlift Mastery: Paused Deadlifts – Adam Pine


I heart paused deadlifts. I’ve written about them myself HERE. I feel they provide a tremendous amount of benefits and serve as a perfect accessory movement when needed.

Adam can deadlift 700+ lbs, you should listen to him.