CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 7/17/20

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1. #Achillesgate2020 Update

I’m just past the seven-week mark in my rehab and I have to say…

…I’m crushing it.

I feel like if my Achilles had to fight Megatron it could give him a run for this money. I’ve been working with Dan Pope from Champion Physical Therapy & Performance in Waltham, MA and he’s been having me work on my gait the past few weeks attempting to put more weight into the forefoot of the affected side.

I’m still in the boot, but we did manage to take a wedge out last week.

And I think we’re gonna begin to experiment with some BFR (Blood Flow Restriction) shenanigans this week to help stave off any further atrophy of the calf muscle.


2. Oh, hey, have you checked out my new CORE @ Home platform yet?

It’s designed so that I can deliver workouts you can perform at home – pants optional – using minimal equipment.

You have two options:

1. Subscribe for FREE and receive one workout per week.

2. Subscribe for $29.00 and receive three workouts per week (in addition to special bonus content).

My hope is that it helps take the thinking out of things and keeps people more accountable to workout more consistently despite not having access to their normal gym.

For more information go HERE.





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30 Days of Spine Hygiene. . (Or shall I say “Spinegiene”?) . 👉 Day 2: Perform the Perfect Birddog. . The birddog exercise is a splendid drill for spine health and performance. Yet, it’s in the Top 3 of exercises that make my corneas want to jump out of their sockets when I observe many people perform it. . The idea is to brace the core so as to own neutral spine & to LIMIT movement through the lumbar area. . Yet, watch most people perform it and it rivals an epileptic seizure. . The hand shouldn’t elevate higher than shoulder height. Likewise, the foot shouldn’t elevate higher than the hips. The lower back should be LOCKED down. . Adding a @valslide is an easy way to keep people honest. More ROM does not make this exercise more effective. Performing it well does. . If you swipe I also included a few variations you can add to progress the exercise as well. . 1️⃣ Birddog w/ Lateral Band Distraction (courtesy of @meghancallaway ). . 2️⃣ Birddog Row (popularized by @dr.joelseedman_ahp ) . #30daysofspinehygiene #birddogexercise

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The New Hybrid Workout Plan – Bryan Krahn

COVID-19 has changed everything.

LOVED this perspective from Bryan on what the “new normal” will likely be for most people as they begin to contemplate heading back to their big box gyms.

Lies Your Pilates Teacher Told Ya – Trish DaCosta

I’ve always appreciates Trish’s perspective on things and how she’s able to keep a level head on often controversial topics. I also appreciate she actually lifts weights…;o)

The Exercise That Was Condemned By Everybody – TC Luoma

HA – raises hand.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work Uncategorized

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 2/16/18

It’s Friday.

You know how we do.

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1) The Fitness Summit

I had to take a break from The Fitness Summit last year for two reasons:

1. Eating way too many cookies.

2. But mostly because I succeeded in making a baby and my wife would have tossed me so much shade if I was all like “Hey Babe, going to KC for three days. Toodles.”

Well this year I’m back and excited to take part in a Fitness Summit first. Dean Somerset and I will be putting on a Pre-Conference day where we’ll spend a few hours test driving some new material as a follow-up to our Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

Tentatively titled The More Completer Hip & Shoulder Blueprint.

We’ll be taking deep dive into squat and deadlift technique: discussing ankle, foot, hip and upper extremity considerations in conjunction with regressions/progressions and programming. Whether you’re a coach or just someone who likes to lift heavy things you’ll undoubtedly learn something. And if not, cool, you still get to hang out with us for a few hours.

Registration is now open for returning and new attendees. Come experience one of the best fitness events of the year.

2) Spurling Spring Seminar

I’m excited to announce that both myself and my wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, will be presenting at the inaugural Spurling Spring Seminar at Spurling Fitness in Kennebunk, ME in a few months.

If you live in New England and you’re a fitness professional you won’t want to miss it. Early bird special is currently in effect.

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work

Keeping the ‘Coach’ In Science-Based Coaching – James Krieger

Having the ability to differentiate between what you think should be happening and what actually is happening is often what separates the good coaches from the excellent ones.

Excellent article from James here.

7 Truths About Strength Training – Jim Wendler

I love reading strong people write about what it takes to get strong.

Jim’s strong.

So you should read this…..;o)

Dowdell Fitness Systems – The Story – Joe Dowdell

The Truth About Diet Soft Drinks – TC Luoma

As a self-described Diet Coke fan I approve this message.

Thanks TC!

Social Media Shenanigans



CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 1/12/18

Baby’s asleep.

I’ve got anywhere from 60-90 minutes of freedom.

Here’s this week’s list of stuff to read………

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo

But First

1) Mark Fisher Fitness Presents: Motivate & Movement LAB

I’ve had the honor of presenting at two previous iterations of the Motivate & Movement LAB (the brainchild of MFF’s Harold Gibbons) and it’s unequivocally one of the most unique events in the fitness industry.

Think: TED Talk, but with deadlifts and lots of f-bombs.

Anyways, the next LAB is this coming February, and will feature myself, Dan John, Pete Dupuis, my wife (Dr. Lisa Lewis), and several of the MFF coaching staff including Brian Patrick Murphy and Amanda Wheeler.

2) Spurling Spring Seminar

I’ll also be making a cameo up in Kennebunk, Maine this Spring for the Spurling Spring Seminar.

It’s not until April, but you can save BIG now ($100 off) by purchasing an (early) early bird ticket by clicking the link above.

UPDATE: The “Early” Early Bird Special ends this Sunday (1/14)……so act quick.

[Link also provides details on all the presenters and topics covered]

There aren’t many industry events that come into this neck of the woods, so hope to see you there!

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work

17 Nutrition Tips That Change Your Life – TC Luoma

TC’s always good for some interesting tidbits and witty prose. This one didn’t disappoint.

Mobility Needs of the Female Strength Athlete – Trish DaCosta

Things like hypermobility (which tends to be more prevalent in females) and high-heels come into play when discussing the mobility needs of women.

Some awesome stuff in here from Trish.

Today’s Edge: Strengthen Your Adductors Part I and II – Tim DiFrancesco

I appreciate Tim’s insights and contributions to the strength & conditioning community. My brain does not work like his. He’s always thinking outside the box and coming up with stellar content.

If you’re not already, you should be checking out his website and social media accounts. He’s routinely providing short, bite-sized gems.

HERE’s Part I of Strengthen Your Adductors; and HERE’s Part II

Social Media Shenanigans



Making my way through @drsarahduvall Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist course and this slide resonated with me. As oxymoronic as it sounds, women that exercise through their pregnancy are often at MORE risk for pelvic floor issues. Many feel pressure to head to the gym as soon as possible after giving birth because they actually feel “okay.” However, this mentality can often lead to some dire circumstances because their body is still healing. Yeah, you may want to perform kipping pull-ups paired with handstand walks through a grenade field for AMRAP, but that doesn’t mean you should. You CAN still exercise, but it’s important, nay, crucial, to respect the notion that your body needs time to “catch up.”

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CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 7/28/17

I have a sleeping baby on hand so no time for wordsmithery and introductory foreplay this morning. Lets get right into things.

Oh, wait: blog topics. Anyone have any suggestions? I need help.

Okay, lets get right into things.

Copyright: epokrovsky / 123RF Stock Photo



1. Strong Body-Strong Mind – Boston

Next weekend, Saturday, August 5th my wife, Dr. Lisa Lisa Lewis, and I will be hosting our Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop here in Boston.

Like, IN Boston.



There’s no workshop out there catered for fitness professionals that deals with both mindset/mental strategy skills – helping to build rapport, competency, and autonomy with clients/athletes – and exercise technique and assessment.

So, why not combine the two?

There are still a few remaining spots left so if you need some CEUs or want to come to a cool city to hang out and talk about the Transtheoretical Theory of Change or upper extremity assessment like a motherfucking boss, lets do it.

Here’s the itinerary1

To purchase you can go HERE.

2) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando

Our Vancouver shindig in April sold out, but Dean and I have recently announced a stop in Orlando, FL later this year, October 21-22nd at Spark Fitness.

I’ve never been to Orlando. There’s no way in hell I’m visiting Disney World.

You can go HERE for more details and to sign up.

HEADS UP: We’ve also added Boston into the mix later this year. Not Burlington, MA Boston or Beverly Boston. Like IN Boston… in the heart of the city Boston at AMP Fitness.

If you’re super excited and want to sign-up early you can go HERE.

Stuff to Read

10 Daily Habits of Healthy Lifters – T-Nation Coaches

I had the opportunity to chime in on this article on T-Nation asking a bunch of coaches what are some daily habits they use themselves or suggest their clients use to lead healthier lifestyles.

Do It Better: Bench Press – Jennifer Blake

I really liked this one from Jen who’s an excellent powerlifting coach. Plus it’s an article on the bench press, what’s not to like?

Why Everyone Hates Personal Trainers – TC Luoma

I don’t know if it was on purpose, but the fact the picture above was used as the lead in to this article says it all.

Spotting a DB press by the elbows is fucking moronic, and any trainer who does should be forced to walk off a plank into Mordor. Or Sparta kicked in the chest. Either one is appropriate.

However, this line from the article says it all:

“Oh, and why do you always have fat people do triceps kickbacks? Could anything be less effectual for weight loss and/or conditioning?”

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CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work Uncategorized

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 7/17/15

Only two weeks left until the Elite Training Workshop – Boston is held on Saturday, August 1st.

[Can you believe it’s almost August?]

I’m really excited for this event and think it’s going to be a awesome experience for those who attend. The line-up is pretty rad and the flow of the day is set up in a way where each presenter presents and then immediately follows that up with a hands-on portion.

So it’s less blah-blah-blabidy-blah and more “holys*** did you see Artemis Turkish get-up Tony? That’s badass.”

It’s going to be an awesome day for fitness professionals to learn from some of the best minds in the biz. CEUs are available. And I may or may not wear a movie quality Chewbacca mask.

Click HERE for more information.

ALSO: The Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop


Dean Somerset and I are excited to announce our latest series: The Complete Shoulder & Hip Training Workshop.

We teamed up last year for a handful of workshops – London, DC, LA –  and didn’t want to kill each other, so we figured we’d do it again this year

This time we’re going to place a ton of emphasis on the hips and shoulders. We’ll talk anatomy, assessment, corrective exercise, programming, and we’ll also be doing a fair amount of coaching/hands-on demonstrations. And maybe, just maybe, in honor of Dean’s Canadian heritage, play the entirety of Bryan Adams’ library of songs. So much awesome to be had!

CEU’s will be available for all workshops.

EDMONTON (in August, so it won’t be cold as balls).

ST. LOUIS (in September, maybe catch a Cards game?)

CHICAGO (in October, it won’t be windy then, right?)

(Just Added) LOS ANGELES (in November, Tony finally does his tour of bars from the movie Swingers).

Now on to this week’s stuff to read.

7 Bad Foods That Are Good For You – TC Luoma

First: TC is an amazing writer, one of my favorites.

Second: bacon.

Third: that is all.

What Being Obsessed With Your Phone Can Teach You About Fitness – Jessi Kneeland

There’s a joke amongst my friends that I’m one of the hardest people to get a hold of because I hate carrying my phone with me everywhere I go.

It’s not uncommon for me to answer text messages 24-48 hours after the fact.

And don’t even get me started on those people who walk down the sidewalk (or worse, across the street) with their head pointed down towards their phone.

I loved this post by Jessi.

Why Do We Give Caffeine a Free Pass? – Eric Cressey

[Ironically, as I type these words I’m pounding a Spike. Oops]

Excellent post by Eric.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 7/11/14

A New Approach to Density Training – Tyler English

For those who don’t know Tyler or are familiar with his work – shame on you!

Not only is he the author of  Men’s Health Natural Bodybuilding Bible, but he’s also the owner of one of the most kick-ass gyms in the country, Tyler English Fitness.

Needless to say he’s ripped, he’s strong, he knows how to get people into shape, and he’s easily one of my “go to” sources for sound training advice.

I thought this article on density training was on point, and something I’ve been playing around with myself with the programs I write.

Pop Tarts and Beauty Queens: It’s Time for a Reality Check Concerning Fitness Selfies and Food Porn Shared Across Social Media – Scott Tousignant

I linked to this article the other day in my blog, but in case people glossed over it I wanted to highlight it here. It’s excellent.

Everyone knows someone who’s seemingly in love with themselves, and who shares an annoyingly number of “selfies” on social media.  Just take the total number of pictures I’ve shared of my cat on this website, multiply that by number of times Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have “broken up,” and then multiply that by infinity.  That annoying.

Well, things aren’t always what the seem.

The Not So Ugly Truth About Gluten – TC Luoma

Nowadays if you’re caught eaten gluten you’re basically lumped into Satanism.

Celiac Disease is REAL, it’s something that sucks and affects thousands of people, and it shouldn’t be taken lightly.

That said this was an excellent piece of writing by TC which helps bring the alarmist level back to the middle.  Thank you TC!!!

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: Autoregulation, Busting Through Plateaus, and Probiotics

Unfortunately I have to keep this one pretty short today.  Lisa’s dad and step-mother flew into town yesterday from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and after taking them out to a nice dinner, we all walked back to our apartment where Amanda (Lisa’s step-mother), busted out her iPad so that we could all play Ellen DeGeneres’ game Heads Up.

For those unfamiliar (which was the case with me less than twelve hours ago), it’s simply a word guessing game where your friends try to get you to say the word on the screen by giving you hints. Only with Heads Up, you hold the phone or iPad above your head and it records video of your friend giving hints. You have sixty seconds to guess as many words as you can.

It’s basically Blind Man’s Bluff meets charades, but with video.

And let me just say it’s sooooooooooo addicting.  Lets just put in this way:  there may or may not exist video of me imitating Forrest Gump, a Canadian, and Elmo.

Not to brag or anything, but my Forrest Gump is pretty spot on.  And, surprisingly, my Elmo wasn’t too shabby either.  At one point I had Lisa crying in laughter.

So basically this was just a long-winded way of saying that we slept in this AM, and here’s some stuff you should check out:

How You Feel is NOT a Lie  – David Dellanave

Outside of having one of the most epic mustaches in human history (^^^), David is also the owner of Movement Minneapolis, as well as someone who’s long championed the sentiment of auto-regulation.

We’ve all been there. Some days we feel like rock stars heading into the gym. while on others we feel like we’ve gotten run over by a mack truck.

With respects to the latter, is it best to suck it up and train anyways?

Sometimes, yes.  Sometimes, no.  But according to David…….usually no.  But that doesn’t mean curling up on the couch and catching up on episodes of Teen Mom.

It may just mean nixing your planned workout and going with Plan B or C instead.

Coincidentally Plan C almost always entails some form of bicep curls.  Just sayin……

5 Strength Training Techniques For Busting Through Strength, Fat Loss, and Muscle Building Plateaus – Nia Shanks

I <3 Nia.

That is all.

The Scary Truth About Probiotics – TC Luoma

In this well written and well researched editorial piece, TC dives into some of the research behind the efficacy of probiotics. We’re literally just scraping the tip of the iceberg as far as understanding the role that bacteria play in our gut, but you’d be hard pressed to get that notion from all the hippie naturopaths out there claiming to know otherwise.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: Sleep Quality, Supplement Confusion, and Nutrition Gurus

I think I’ve got a pretty epic blog brewing for all of you that, if all goes to plan, should be posted by either tomorrow or early next week.  I still have a bit of tinkering to do with it, but I think it will be well worth the wait. And while I’ve never been one to toot my own horn (except for like once a week) it could very well win me a Pulitzer Prize for best piece of literature ever written.  Give or take.

Assuming, of course, I’m able perform a miracle and do so without spelling something wrong or use the word they’re when I meant their.  Or is it there?

Crap! I always get them confused.

Anyways, slight exaggerations notwithstanding, I plan on posting my latest installment on The (New) New Rules of Lifting for Women, and this time I’m going to delve into the topic of the scale and whether or not I feel it’s a good tool to use to judge progress.

So, stay tuned for that one.  In the meantime, here’s some other stuff to read.

Fascinating Facts About Sleep – TC Luoma

Thankfully I’ve never had any issues falling asleep, or staying asleep for that matter.  I know there are a lot of people out there who aren’t quite as lucky and are walking around like zombies day in and day completely sleep deprived.

Don’t believe me?  If any of these have happened to you within the past year, it’s a safe bet you’re not getting enough sleep:

1.  You showed up to work without any pants on.

2.  You kissed the toaster good-bye this morning and not your significant other.

3.  You brushed your teeth with foot cream and didn’t even bat an eye.

Unfortunately many people are just too wired before heading to bed, which makes falling asleep all the more challenging.  I for one have a set ritual:

– I try to turn off all screens an hour before bed.  Which means no tv and no checking emails.

– I cap off the night with a cup of mint hernal tea and some ZMA.

– Once it’s time for bed, I crawl into my Transformer PJs, turn on my fan (white noise), close all the shades and curtains, and read for a good 30 minutes.

It’s like my body knows the ritual, and by the time I turn my light off I’m asleep within a few minutes and dreaming about becoming BFFs with The Rock as we fight crime on the streets with our fire-breathing dragons.  Gotta love ZMA dreams!

But like I said, there are many people out there who don’t have this luxury.  There’s a real struggle for many out there to not only get to sleep, but stay asleep, which is going to have long-stemming ramifications on things like T-levels and just overall quality of life.

I felt this article by TC was a fascinating (hence the word in the title) look into the history of sleep.  Apparently, we’re doing it wrong….;o)

We’ve Solved 90% of Supplement Confusion – The Guys Over at

With 17,000+ citations it’s a safe bet that both Sol Orwell and Kurtis Frank have looked underneath every rock and barked up every tree to provide what’s arguably the most complete database of supplement reviews on the web.

What works?  What doesn’t?  What makes you piss out your ass for three days?  Is Creatine worth taking?  What benefits does fish oil really provide?  And what the heck is Yohimbe?

All the answers are here, at your finger tips.

Well played, fellas.  Well played.

Cue slow clap here.

Opinion Stew – Dr. David Katz

Isn’t it funny (or more appropriately unfortunate) that anyone can be a nutrition guru?  Seemingly anyone who has an opinion – or happened to lose 20 lbs last month – is somehow an expert when it comes to nutrition.

It’s crazy.

To quote the good doc himself, “For now, anyone who shares opinions about nutrition or weight loudly and often enough — or cleverly enough — is embraced as an authority, with no one generally even asking what if any training they’ve had.”

In this awesome opinion piece, Dr. Katz speaks some well needed truth.