I have a sleeping baby on hand so no time for wordsmithery and introductory foreplay this morning. Lets get right into things.
Oh, wait: blog topics. Anyone have any suggestions? I need help.
Okay, lets get right into things.

1. Strong Body-Strong Mind – Boston
Next weekend, Saturday, August 5th my wife, Dr. Lisa Lisa Lewis, and I will be hosting our Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop here in Boston.
Like, IN Boston.
There’s no workshop out there catered for fitness professionals that deals with both mindset/mental strategy skills – helping to build rapport, competency, and autonomy with clients/athletes – and exercise technique and assessment.
So, why not combine the two?
There are still a few remaining spots left so if you need some CEUs or want to come to a cool city to hang out and talk about the Transtheoretical Theory of Change or upper extremity assessment like a motherfucking boss, lets do it.
Here’s the itinerary1
To purchase you can go HERE.
2) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando
Our Vancouver shindig in April sold out, but Dean and I have recently announced a stop in Orlando, FL later this year, October 21-22nd at Spark Fitness.
I’ve never been to Orlando. There’s no way in hell I’m visiting Disney World.
You can go HERE for more details and to sign up.
HEADS UP: We’ve also added Boston into the mix later this year. Not Burlington, MA Boston or Beverly Boston. Like IN Boston… in the heart of the city Boston at AMP Fitness.
If you’re super excited and want to sign-up early you can go HERE.
Stuff to Read
10 Daily Habits of Healthy Lifters – T-Nation Coaches
I had the opportunity to chime in on this article on T-Nation asking a bunch of coaches what are some daily habits they use themselves or suggest their clients use to lead healthier lifestyles.
Do It Better: Bench Press – Jennifer Blake
I really liked this one from Jen who’s an excellent powerlifting coach. Plus it’s an article on the bench press, what’s not to like?
Why Everyone Hates Personal Trainers – TC Luoma
I don’t know if it was on purpose, but the fact the picture above was used as the lead in to this article says it all.
Spotting a DB press by the elbows is fucking moronic, and any trainer who does should be forced to walk off a plank into Mordor. Or Sparta kicked in the chest. Either one is appropriate.
However, this line from the article says it all:
“Oh, and why do you always have fat people do triceps kickbacks? Could anything be less effectual for weight loss and/or conditioning?”
Social Media Shenanigans
Sometimes the best coaching is to just shut up & let clients/athletes figure things out for themselves.
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) July 24, 2017
8:30am: Registration & Coffee
9:00am: Lisa & Tony Welcome and Review of the Day
9:20am: Lisa – Motivation, Coach and Client Characteristics
10:00am: Mid-Morning Break
10:15am: Lisa – Psych Skills for Trainers and Coaches, Transtheoretical Model of Change, Motivational Interviewing, Client-Centered Coaching
12:30pm: Lunch
1:30pm: Tony – Hands-on & Lecture Upper Extremity Assessment, Correctives, Shoulder Friendly Strength Training
3:00pm: Lower Extremity Assessment, Correctives, Hip Hinge, Squat, Program Design
5:00pm: Questions, Wrap-Up, CEUs, Light Saber Battle Shadow Dancing