The FitCast – Shelter in Place
Some of you may recall that circa 2008-2009 I was one of the co-hosts of The FitCast alongside Kevin Larrabee, Leigh Peele, and Jonathan Fass.
Kevin figured it would be nice to reconnect the old gang to serve as a bit of an escape for everyone else during this shit-show of a time.
And, not for nothing: this ended up being EPISODE #500.
Congrats Kevin!
We ended up recording for close to two hours with an EPIC off-topic section at the end (SPOILER ALERT: Star Wars beat down ensues).
Anyway, I hope you enjoy (and here’s hoping Kevin decides to record a few more episodes with the four of us again. Pester him….haha).
Download/listen on iTunes – HERE
On the FitCast Network – HERE
The Grafters Podcast
I enjoy every podcast I am invited on to, but this one in particular was a delight take part in. The Grafters podcast is hosted by Chris Kershaw and Reanne Francis who are both personal trainers located in Leeds, UK.
In this episode we discuss what it’s been like to navigate the apocalypse (COVID-19) and what I have done to “pivot” my business. In addition we go into some of the mental gymnastics surrounding helping our clients/athletes during this weird, weird time.
Give it a listen (what else are you going to do?)
Download/listen via iTunes – HERE
Spotify – HERE