CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 2/6/15

Another week, another foot of snow here in New England. I grew up in Central NY, and have lived in the northeast my entire life so I know what a lot of snow is and I’m not of those people who complains about it.

It’s like people who live in Florida complaining about the humidity or Tom Brady complaining about having the greatest life, ever.

But good grief….they’re saying we may get another foot this weekend.

Which makes me all the more pumped for my trip to Australia in less than a month. As a quick reminder I’ll be heading “down under” in early March to put on not one, but TWO workshops. a 2-Day event in Ballina, NSW the weekend of March 7th-8th, in addition to a 1-Day event in Sydney on Saturday, March 14th.

Details including locations, cost, the over/under I’ll even touch the ocean with my big toe1, and sign-up information can be found HERE.

I also wanted to remind people that registration is still open for the 2nd Annual SUNY Cortland Strength & Conditioning Symposium (March 28th). I’ll be hitting up my alma mater (and doing my best General Zod impersonation…..KNEEL BEFORE ME!) along with Nick Tumminello, Mark Fisher, John Gaglione, and Joy Victoria for what will undoubtedly be a day full of mind melting.

Details can be found HERE.

How to Win an Argument With a Vegan – Kris Gunnars

Pew, pew, pew. Shots fired. Shots fired!

I’ll make the same statement as the author: I have nothing against vegans or vegetarians. If someone chooses not to eat meat for environmental, health, or ethical reasons…far be it from me to pass judgement.

Although I do find it comical that there are many vegan or vegetarian food options that mimic the foods they’re so adamantly against. Tofurkey burger anyone?

Looks like a hamburger and tastes like turkey. Hmmmmmm.

Anyways, what my main beef (<— LOL, awesome pun) is with some pundits is their claim that all animal protein is unhealthy, which is absurd. This article explains why.

Power to the SHE – Christa Vancini Doran

I am all about messages that help and encourage women to challenge themselves (namely in the gym). I hate pretty much every message the mainstream media attempts to throw in women’s faces – lean and long, tone, thigh gap, lose inches in days, weights make you big and bulky, blah blah blah blah –  all in the name of selling a product or sex appeal.

I understand sex sells – I’m not a moron – but how it’s delivered in the realm of health and fitness is lame IMO.

I’m a huge fan of Christa and the culture she’s built at her facility. Ladies, THIS is the type of person you should follow and learn from; not some overly hyped, narcissistic, selfie-taking nimrod who’s only claim to fame is having the world’s most exaggerated case of anterior pelvic tilt.

Squats: Fold-Ability and Proportion – Tom Purvis

I felt this was a fantastic, quick video on squat mechanics and how taking into consideration each person’s anthropometry and leverages will dictate what their squat will look like. Definitely worth five minutes of your time.